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Rich Habits Podcast / – 21: How To Make Your Child a Millionaire

Rich Habits Podcast – 21: How To Make Your Child a Millionaire

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The “Rich Habits Podcast” is hosted by Austin Hank Woodson and Robert Croak, who provide valuable insights and strategies for building wealth and achieving financial success. In this episode, titled “How To Make Your Child a Millionaire,” they discuss various methods and approaches to set children up for financial prosperity.

Main Takeaways

529 Plans for Education and Early Retirement

  • Explanation of the 529 plan and its benefits for parents and soon-to-be parents
  • Ability to withdraw original deposits and profits tax-free for education-related expenses
  • Opportunity to roll over excess funds into a child’s Roth IRA for early retirement savings
  • Setting up a 529 plan can provide tax-free growth and withdrawals for educational expenses from kindergarten to 12th grade
  • 529 plans can also be rolled over into a child’s Roth IRA for early retirement savings

Investment Strategies for Children

  • Custodial investment accounts can be set up for children with $100 a month invested into the S&P 500, resulting in a million-dollar account by age 55
  • Making a child an authorized user on a credit card can help them build their credit score before they turn 18
  • Compound interest is a powerful tool for wealth building and can turn a $21,000 investment into a million-dollar account over a child’s lifetime
  • Building a good credit score for your child can help them in the future
  • Some credit card providers do not report good credit score habits to your child’s credit bureaus, so make sure to call and check their requirements

Financial Education and Career Opportunities

  • Teaching financial education to your children can help them develop good habits
  • Skilled trades such as plumbing, electrical, and HVAC are in high demand and offer high ROI and growth potential
  • Tradespeople can make six figures and will continue to thrive as digital and online work becomes oversaturated
  • Investing in index funds is a solid strategy for retirement accounts, with some diversification into blue-chip stocks and alternative investments like cryptocurrency

Managing Variable Income and Budgeting

  • Building a budget with a variable income requires tracking expenses and creating a flexible spending plan
  • Prioritize saving and emergency funds to prepare for months with lower income
  • Determine your bare minimum monthly income and cover essential expenses like rent, transportation, utilities, and food
  • Figure out your debt-to-income ratio to know how much you can allocate for investment
  • Find a balance in the middle to set aside an average amount for investment during high and low-income months

Supporting the Rich Habits Podcast

  • Support the Rich Habits podcast by visiting them on Spotify and Apple, giving a great rating, and asking questions on Instagram at Rich Habits podcast


529 Plans for Education and Early Retirement

One of the key strategies discussed in the podcast is the utilization of 529 plans for education and early retirement savings. These plans allow parents to contribute funds that grow tax-free and can be withdrawn without incurring taxes for education-related expenses. Additionally, excess funds can be rolled over into a child’s Roth IRA, providing an opportunity for early retirement savings. This approach offers a tax-efficient way to support a child’s education while also laying the foundation for their financial future.

Investment Strategies for Children

The podcast highlights the potential of custodial investment accounts for children. By investing as little as $100 a month into the S&P 500, parents can help their children accumulate a million-dollar account by the time they reach age 55. Furthermore, making a child an authorized user on a credit card can assist them in building a credit score early on, which can be beneficial for their financial endeavors in the future. The power of compound interest is also emphasized, showcasing how even a relatively small initial investment can grow significantly over a child’s lifetime.

Financial Education and Career Opportunities

The importance of teaching financial education to children is stressed in the podcast. By instilling good financial habits and knowledge early on, parents can empower their children to make informed decisions and develop a healthy relationship with money. The podcast also highlights the potential for high-income and growth in skilled trades such as plumbing, electrical work, and HVAC. These trades offer excellent return on investment and can provide lucrative career paths, especially as digital and online work becomes oversaturated. Additionally, investing in index funds and diversifying into blue-chip stocks and alternative investments like cryptocurrency is presented as a solid strategy for retirement accounts.

Managing Variable Income and Budgeting

The podcast delves into the challenges of managing variable income and provides practical tips for budgeting. By tracking expenses and creating a flexible spending plan, individuals with variable income can navigate financial fluctuations more effectively. Prioritizing saving and emergency funds is emphasized to prepare for months with lower income. It is crucial to determine the bare minimum monthly income required to cover essential expenses and calculate the debt-to-income ratio to allocate an appropriate amount for investment. Striking a balance between saving and investing during high and low-income months is key to maintaining financial stability.

Supporting the Rich Habits Podcast

The podcast concludes by encouraging listeners to support the Rich Habits podcast. Listeners can show their support by visiting the podcast on platforms like Spotify and Apple, leaving positive ratings, and engaging with the hosts on Instagram at Rich Habits podcast. This support helps the podcast continue to provide valuable insights and strategies for financial success.


In this episode of the Rich Habits Podcast, Austin Hank Woodson and Robert Croak offer valuable advice on how to set children up for financial success. By utilizing strategies such as 529 plans, custodial investment accounts, and early credit score building, parents can lay the foundation for their child’s wealth and retirement. Additionally, teaching financial education, exploring lucrative career opportunities in skilled trades, and implementing sound budgeting techniques contribute to long-term financial stability. Listeners are encouraged to support the Rich Habits podcast to continue accessing valuable insights and strategies for financial success.

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