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TED Radio Hour / Relationship Repair | TED Radio Hour

Relationship Repair | TED Radio Hour

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In this episode of the TED Radio Hour, titled “Relationship Repair,” experts and individuals share insights on repairing and strengthening the bonds we have with our loved ones, ourselves, and the planet. From parenting approaches to repairing relationships with adult children, from embracing death as a natural part of life to indigenous-led approaches to caring for the land, this episode explores various aspects of relationship repair.

Main Takeaways

Repairing Parent-Child Relationships

  • The good side approach to parenting, created by Dr. Becky Kennedy, focuses on building skills and empathy rather than punishment and reward.
  • Repairing relationships with children involves positive reinforcement, no judgment, and validating their emotions.
  • Modeling accountability and responsibility as a parent sets the stage for healthy adult relationships.

Repairing Relationships with Adult Children

  • Repairing relationships with adult children is never too late and can have a lifelong impact.
  • A 15-second intervention can lead to positive outcomes in relationship repair.
  • Replacing self-blame with self-trust and safety can upgrade relationships significantly.

Embracing Death and Dying

  • Accepting death as a natural part of life can lead to a more peaceful relationship with it.
  • Death doulas provide support and resources for individuals at the end of their lives and their loved ones.
  • Reclaiming the word “death” helps foster open conversations about dying and end-of-life care.

Indigenous-Led Approaches to Caring for the Land

  • Pairing indigenous people with lands that need protecting can repair our relationship with the planet.
  • Indigenous guardians play a vital role in monitoring water quality, protecting areas, and restoring species.
  • Indigenous-led approaches to land management can create a better future for all.


Repairing Parent-Child Relationships

Dr. Becky Kennedy’s good side approach to parenting emphasizes building skills and empathy rather than punishment and reward. By using positive reinforcement, avoiding judgment, and validating children’s emotions, parents can repair relationships and create a more positive family dynamic. Modeling accountability and responsibility as a parent sets the stage for healthy adult relationships.

Repairing Relationships with Adult Children

Repairing relationships with adult children is never too late. Even a 15-second intervention can have a lifelong impact. By replacing self-blame with self-trust and safety, relationships can experience a significant upgrade. Taking responsibility for one’s behavior and modeling accountability create a foundation for healthy adult relationships.

Embracing Death and Dying

Accepting death as a natural part of life can lead to a more peaceful relationship with it. Death doulas provide invaluable support and resources for individuals at the end of their lives and their loved ones. By reclaiming the word “death” and fostering open conversations about dying and end-of-life care, we can build a healthier relationship with this inevitable part of life.

Indigenous-Led Approaches to Caring for the Land

Pairing indigenous people with lands in need of protection can repair our relationship with the planet. Indigenous guardians play a crucial role in monitoring water quality, protecting areas, and restoring species. By embracing indigenous-led approaches to land management, we can create a better future for all, as 80% of the world’s remaining biodiversity is located on indigenous-managed lands.


Relationship repair is essential in various aspects of our lives, from parenting to adult relationships, from embracing death to caring for the planet. By adopting approaches that prioritize empathy, accountability, and responsibility, we can create stronger and more fulfilling connections with our loved ones, ourselves, and the world around us.

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