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Stuff You Should Know / Short Stuff: NYT Bestseller List | Stuff You Should Know

Short Stuff: NYT Bestseller List | Stuff You Should Know

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In this episode of “Stuff You Should Know,” Josh and Chuck discuss the New York Times bestseller list and the tactics authors use to land on it. They also delve into the podcast “Murder 101,” which follows a group of high school students researching unsolved murders. Join Josh and Chuck as they explore the world of bestsellers and the controversies surrounding them.

Main Takeaways

The New York Times Bestseller List

  • The New York Times bestseller list is the industry standard for book success.
  • The list has multiple categories and measures different sales types.
  • It includes fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books, divided into subcategories.
  • There are 11 weekly lists and seven monthly lists, separated by categories and subcategories.

The Methodology and Controversies

  • The New York Times keeps their data sources confidential to prevent manipulation and maintain the integrity of their bestseller list.
  • Some in the publishing industry doubt the accuracy of the sales data provided to the New York Times.
  • The methodology remains secretive, similar to the formula for Coca-Cola.
  • Sales data is just one factor in determining bestseller rankings, and the rest is undisclosed.

Podcasts Mentioned

  • The podcast “Murder 101” follows a group of high school students researching a string of unsolved murders from the mid-1980s.
  • “Sibling Revelry with Kate Hudson and Oliver Hudson” explores heartwarming and humorous stories about sibling connections.

Tactics to Land on the Bestseller List

  • Pre-orders play a significant role in landing on bestseller lists, as they get rolled up into the week one sales.
  • Authors use various tactics to increase their book sales, including giveaways, speaking engagements, and even hiring companies to buy copies of their books to create the appearance of organic sales.
  • Unethical practices like book laundering, where authors pay companies to buy copies of their books, are used to boost sales and land on bestseller lists.
  • The New York Times bestseller list can be manipulated through bulk purchases from different booksellers.


The New York Times Bestseller List: The Industry Standard for Book Success

The New York Times bestseller list is the benchmark for book success, encompassing various categories and subcategories. It serves as a guide for readers and a measure of an author’s popularity and sales. With weekly and monthly lists, the New York Times covers a wide range of genres, catering to different readers’ interests.

The Methodology and Controversies Surrounding the Bestseller List

The New York Times keeps its data sources confidential to prevent manipulation and maintain the list’s integrity. However, some within the publishing industry question the accuracy of the sales data provided. The methodology remains secretive, similar to the closely guarded formula for Coca-Cola. While sales data is a factor in determining rankings, the other criteria remain undisclosed, leading to debates and speculation.

Exploring Podcasts: “Murder 101” and “Sibling Revelry”

The podcast “Murder 101” captivates listeners with its investigation into a string of unsolved murders from the mid-1980s. It follows a group of high school students who created profiles for the killer, providing a gripping and intriguing storyline. On the other hand, “Sibling Revelry with Kate Hudson and Oliver Hudson” explores heartwarming and humorous stories about sibling connections, celebrating the ties that bind us.

Tactics Used to Land on the Bestseller List

Authors employ various tactics to increase their book sales and secure a spot on the bestseller list. Pre-orders play a significant role as they contribute to week one sales, which are crucial for making the list. Authors also utilize giveaways, speaking engagements, and even hire companies to purchase copies of their books, creating the illusion of organic sales. However, unethical practices like book laundering, where authors pay companies to buy their books in bulk, are employed to manipulate the list.


The New York Times bestseller list holds immense influence in the publishing world, acting as a barometer of success. While it remains shrouded in secrecy, authors employ various strategies to secure their spot on the list. However, controversies and unethical practices cast a shadow over the integrity of the rankings. As listeners, we can explore captivating podcasts like “Murder 101” and “Sibling Revelry” to uncover intriguing stories and celebrate the power of storytelling.

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