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The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett / Sadhguru (World’s No.1 Guru) PREDICTS: “There Is A Mental Health Pandemic Coming! & We Are On The Brink Of Extinction!” | The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

Sadhguru (World’s No.1 Guru) PREDICTS: “There Is A Mental Health Pandemic Coming! & We Are On The Brink Of Extinction!” | The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

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In this episode of “The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett,” Steven interviews Sadhguru, the world’s number one guru. Sadhguru aims to raise every human being to the peak of their potential and shares his insights on mental health, human consciousness, and the importance of reconnecting with nature.

Main Takeaways

The Mental Health Pandemic

  • The World Health Organization predicts a mental health pandemic is coming.
  • Sadhguru emphasizes the importance of addressing mental health issues.
  • Trauma can make you either wise or wounded.
  • There are 72 varieties of psychological ailments.
  • Compulsive behavior is the root of all psychological problems.

Expanding Human Consciousness

  • Humans have an intrinsic desire to expand limitlessly and don’t like boundaries.
  • Material success can be a diversionary tactic from the instinct of survival and the longing to expand within oneself.
  • Raising human consciousness is the means to become boundless expansion.
  • The fundamental wrong is identifying with things that are not you.
  • Training oneself to live blissed out requires a step-by-step approach.

The Importance of Inner Engineering

  • Understanding the mechanism of our thoughts is key to achieving happiness.
  • Paying attention to ourselves is like reading the user’s manual for our own body.
  • Turning our hands around can alter the way we breathe and our life energy’s function.
  • Our sense organs are outward bound and are survival instruments, not enhancers of life.
  • To perceive within ourselves, we need to turn inward and learn to scan ourselves to enhance our lives.

The Impact of Technology and Nature

  • Living in a virtual world and disconnecting from nature contributes to mental illness.
  • The extinction of insects, worms, and microbes can lead to the collapse of human nourishment and ultimately, human life.
  • Lack of nourishment in food can lead to psychological ailments.
  • Humanity should be driven by humanity itself, rather than values, morality, or commandments.


Addressing the Mental Health Pandemic and Expanding Human Consciousness

Sadhguru believes that a mental health pandemic is imminent, and it is essential to address mental health issues. Trauma can either make individuals wise or wounded, and there are various psychological ailments rooted in compulsive behavior. To expand human consciousness, it is important to go beyond material success and identify with one’s true self. Raising human consciousness is a step-by-step process that requires inner engineering and understanding the mechanism of thoughts.

The Importance of Inner Engineering and Reconnecting with Nature

Inner engineering involves paying attention to oneself and turning inward to enhance life. By scanning ourselves and altering our breath and life energy’s function, we can achieve a higher level of pleasantness. Sadhguru emphasizes the significance of reconnecting with nature and warns against living in a virtual world. The extinction of essential organisms and the lack of nourishment in food can lead to psychological ailments. Humanity should be driven by humanity itself, prioritizing joyfulness and creating a loving perspective towards everything.


Sadhguru’s insights shed light on the impending mental health pandemic and the importance of expanding human consciousness. Through inner engineering and reconnecting with nature, individuals can achieve happiness and enhance their lives. It is crucial for humanity to prioritize mental well-being and strive for a harmonious coexistence with the natural world.

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