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Startalk Radio / – Cosmic Queries Cosmological Curiosities

Startalk Radio – Cosmic Queries – Cosmological Curiosities

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In this episode of Startalk Radio, titled “Cosmic Queries – Cosmological Curiosities,” Neil deGrasse Tyson and Chuck explore fascinating topics related to the universe, dark energy, dark matter, the Big Bang theory, and more. They answer listener questions and provide insights into the mysteries of our cosmos.

Main Takeaways

The Expanding Universe and Dark Energy

  • Dark energy is accelerating the expansion of the universe.
  • The universe will eventually experience the Big Rip in 22 billion years, ripping apart everything, including atoms and molecules.
  • Dark gravity (dark matter) makes up about 95% of the universe, while we only interact with about 5%.
  • Being unusual in the universe doesn’t necessarily mean we are special; we might just be average in the unused.

The Big Bang Theory and Dark Matter

  • The Big Bang theory was initially controversial but is now widely accepted.
  • Dark matter does not interact with itself and only through the force of gravity.
  • Dark matter does not make concentrations, so there are no dark matter planets or galaxies.
  • Our matter knows how to stick together, but dark matter does not stick to anything.

The Structure of the Universe and Time Travel

  • The large-scale structure of the universe is not equally spread, resembling a sponge with concentrations and bridges between them.
  • Galaxies that are 65 million light years away could witness the extinction of dinosaurs on Earth with a super-duper telescope.
  • Time travel is theoretically possible with a telescope placed a thousand light years away and coming back, but faster-than-light travel is needed.

The Mysteries of Physics and The Matrix

  • The state of the universe after the Big Rip is a complete mystery.
  • Einstein predicted black holes in his equations but believed there was some new law of physics that would save us from the mathematical craziness of infinite density occupying zero volume in the center of a black hole.
  • Empty space is not actually empty but contains energy in the form of virtual particles.
  • The inefficiency of the machines using humans as batteries in The Matrix is a weak point in the storytelling.


The Expanding Universe and Dark Energy

Dark energy, an unknown force, is causing the universe to expand at an accelerating rate. This expansion will eventually lead to the Big Rip, a cataclysmic event in which everything in the universe, including atoms and molecules, will be torn apart. Dark matter, which makes up the majority of the universe, does not interact with itself and only through gravity. Our existence within the 5% of matter that interacts with dark gravity could be considered an anomaly in the universe.

The Big Bang Theory and Dark Matter

The Big Bang theory, based on Einstein’s equations and the work of Belgian priest George Lemaitre, proposes an expanding universe with a beginning. Initially controversial, it is now widely accepted. Dark matter, which does not make concentrations, is unable to form planets or galaxies. While our matter knows how to stick together, dark matter does not stick to anything, behaving like a lone wolf in the universe.

The Structure of the Universe and Time Travel

The large-scale structure of the universe resembles a sponge with concentrations and bridges between them. Galaxies located 65 million light years away could hypothetically witness the extinction of dinosaurs on Earth if equipped with a super-duper telescope. Time travel, although theoretically possible with a telescope placed a thousand light years away and returning faster than light, remains a challenge due to the limitations of current technology.

The Mysteries of Physics and The Matrix

The state of the universe after the Big Rip is unknown, leaving scientists with a sense of mystery and uncertainty. Einstein’s equations predicted the existence of black holes, but he believed there would be a new law of physics to resolve the mathematical peculiarities associated with their infinite density. Empty space is not truly empty, as it contains energy in the form of virtual particles. The concept of using humans as batteries, as portrayed in The Matrix, is scientifically inefficient and poses storytelling weaknesses.


Exploring the wonders of the universe, from dark energy and matter to the mysteries of black holes and time travel, reveals the complexity and beauty of our cosmos. While there are still many unanswered questions, scientific advancements and deep curiosity continue to push the boundaries of our understanding. The journey to unravel the secrets of the universe is an ongoing adventure that captivates both scientists and enthusiasts alike.

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