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Stuff You Should Know / – How We’re Learning to Talk to Animals

Stuff You Should Know – How We’re Learning to Talk to Animals

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In this episode of “Stuff You Should Know,” the hosts explore the fascinating world of animal communication. They discuss how animals communicate with each other and with humans, the potential applications of animal communication, and the ongoing research in decoding and understanding animal languages.

Main Takeaways

Animal Communication and Understanding

  • Animal communication is not about teaching animals to speak human languages, but about understanding and potentially speaking animal languages.
  • Science used to believe that animals only make instinctual noises, but recent research shows that they communicate with each other and with humans.
  • Anthropomorphizing animals was once frowned upon, but many pet owners believe they can understand their pets.

Applications and Examples

  • Animal communication has potential applications in conservation, animal welfare, and human-animal relationships.
  • Dogs and horses are two animals that communicate with humans.
  • Observational studies of animals in the 60s showed that animals interact with each other in ways humans would consider empathy.
  • The Jawa people in Mozambique and the Hads of Tanzania both use honey guides to find honey, passing down specific calls from generation to generation.

Language and Communication in Animals

  • Animals have communication patterns that follow the same general idea of human language.
  • Animals were previously thought to have no purpose behind the sounds they make.
  • In the 70s, scientists discovered that vervet monkeys in Kenya use different vocalizations to indicate different threats, which could indicate the use of language.
  • Prairie dogs have a distinct language to warn about predators.
  • Apes use hand signals for communication and have different dialects within their groups.

Research and Technology

  • MRI machines have shown that dogs have emotional communication and an inner life.
  • AI is being used to understand animal languages and communication.
  • The SETI CETI Citation Translation Initiative project is using robotic fish to gather video and audio of whale sounds and notating the context to understand the meaning behind different clicks and quotas.
  • The Earth Species Project is mapping all species languages to find universal terms and concepts to translate between different languages.


Decoding Animal Languages and Communication

Animal communication is a fascinating field that aims to understand and potentially speak animal languages. While animals do not speak human languages, they have their own sophisticated communication systems. Recent research has challenged the belief that animals only make instinctual noises, showing that they communicate with each other and with humans. This has implications for conservation, animal welfare, and human-animal relationships. Dogs and horses are two animals that have developed ways to communicate with humans, such as through facial expressions and body movements. Observational studies have also revealed empathetic interactions among animals. Additionally, certain human communities, like the Jawa people and the Hads, have developed communication systems with animals like honey guides.

The Language of Animals

Animals have communication patterns that follow similar principles to human language. While animals were once thought to have no purpose behind the sounds they make, research has shown that they use vocalizations to convey specific meanings. For example, vervet monkeys in Kenya use different vocalizations to indicate different threats, suggesting the use of language. Prairie dogs have a complex language to warn about predators, and apes use hand signals and have different dialects within their groups. Understanding animal languages challenges the notion that language is unique to humans and raises questions about the instinctual or learned nature of animal communication.

Advancements in Animal Communication Research

Advancements in technology have allowed scientists to delve deeper into animal communication. MRI machines have revealed that dogs have emotional communication and an inner life. AI is being used to analyze animal sounds and detect patterns and important words. Projects like the SETI CETI Citation Translation Initiative and the Earth Species Project aim to understand the meaning behind animal sounds and find universal terms for translation. These advancements have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of animal communication and could even lead to direct communication with animals.


The study of animal communication is a captivating field that sheds light on the complexity of animal behaviors and their ability to communicate with each other and with humans. Understanding animal languages has the potential to transform our relationships with animals and the natural world. It raises ethical questions about our treatment of animals and the implications for industries like meat production. While the ability to communicate with animals may have its limitations and challenges, the potential for change and deeper connections with other species is worth exploring.

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