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SmartLess / – “Kevin Hart: LIVE in Los Angeles”

SmartLess – “Kevin Hart: LIVE in Los Angeles”

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In this episode of the SmartLess podcast, hosts Kevin Hart, Will Arnett, and Sean Hayes are live in Los Angeles. They engage in humorous banter, share personal stories, and discuss topics ranging from their experiences in the entertainment industry to their sleeping habits.

Main Takeaways

Moving to LA Stories

  • Kevin Hart and another speaker share stories about their first time moving to LA.
  • Kevin Hart had no money and drove a beat-up Toyota Corolla to a dinner with the cast and producers of Will and Grace.
  • The valet brought Kevin’s car with missing hubcaps and plastic holding it together, but he tried to pass it off as a Porsche.
  • The producers eventually gave Kevin a Porsche, but he had to sell it to pay his rent.
  • The other speaker drove an old Volvo station wagon from New York to LA and back in 40 hours straight.

Kevin Hart’s Career and Philanthropy

  • Kevin Hart has an extensive career in movies, TV shows, comedy albums, and specials.
  • He has received 45 award nominations.
  • Kevin Hart invests in and brings people into his company to help others.
  • He went on Shark Tank to pitch his ideas and potentially gain Mark Cuban as a client.

Sleeping Habits and Bathroom Etiquette

  • The hosts discuss their different approaches to walking away from their partners after leaving the bathroom.
  • They debate the pros and cons of sleeping naked and share their sleep outfits.
  • Jason Bateman reveals he went commando for three years while working on a show where he wore khaki pants.
  • Sitting down to pee is mentioned as a way to prevent splashing and keep the bathroom clean.

Creating Opportunities and Spreading Happiness

  • Kevin Hart and Jason Bateman discuss their approaches to creating opportunities in the entertainment industry.
  • They value spreading happiness and believe in creating and controlling their own opportunities.
  • Kevin Hart believes that people should prioritize spreading happiness and be less selfish.

Chemistry and Collaboration

  • Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart have great chemistry on and off screen.
  • They have an upcoming animated movie with DC called Superpets.
  • They recognize their success and are fortunate to have each other to talk to about their careers.


Kevin Hart’s Journey to Success

Kevin Hart shares stories of his humble beginnings, including driving a beat-up car and selling a gifted Porsche to pay rent. Despite his success, Kevin remains grounded and values being true to himself. He invests in others and creates opportunities for them. Kevin’s career spans various mediums, and he has received numerous award nominations. His positive energy and philanthropic efforts inspire many.

Personal Habits and Perspectives

The hosts delve into their sleeping habits, bathroom etiquette, and quirky preferences. They discuss the importance of cleanliness and comfort in the bathroom and share humorous anecdotes. Kevin Hart and Jason Bateman emphasize the need to create opportunities and spread happiness. They believe in controlling their own destinies and prioritizing the well-being of others.

Collaboration and Chemistry

Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart’s on-screen chemistry is mirrored in their off-screen friendship. They have an upcoming project together and appreciate having someone to discuss their careers with. Collaboration and support are vital in the entertainment industry, and they recognize their rare success. Kevin Hart also hosts a podcast where he has authentic conversations with fellow comedians, exploring their personal lives and discovering unexpected stories.


Kevin Hart’s appearance on the SmartLess podcast provides insights into his journey, personal habits, and perspectives. He remains humble despite his success and continues to create opportunities for others. The hosts admire his authenticity and dedication to spreading happiness. Kevin Hart’s story serves as an inspiration to actors looking to diversify their careers and make a positive impact in the industry.

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