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Revolutions / – Final Episode Adieu Mes Amis

Revolutions – Final Episode- Adieu Mes Amis

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In this final episode of the Revolutions podcast, the host reflects on the journey of the podcast, from its inception to its conclusion. He shares personal anecdotes, highlights key revolutions covered, and expresses gratitude to the audience.

Main Takeaways

Evolution of the Podcast

  • This is the final episode of the Revolutions podcast, which began in September 2013.
  • The idea for the podcast came from a class on the Mexican Revolution at the University of Texas.
  • The host dropped out of grad school to move to Madison and pursue podcasting full time.
  • The decision to pursue podcasting full time was not easy, as the host had always had day jobs for security.
  • The host was given one year to replace the income from a day job and make podcasting a full-time career.
  • The host left his day job to pursue podcasting as a full-time career in 2013.

The Journey of Revolutions

  • The initial plan was to create a shorter podcast series on different revolutions to avoid a sophomore slump.
  • The plan was to cover 12-15 episodes each on the English, American, French, Haitian, Simone Belivare and Spanish America, Mexico, Russia, Ireland, Cuba, Algeria, and Iran revolutions.
  • The plan broke down immediately after the first season on the English Revolution, as it was too dense and complicated to fit into 15 episodes.
  • The final product, Revolutions, ended up being 342 episodes, totaling 190 hours of content and 1.5 million words.
  • The Revolutions podcast really begins with season 3, which is about the French Revolution.
  • The podcast is ultimately about the long 19th century and the great revolutions that defined its trajectory.
  • The voice, groove, and style of the podcast are established in season 3.

Key Revolutions Covered

  • The Haitian Revolution is a significant part of the Age of Revolution, a 50-year period of political upheaval after the Seven Years War.
  • The Haitian Revolution is often left out of history, but it is practically the only revolution worthy of the name.
  • The Haitian Revolution was intimately connected to events in Europe and the Americas, showing the vast interconnectivity of all these revolutionary events.
  • The Great Democratic Revolution is tied directly to the political question of ancient and modern political virtues that were given real political force in the Enlightenment.
  • The end of the Spanish American Independence season marks the end of part one of the Revolution’s podcast, covering the English, American, French, Haitian, and Spanish American Revolutions.
  • Part two of the podcast mostly gets going with the revolutions of 1848, which are simultaneously liberal political revolutions against archaic medieval empires, but also the first time we see organized socialists and anarchists challenging the nature of capitalism and the social order.
  • The meaning of human dignity in societies rapidly transformed by the industrial revolution became the focus of the rest of the long 19th century.

Personal Reflections and Future Plans

  • The birth of the speaker’s daughter and the sale of his first book on the same day was the greatest day of his life.
  • The speaker spent months in Paris researching for a book and launching a series on the Mexican Revolution, which was one of the revolutions he knew the most about.
  • The speaker initially planned to cover 20th-century revolutions like Cuba and Iran but decided to end the series after covering the Russian Revolution.
  • The weekly deadline for the podcast took precedence over the book manuscript, causing the speaker to take a hiatus to finish the book.
  • The speaker reflects on the evolution of podcasting and his goal to still be podcasting when it becomes the norm.
  • The speaker has reached a summit and now wants to help others reach it too.
  • The speaker is thrilled to work with Alexis Co on a new project.
  • The speaker is ending the podcast Revolutions to start a new chapter.


The Journey of Revolutions

The Revolutions podcast began as an idea that stemmed from a class on the Mexican Revolution. The host took the leap to pursue podcasting full time, leaving behind the security of a day job. The initial plan was to cover multiple revolutions in shorter series, but the complexity of the English Revolution led to a change in approach. The podcast ultimately covered 342 episodes, totaling 190 hours of content and 1.5 million words. Season 3 on the French Revolution marked a significant turning point, establishing the voice and style of the podcast.

Key Revolutions Covered

The podcast delved into significant revolutions that shaped history. The Haitian Revolution, often overlooked, showcased the interconnectedness of revolutionary events across Europe and the Americas. The Great Democratic Revolution explored the political question of ancient and modern political virtues. The end of the Spanish American Independence season marked the conclusion of part one, while part two focused on the revolutions of 1848 and the social challenges of the industrial revolution.

Personal Reflections and Future Plans

The host shared personal milestones, including the birth of his daughter and the success of his book on Lafayette. He spent time in Paris researching and launching a series on the Mexican Revolution. The podcast’s journey faced challenges, such as balancing the weekly deadline with book writing. The speaker reflected on the evolution of podcasting and his desire to continue podcasting as it becomes more mainstream. Ending the Revolutions podcast marks the beginning of a new chapter, where the host aims to support others in their journeys and collaborate on new projects.


The final episode of the Revolutions podcast marks the end of a remarkable journey that explored the great revolutions of history. The host expressed gratitude to the audience and invited them to support the show. With endings come new beginnings, and the host looks forward to embarking on new ventures while cherishing the memories and lessons learned from Revolutions.

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