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My First Million / SaaS CEO QUIT His Job To Start A Trash Company | My First Million

SaaS CEO QUIT His Job To Start A Trash Company | My First Million

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In this episode of “My First Million,” the hosts discuss New Year’s resolutions, the importance of breaks, and the journey of a SaaS CEO who quit his job to start a trash company. They also explore marketing strategies for the trash business and share insights on air quality control products and monetizing Facebook groups. Additionally, they touch on the value of delegation, the power of saying “yes, and,” and their experience hosting a summer camp for adults. The episode offers a mix of humor, entrepreneurial inspiration, and practical advice.

Main Takeaways

New Year’s Resolutions and Breaks

  • Reflect on the past year and set goals in family, fitness, fun, and finances.
  • Consider alternative approaches like creating a “New Year’s bingo card” or focusing on anticipation rather than strict resolutions.
  • Take breaks and prioritize self-care, acknowledging the importance of rest and rejuvenation.

Starting a Trash Company

  • Spencer Scott, a SaaS CEO, noticed a trash collection issue in his neighborhood and decided to start his own trash company, Lonestar Trash.
  • He used humor and a referral program to generate sales and quickly established his business.
  • Scott analyzed the waste management industry and identified growth opportunities through data analysis and networking.
  • The hosts express interest in investing in Scott’s business and offer marketing ideas to help promote the brand.

Air Quality Control and Facebook Group Monetization

  • Air quality control products, like the Birdie air quality monitor, are predicted to become a significant trend.
  • Despite skepticism about their scientific validity, these products address growing concerns about air quality.
  • Monetizing a Facebook group with a large user base can be challenging, and the hosts discuss strategies to reboot and capitalize on such opportunities.

Summer Camp for Adults and Saying “Yes, And”

  • The hosts share their experience hosting a summer camp for adults as an alternative to traditional conferences.
  • They invite notable guests, foster a playful and competitive environment, and create unique networking opportunities.
  • The power of saying “yes, and” is highlighted, emphasizing the potential for positive outcomes and personal growth.


New Year’s Resolutions and Breaks

The episode begins with a discussion on New Year’s resolutions and the importance of breaks. The hosts encourage listeners to reflect on the past year and set goals in various areas of life, such as family, fitness, fun, and finances. They explore alternative approaches to traditional resolutions, suggesting the creation of a “New Year’s bingo card” or focusing on anticipation rather than strict commitments. The hosts emphasize the need for breaks and self-care, acknowledging that rest and rejuvenation are essential for personal well-being and success.

Starting a Trash Company

The episode dives into the fascinating journey of Spencer Scott, a SaaS CEO who decided to start a trash company called Lonestar Trash. Scott noticed a trash collection issue in his neighborhood and used humor and a referral program to generate sales. He quickly established his business and analyzed the waste management industry to identify growth opportunities. The hosts express interest in investing in Scott’s business and offer marketing ideas, such as unique bin designs and using the trucks as marketing assets.

Air Quality Control and Facebook Group Monetization

The episode explores the potential rise of air quality control products, citing the Birdie air quality monitor as an example. While the hosts express skepticism about their scientific validity, they acknowledge the appeal of such products in addressing health concerns. They also discuss the challenges of monetizing a Facebook group with a large user base, providing strategies to reboot and capitalize on the opportunity. The hosts suggest leveraging platforms like TikTok and crowd-sourcing branding ideas to create engaging content and maintain community value.

Summer Camp for Adults and Saying “Yes, And”

The hosts share their experience hosting a summer camp for adults, offering a unique and playful alternative to traditional conferences. They invite notable guests, create a competitive and fun environment, and facilitate networking opportunities. The power of saying “yes, and” is emphasized, highlighting the potential for positive outcomes and personal growth when embracing new experiences and ideas. The hosts express excitement about the event and the opportunity to recap the experience in future episodes.


This episode of “My First Million” covers a range of topics, from New Year’s resolutions and breaks to starting a trash company and exploring air quality control products. The hosts provide entrepreneurial inspiration, practical advice, and humorous anecdotes. Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their goals, embrace new opportunities, and approach life with a sense of humor and curiosity. With its mix of entertainment and valuable insights, this episode promises to engage and inspire aspiring entrepreneurs and individuals seeking personal growth.

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