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Startalk Radio / – Cosmic Queries Quantum & Aliens with Charles Liu

Startalk Radio – Cosmic Queries – Quantum & Aliens with Charles Liu

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In this special edition of StarTalk Radio, Neil deGrasse Tyson hosts Chuck Nice, Gary O’Reilly, and Charles Liu as they answer deep questions from Patreon members. They delve into the mysteries of the universe, discussing topics such as quantum mechanics, alien life, time travel, and the nature of gravity.

Main Takeaways

Unanswered Questions in Astrophysics

  • Astrophysicists have unanswered questions, such as the existence of dark matter and dark energy.
  • Quantum field theory tries to combine quantum mechanics, special relativity, and classical field theory to understand the universe.
  • Particles and fields are both fundamental components of the universe and are interdependent.
  • String theorists propose that there may be something more fundamental than particles and fields.

Search for Alien Life

  • The possibility of alien life exists, but would we recognize it if we saw it?
  • If alien life is based on DNA, it could mean that we came from someplace else.
  • Looking for life in ways that are not present on Earth may lead to finding it more quickly.
  • Advanced forms of communication will be indistinguishable from noise, making it difficult to detect civilizations.

The Role of AI in Science

  • AI can help us ask questions we haven’t thought to ask and look for things we haven’t yet thought to look for.
  • We may not be smart enough to know what questions to ask about the universe.
  • AI has been used by astrophysicists to discover things we would glaze over.
  • AI can be used to catch cheaters and improve education.

The Nature of Gravity and Time

  • Time travel would require mass to energy conversion in the original spacetime and an energy to mass conversion in the destination.
  • Gravitons are a proposed particle that transmit gravity in quantum physics.
  • Gravitational waves have been detected, potentially confirming the existence of gravitons.
  • Virtual particles that pop in and out of existence could create a network of wormholes that weave the fabric of space and time.

The Expanding Universe and Energy

  • The expansion of the universe is not caused by something beyond the known universe sucking, as there’s no evidence to support this theory.
  • Our four-dimensional space-time could be embedded in a five-dimensional membrane, which could cause expansion in the fifth dimension.
  • The observable universe is estimated to be around 93 billion light-years in diameter.
  • The concept of energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but energy can be turned into matter.

Super Clusters and Gravity

  • Super clusters of galaxies are the largest objects in the universe.
  • Super clusters contain thousands of galaxies and are bound together by gravity.
  • Gravity is personified in a humorous conversation between Chuck and the speaker.
  • The importance of teamwork is emphasized in understanding gravity.


The Search for Alien Life and the Role of AI

Astrophysicists are still grappling with unanswered questions about the universe, such as the existence of dark matter and dark energy. Quantum field theory attempts to unify different aspects of physics, including quantum mechanics and special relativity. While particles and fields are interdependent, string theorists propose a more fundamental concept than particles and fields. The possibility of alien life exists, but the challenge lies in recognizing it. Advanced forms of communication from extraterrestrial civilizations may appear as noise, making detection difficult. However, AI can help ask questions we haven’t even considered and improve our understanding of the universe. It has been used by astrophysicists to make discoveries and can aid in catching cheaters and enhancing education.

Time Travel, Gravity, and the Expanding Universe

Time travel would require energy conversions and the existence of gravitons, hypothetical particles that transmit gravity. Gravitational waves, which have been detected, provide potential evidence for gravitons. The concept of virtual particles popping in and out of existence could contribute to the creation of wormholes, which could enable time travel. The expansion of the universe is not caused by an external force but could be explained by the embedding of our four-dimensional space-time in a higher-dimensional membrane. The observable universe has an estimated diameter of 93 billion light-years, and every spot in the universe is expanding away from every other spot. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed into matter.

Super Clusters and Gravity

Super clusters of galaxies, bound together by gravity, are the largest objects in the universe. Understanding gravity requires teamwork and collaboration. In a lighthearted conversation, Chuck and the speaker personify gravity. They highlight the importance of working together to comprehend the mysteries of the cosmos.


The “Cosmic Queries – Quantum & Aliens with Charles Liu” episode of StarTalk Radio delves into the fascinating realms of quantum mechanics, alien life, time travel, gravity, and the expanding universe. The conversation explores unanswered questions in astrophysics, the potential for extraterrestrial life, the role of AI in scientific discovery, and the nature of gravity and time. Listeners are invited to ponder the mysteries of the universe and consider the possibilities that lie beyond our current understanding.

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