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Startalk Radio / – Black Hole Bonanza: StarTalk Live! With Janna Levin and Jenny Greene

Startalk Radio – Black Hole Bonanza: StarTalk Live! With Janna Levin and Jenny Greene

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In this episode of Startalk Radio, titled “Black Hole Bonanza: StarTalk Live! With Janna Levin and Jenny Greene,” experts from Princeton University and Barnard/Columbia University delve into the fascinating world of black holes. Jenny Greene, a black hole hunter, and Janna Levin, a physicist interested in cosmology and the space-time continuum, bring their unique perspectives to the discussion. Together, they explore the different aspects of black holes and their impact on the universe.

Main Takeaways

Exploring Black Holes

  • Black holes are objects with immense mass packed into a small space, so powerful that not even light can escape their gravitational pull.
  • Black holes are not physical “things” but rather regions in space beyond the event horizon where everything goes dark.
  • The escape velocity of a black hole is greater than the speed of light, making it impossible to escape its gravitational pull.
  • The event horizon is the boundary beyond which not even light can escape, but it is not a poetic term or something that will cause immediate harm.
  • Gravity creates a cage for black holes, and whatever formed them is long gone.

The Origins and Discoveries of Black Holes

  • John Mitchell, a physicist from the late 1700s, advanced the concept of black holes before Einstein.
  • Einstein invented the framework to understand and predict black holes but initially denied their existence.
  • Carl Schwarzschild’s thought experiment with math led to the first description of a black hole, including the concept of an event horizon.
  • The first evidence of black holes was discovered in the 1920s, but it wasn’t until the 1970s that concrete proof was obtained.
  • Kip Thorne, a brilliant relativist, made significant contributions to black hole research and even won a Nobel Prize.

Supermassive Black Holes

  • Supermassive black holes can range from a million to a trillion times the mass of the sun and are typically found at the center of galaxies.
  • The Milky Way has its own supermassive black hole, known as Sagittarius A*, which is 4 million times the mass of the Sun.
  • Scientists are still uncertain about the mechanisms that create supermassive black holes.
  • Black holes with masses between 100 and 1 million solar masses are likely mergers of smaller black holes.
  • There is ongoing research to understand the formation and properties of supermassive black holes.

Black Holes and the Universe

  • Black holes are powerful sources of electromagnetic energy and can generate jets of particles through the churning of space-time around them.
  • The James Webb Space Telescope has allowed scientists to discover intermediate mass black holes, providing insights into the formation of supermassive black holes.
  • Black holes have implications for our understanding of the early universe and may be connected to the concept of wormholes.
  • Time dilation occurs near black holes, causing clocks to run slower the closer they are to the black hole.
  • Black holes are a fundamental aspect of the universe, and their study opens up new technological and theoretical possibilities.


Exploring Black Holes

Black holes are incredibly dense objects with immense gravitational pull. They are not physical “things” but rather regions in space where everything is consumed beyond the event horizon. The escape velocity of a black hole exceeds the speed of light, making escape impossible. The event horizon, while a boundary, is not inherently dangerous or dramatic. Gravity creates a “cage” for black holes, and their origins remain a subject of scientific inquiry.

The Origins and Discoveries of Black Holes

Early physicists, such as John Mitchell and Carl Schwarzschild, laid the groundwork for understanding black holes before Einstein’s contributions. Einstein’s theory of general relativity provided the framework to predict and comprehend black holes, although he initially doubted their existence. Concrete evidence of black holes emerged in the 1970s, and Kip Thorne’s work on black hole collisions earned him a Nobel Prize.

Supermassive Black Holes

Supermassive black holes, found at the centers of galaxies, can range from a million to a trillion times the mass of the sun. While the mechanisms behind their formation are still uncertain, mergers of smaller black holes likely contribute to their growth. The Milky Way harbors its own supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A*. Ongoing research aims to understand the properties and origins of these enigmatic cosmic entities.

Black Holes and the Universe

Black holes possess immense electromagnetic power and can generate jets of particles. The James Webb Space Telescope has facilitated the discovery of intermediate mass black holes, shedding light on the formation of supermassive black holes. Black holes have implications for our understanding of the early universe and may be connected to the concept of wormholes. Time dilation near black holes alters the passage of time, and further exploration of these cosmic phenomena opens up new possibilities in technology and theoretical physics.


The study of black holes continues to captivate scientists and expand our understanding of the universe. From their origins and properties to their impact on space-time and the formation of galaxies, black holes offer a wealth of scientific intrigue. As new telescopes and technologies emerge, we gain further insights into these cosmic enigmas, reminding us of the vastness and wonder of the universe.

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