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TED Radio Hour / Stay Resolved | TED Radio Hour

Stay Resolved | TED Radio Hour

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The “Stay Resolved” episode of the TED Radio Hour podcast explores different ways to rethink important topics and make positive changes in our lives. The episode features conversations with experts who share insights on brain health, happiness, travel, financial well-being, and the interconnectedness of humanity.

Main Takeaways

Resolving to Be Stronger and Healthier

  • Exercise has immediate and long-lasting effects on the brain, improving mood, attention, and memory.
  • Regular exercise can increase the volume of the hippocampus, leading to long-lasting improvements in mood neurotransmitters.
  • Even 10 minutes of walking can significantly improve mood and decrease anxiety and depression levels.

Mindful Eating for a Healthy Relationship with Food

  • Mindful eating involves paying attention to the body’s signals without judgment.
  • By practicing mindful eating, individuals can relearn how to listen to their bodies and develop a healthier relationship with food.
  • Adding more play and redefining what is fun can help manage stress, anger, and anxiety better.

Finding Joy in Everyday Moments

  • Fun is a feeling, not just an activity, and it’s recognizable by the radiant energy it brings.
  • Playfulness, connection, and flow are the three factors consistently present in fun.
  • Experiencing more everyday moments of fun can lead to increased happiness and overall well-being.

Taking Control of Your Financial Health

  • Redesigning your financial environment can help you take control of your finances.
  • Automating savings and outsourcing tasks through apps can help you achieve your financial goals.
  • Changing your financial environment can alleviate negative emotional states and create a sense of control.

Finding Beauty and Connection in Travel

  • Traveling locally and being attentive to your surroundings can lead to transformative experiences.
  • Exploring one place deeply can reveal hidden treasures and cultural richness.
  • Discovering connections through genealogy highlights the interconnectedness of humanity and promotes kindness and inclusivity.


Resolving to Be Stronger and Healthier

In this segment, Wendy Suzuki, a professor of neuroscience and psychology, shares her personal journey of neglecting her well-being in pursuit of tenure. After realizing the negative impact it had on her life, she resolved to be stronger and healthier. Through regular exercise, Wendy not only improved her physical well-being but also experienced positive effects on her memory, focus, and overall brain health. Exercise increases neurotransmitters in the brain, improves mood, and has long-lasting effects on brain anatomy and function.

Mindful Eating for a Healthy Relationship with Food

Neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt discusses her personal history with dieting and the revelation she had when she decided to quit dieting and let her body settle at its natural weight. She explores the concept of mindful eating, which involves paying attention to the body’s signals without judgment. By practicing mindful eating, individuals can rebuild their relationship with food and learn to listen to their bodies’ hunger and fullness cues. Additionally, adding more play and redefining what is fun can help manage stress and improve overall well-being.

Finding Joy in Everyday Moments

In this segment, the importance of fun and its impact on overall well-being is explored. Fun is not just an activity but a feeling characterized by playfulness, connection, and flow. Experiencing more everyday moments of fun can lead to increased happiness, presence, and energy. By reducing distractions and embracing playfulness, individuals can create more opportunities for fun in their lives, ultimately enhancing creativity, productivity, relationships, and overall well-being.

Taking Control of Your Financial Health

Behavioral scientist Wendy Delarosa shares insights on managing financial health and security. She emphasizes the importance of redesigning our financial environment to take back control of our finances. Simple changes such as aligning credit card payment dates with paydays can create self-control mechanisms and prevent fees or bounced checks. Utilizing savings apps and outsourcing financial tasks can optimize savings and make it easier to achieve financial goals. By changing our financial environment, we can alleviate negative emotional states and create a sense of control over our financial well-being.

Finding Beauty and Connection in Travel

Travel writer Pico Eyre reflects on the lessons learned during lockdown and encourages a more restrained approach to travel. He highlights the beauty and transformation found in exploring local surroundings and being attentive and alive while traveling. Eyre emphasizes the value of taking the same path to learn something new and the richness found in staying in one place, even as the world comes to us. Additionally, A.J. Jacobs shares his journey into genealogy and the interconnectedness of humanity. Discovering connections to historical figures can bring history alive and foster engagement, promoting a more caring and inclusive society.


The “Stay Resolved” episode of the TED Radio Hour podcast provides valuable insights and practical advice on various topics, including brain health, mindful eating, finding joy in everyday moments, taking control of financial health, and embracing the beauty and interconnectedness of humanity. By implementing the strategies and perspectives shared by the experts, listeners can make positive changes in their lives and strive for personal growth and well-being.

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