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Startalk Radio / – Cosmic Queries The Experience of Time with Charles Liu

Startalk Radio – Cosmic Queries – The Experience of Time with Charles Liu

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In this episode of Startalk Radio, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Gary, Chuck Nice, and Charles Liu explore the fascinating topic of the experience of time. Charles Liu, a professor of astronomy and physics at City University of New York, joins the conversation to provide his insights. Get ready to dive into the fourth dimension and unravel the mysteries of time.

Main Takeaways

The Nature of Time

  • Perception of time is based on our movement through space-time.
  • Space-time is a four-dimensional concept where space is the horizontal axis and time is the vertical axis.
  • Light particles exist in their own present and do not age.
  • Cosmological redshift explains how the cosmos moves and expands.

Time Travel and Warp Capability

  • Perpetual movement through space-time does not explain our perpetual experience of time.
  • Objects moving faster than the speed of light can violate causality and the arrow of time.
  • Wormholes provide a potential solution for time travel without violating causality.
  • Star Trek’s portrayal of aging during high warp maneuvers is incorrect according to relativity.

The Connection Between Time and Dreams

  • Dreams have been a topic of discussion in relation to the universe and time.
  • Premonitions may be a convergence of the past and present, informing us about future events.
  • The value of life and our existence in the universe can be explored through a combination of science and philosophy.
  • Dreams may be a form of prediction generated by the brain.

The Brain, Memories, and Perception of Time

  • The brain generates thousands of predictions about the future.
  • Memories can be adjusted and misremembered due to filters and biases.
  • Dreams and memories influence human experience and interaction with the universe.
  • Memories are not always accurate and can be shifted unintentionally.

Advancements in Space Travel and Science Fiction

  • Rockets achieve greater efficiency by launching horizontally and then moving tangentially.
  • Spacecraft tether or elevator systems could revolutionize payload delivery to space.
  • Star Trek has made accurate scientific predictions and concepts that have become reality.
  • Remote medical diagnosis tools, similar to Star Trek’s tricorder, are being developed.


The Nature of Time

Perception of time is intricately connected to our movement through space-time. Space-time, a four-dimensional concept, combines space as the horizontal axis and time as the vertical axis. Light particles exist in their own present and do not age, while cosmological redshift explains the expansion of the cosmos. Understanding these concepts helps unravel the mysteries of time.

Time Travel and Warp Capability

While perpetual movement through space-time does not explain our perpetual experience of time, the concept of time travel raises intriguing questions. Objects moving faster than the speed of light can disrupt causality and the arrow of time. Wormholes offer a potential solution for time travel without violating causality. However, popular depictions of time dilation during high warp maneuvers in Star Trek are inconsistent with our understanding of relativity.

The Connection Between Time and Dreams

Exploring the connection between time and dreams has been a topic of discussion for centuries. Premonitions, a convergence of the past and present, may provide glimpses into the future. Combining science and philosophy, we can delve into the value of life and our existence in the universe. Dreams, possibly generated by the brain, offer insights into the mysteries of time.

The Brain, Memories, and Perception of Time

The brain constantly generates predictions about the future, shaping our perception of time. Memories, however, are not always accurate and can be influenced by filters and biases. Dreams and memories impact our experience and interaction with the universe. Understanding the complexities of memory and perception helps us grasp the intricate nature of time.

Advancements in Space Travel and Science Fiction

Rockets achieve greater efficiency by launching horizontally and then moving tangentially. The concept of tether or elevator systems revolutionizes payload delivery to space. Interestingly, Star Trek has made accurate scientific predictions and concepts that have become reality. Remote medical diagnosis tools, reminiscent of Star Trek’s tricorder, are being developed, offering promising advancements in healthcare.


Exploring the experience of time is a journey that combines scientific inquiry, philosophical contemplation, and the wonders of the universe. Understanding the nature of time, the possibilities of time travel, and the impact of dreams and memories deepens our appreciation for the intricate fabric of existence. As we continue to push the boundaries of space travel and witness science fiction become reality, the mysteries of time unfold before our eyes.

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