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The Narcissistic Abuse & Trauma Recovery Podcast / Seasonal Loneliness From Narcissistic Abuse | The Narcissistic Abuse & Trauma Recovery Podcast

Seasonal Loneliness From Narcissistic Abuse | The Narcissistic Abuse & Trauma Recovery Podcast

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In this episode of “The Narcissistic Abuse & Trauma Recovery Podcast,” the host shares her personal experience of being in an abusive relationship with a covert narcissist for 12 years. The podcast aims to provide awareness, understanding, and education about the devastating effects of narcissistic abuse, offering hope and support to survivors. In this particular episode, the host addresses the challenges of seasonal loneliness for survivors and provides reassurance that these feelings are not permanent.

Main Takeaways

Impact of Narcissistic Abuse on Self-Worth

  • The host shares a conversation from her free group, where some women expressed feeling unattractive and diminished due to their age and relationship status, highlighting the impact of abuse on self-worth.
  • Emphasizes that worth is not tied to being in a romantic relationship and encourages listeners to find joy, laughter, and connection regardless of their relationship status.
  • The story we tell ourselves about being old and unwanted is a protective mechanism to avoid another painful relationship.
  • Our brain and body are wired for survival and pleasure, so if we associate relationships with pain, we won’t want to be in one.
  • Changing the story we tell ourselves is crucial for healing and self-worth, regardless of relationship status.

Healing and Starting Fresh

  • Reflecting on the past year and moving towards a new one can be overwhelming, but there are ways to start fresh.
  • Hosting a virtual rage release retreat from January 15th to 17th to help individuals release suppressed emotions and provide techniques and tools for healing.
  • The retreat will include exercises, live sessions, and utilize somatic work to address emotional wounds and provide a safe, non-judgmental space for healing.
  • The speaker discusses how to shift from freeze to fight or flight response in the nervous system.
  • Suppressing emotions can slow down the natural healing process.
  • Expressing rage and anger in a healthy way is important for emotional well-being.
  • The speaker invites everyone to join the rage release retreat, which is open to men and women.

Ongoing Healing and Self-Work

  • Suppressing rage and anger can lead to chronic illnesses such as IBS, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune disorders.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of ongoing healing and self-work.
  • The journey of healing is ongoing, and there’s always something to work on.
  • The podcast will be rebranded to focus on narcissism and trauma, bringing in new interviewees and exploring trauma-related issues.
  • Healing is not about changing others but about understanding and taking ownership of one’s feelings and behaviors.
  • Committing to personal healing in 2024 is emphasized, and the importance of not abandoning oneself is highlighted.

Support and Connection

  • You’re not alone in your journey, join the community for support and connection.
  • Exciting things are coming for both men and women in the community.
  • There’s light at the end of the tunnel, even if it seems distant now.
  • You can move from surviving to thriving after narcissistic abuse.
  • Connect on Instagram, join the Facebook group, or reach out via email for support.


The Impact of Narcissistic Abuse on Self-Worth

The host shares a conversation from her free group, where some women expressed feeling unattractive and diminished due to their age and relationship status. This highlights the impact of abuse on self-worth. The story we tell ourselves about being old and unwanted is a protective mechanism to avoid another painful relationship. Our brain and body are wired for survival and pleasure, so if we associate relationships with pain, we won’t want to be in one. Changing the story we tell ourselves is crucial for healing and self-worth, regardless of relationship status.

Healing and Starting Fresh

Reflecting on the past year and moving towards a new one can be overwhelming, but there are ways to start fresh. The host is hosting a virtual rage release retreat from January 15th to 17th to help individuals release suppressed emotions and provide techniques and tools for healing. The retreat will include exercises, live sessions, and utilize somatic work to address emotional wounds and provide a safe, non-judgmental space for healing. The speaker discusses how to shift from freeze to fight or flight response in the nervous system. Suppressing emotions can slow down the natural healing process, so expressing rage and anger in a healthy way is important for emotional well-being. The speaker invites everyone to join the rage release retreat, which is open to men and women.

Ongoing Healing and Self-Work

Suppressing rage and anger can lead to chronic illnesses such as IBS, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune disorders. The speaker emphasizes the importance of ongoing healing and self-work. The journey of healing is ongoing, and there’s always something to work on. The podcast will be rebranded to focus on narcissism and trauma, bringing in new interviewees and exploring trauma-related issues. Healing is not about changing others but about understanding and taking ownership of one’s feelings and behaviors. Committing to personal healing in 2024 is emphasized, and the importance of not abandoning oneself is highlighted.

Support and Connection

You’re not alone in your journey, join the community for support and connection. Exciting things are coming for both men and women in the community. There’s light at the end of the tunnel, even if it seems distant now. You can move from surviving to thriving after narcissistic abuse. Connect on Instagram, join the Facebook group, or reach out via email for support.


Seasonal loneliness can be particularly challenging for survivors of narcissistic abuse, but it’s important to remember that these feelings are not permanent. The impact of abuse on self-worth and the importance of changing the narrative we tell ourselves are key takeaways from this episode. Additionally, the host emphasizes the significance of ongoing healing and self-work, offering a virtual rage release retreat as a valuable resource for individuals seeking healing and emotional well-being. Ultimately, the podcast provides a supportive community for survivors to connect and thrive.

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