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Science vs / SelfCare: Can You Hack Your Mood? | Science vs

Self-Care: Can You Hack Your Mood? | Science vs

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In this episode of the “Science vs” podcast, the host explores the science behind self-care practices like cold water immersion, gratitude journaling, and talking to strangers. The episode features insights from experts and provides 77 citations for further exploration.

Main Takeaways

Cold Water Immersion

  • Cold water can activate the body’s natural healing processes.
  • Cold water immersion triggers a cold shock response, leading to changes in breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate.
  • Cold water immersion can increase dopamine levels by 250% and noradrenaline by 530%.
  • Cold water swimming can improve mood, reduce stress, and have a positive impact on well-being.
  • Physiological reasons may prevent some individuals from experiencing the benefits of cold water swimming.
  • Cold water swimming should be approached with caution for individuals with heart conditions.
  • Social media should not prescribe cold water swimming as a universal activity.

Gratitude Journaling

  • Gratitude journaling involves awareness, appreciation, and attribution.
  • Writing gratitude letters can improve mental health and the effects can last up to six months.
  • Expressing gratitude can shift attention away from negative emotions and boost positivity.
  • Practicing gratitude can make individuals more empathetic and improve relationships.
  • Gratitude can reduce negativity and improve workplace dynamics.
  • Gratitude extends beyond the original benefactor and can inspire acts of kindness.

Talking to Strangers

  • Talking to strangers can improve well-being and social connections.
  • Engaging in conversations with strangers on public transportation or in public spaces can have positive effects.
  • Studies have found that talking to strangers can boost mood and overall well-being.


The Science Behind Self-Care Practices

Self-care practices like cold water immersion, gratitude journaling, and talking to strangers have scientific backing. Cold water immersion activates the body’s natural healing processes and can improve mood by increasing dopamine and noradrenaline levels. Gratitude journaling shifts attention away from negativity and boosts positivity, leading to improved mental health and relationships. Engaging in conversations with strangers can enhance social connections and overall well-being.

The Benefits and Considerations of Cold Water Immersion

Cold water immersion, such as cold water swimming, has been shown to have positive effects on mood and well-being. However, physiological factors may affect individuals’ ability to experience these benefits. Caution should be exercised, especially for individuals with heart conditions. Social media should not promote cold water swimming as a universal activity without considering individual circumstances.

The Power of Gratitude Journaling

Gratitude journaling, through practices like writing gratitude letters, can significantly improve mental health and well-being. Expressing gratitude shifts attention away from negative emotions and fosters empathy and better relationships. Workplace dynamics can also be positively influenced by gratitude. Gratitude extends beyond the original benefactor and can inspire acts of kindness towards others.

The Positive Impact of Talking to Strangers

Talking to strangers, whether on public transportation or in public spaces, can have a significant positive impact on well-being and social connections. Engaging in conversations with strangers can boost mood and create a sense of connection with others. These interactions can be a valuable form of self-care, especially for individuals who may not have many close relationships.


The science behind self-care practices like cold water immersion, gratitude journaling, and talking to strangers highlights their potential to improve mental and physical health. However, it is important to consider individual circumstances and consult with healthcare professionals when necessary. Incorporating these practices into daily routines can contribute to overall well-being and enhance social connections.

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