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Stuff You Should Know / Short Stuff: The Zipper Merge | Stuff You Should Know

Short Stuff: The Zipper Merge | Stuff You Should Know

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In this episode of “Stuff You Should Know,” the hosts explore the concept of the zipper merge, a method of merging lanes that can help prevent traffic congestion. They discuss the traditional method of merging early and the alternative zipper merge system, sharing conflicting opinions on its effectiveness.

Main Takeaways

Benefits of Zipper Merge

  • Zipper merging effectively cuts congestion by 40% and reduces crashes.
  • When done correctly, zipper merging can be beneficial for traffic flow.

Challenges of Zipper Merge

  • Zipper merging relies on drivers being considerate and taking turns, which doesn’t always happen.
  • It can lead to abrupt lane changes and potential accidents if not executed properly.

Driving Strategies

  • Consider getting over one lane to the left when driving in the through lane to decongest traffic.
  • Getting over early can save time and avoid messy merge situations.
  • Slowing down or moving over to create space for someone zipper merging is a considerate action.
  • Waiting until the end to merge can be a safer option due to distracted drivers.
  • Jumping ahead in line by not taking your rightful place can provoke road rage and is frowned upon in the US.

Zipper Merge Implementation

  • Many states have invested in educational campaigns and signage to promote the zipper merge technique.
  • Some states have implemented laws and penalties to enforce the zipper merge and prevent obstruction.
  • Additional signs encouraging the use of both lanes until the merge point have proven effective.


Understanding the Zipper Merge

The hosts introduce the concept of the zipper merge, where drivers maintain their lane until the last possible moment before merging. This method aims to prevent traffic congestion and reduce crashes. The traditional method of merging early can cause traffic jams and is considered dangerous, especially at higher speeds. The alternate merge system, or zipper merge, involves drivers taking turns to merge, but it relies on people being considerate and taking turns, which doesn’t always happen. Despite conflicting opinions on its effectiveness, zipper merging can cut congestion by 40% and reduce crashes if executed correctly.

Driving Strategies for Zipper Merge

The hosts discuss various driving strategies for the zipper merge. They suggest considering getting over one lane to the left when driving in the through lane to decongest traffic. Getting over early can save time and avoid getting involved in messy merge situations. Slowing down to let someone zipper merge or moving over to create space for them is a considerate action. However, waiting until the end to merge can be a safer option due to distracted drivers. It is important to note that jumping ahead in line by not taking your rightful place can provoke road rage and is frowned upon in the US.

Implementation of Zipper Merge

Many states have recognized the benefits of the zipper merge and have invested in educational campaigns and signage to promote its use. Some states have even implemented laws and penalties to enforce the zipper merge and prevent obstruction. Additionally, putting up additional signs encouraging the use of both lanes until the merge point has proven to be effective in promoting zipper merging. The hosts emphasize the importance of embracing the zipper merge technique for smoother traffic flow and reducing congestion.


The zipper merge offers a potential solution to traffic congestion and can lead to safer roads. While it relies on drivers being considerate and taking turns, its implementation can significantly reduce congestion and crashes. By adopting proper driving strategies and embracing the zipper merge, drivers can contribute to smoother traffic flow and a more efficient road system.

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