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Stuff You Should Know / Selects: History’s Greatest Traitors | Stuff You Should Know

Selects: History’s Greatest Traitors | Stuff You Should Know

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In this episode of the “Stuff You Should Know” podcast, hosts Amy Robock and TJ Holmes discuss the intriguing topic of history’s greatest traitors. They explore the lasting impact of being associated with treachery and share stories of well-known traitors throughout history. From Benedict Arnold to Judas Iscariot, this episode delves into the motivations and consequences of betrayal.

Main Takeaways

Tragic Tales of Benedict Arnold

  • Benedict Arnold’s name has become synonymous with betrayal due to his actions during the American Revolutionary War.
  • Arnold was born into wealth but faced financial hardships due to his family’s misfortunes.
  • Despite his initial support for the American cause, Arnold eventually switched sides and joined the British Army.
  • His story serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of betrayal and treachery.

The Assassination of Julius Caesar

  • Cassius and Brutus led the assassination against Julius Caesar, despite having been pardoned and given positions of power by him.
  • Cassius manipulated Brutus by fabricating evidence and letters to convince him that Rome was turning into a dictatorship.
  • Caesar was stabbed 23 times, with only one stab being fatal, and famously uttered the words “Et tu, Brute?” when he saw Brutus among his assassins.
  • The differing views on Judas’s character demonstrate the complexity of historical interpretations and translations.

The Betrayal of Judas Iscariot

  • Judas Iscariot famously betrayed Jesus with a kiss, leading to his arrest and crucifixion.
  • The gospel of Judas portrays him as a facilitator of Jesus’ destiny, but scholars have issues with its translation.
  • Judas’s name has become synonymous with betrayal, entering the lexicon as a term for treachery.

Other Notable Traitors in History

  • The episode also touches on the stories of Matahari, Vidkun Quisling, and Iva Toguri, who were all accused of treason but had varying degrees of guilt and involvement.
  • These stories highlight the complexity of historical interpretations and the consequences of being labeled a traitor.


Tragic Tales of Benedict Arnold

The hosts delve into the life of Benedict Arnold, a figure who is synonymous with betrayal. Born into wealth, Arnold’s family faced financial ruin due to bad business dealings. Despite his initial support for the American cause during the Revolutionary War, Arnold eventually switched sides and joined the British Army. His actions have left a lasting impact, with his name becoming synonymous with betrayal.

The Assassination of Julius Caesar

The hosts explore the infamous assassination of Julius Caesar by Cassius and Brutus. Despite being pardoned and given positions of power by Caesar, Cassius and Brutus led the assassination due to their own motivations and manipulations. Caesar’s stabbing, including the involvement of Brutus, is a well-known historical event that has been depicted in literature and art for centuries.

The Betrayal of Judas Iscariot

Judas Iscariot’s betrayal of Jesus is one of the most well-known acts of treachery in history. The hosts discuss the differing interpretations of Judas’s character, with some sources portraying him as a facilitator of Jesus’ destiny. However, his name has become synonymous with betrayal, and the term “Judas Kiss” is often used to refer to acts of treachery.

Other Notable Traitors in History

The episode also touches on the stories of Matahari, Vidkun Quisling, and Iva Toguri, who were all accused of treason but had varying degrees of guilt and involvement. These stories highlight the complexity of historical interpretations and the consequences of being labeled a traitor.


History’s greatest traitors have left a lasting impact on the collective consciousness. From Benedict Arnold to Judas Iscariot, their actions have become synonymous with betrayal. These stories serve as cautionary tales, reminding us of the consequences of treachery and the enduring legacy of those associated with it.

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