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Stuff You Should Know / – Selects: Nirvana: Not The Band

Stuff You Should Know – Selects: Nirvana: Not The Band

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In this episode of “Stuff You Should Know,” the hosts explore the concept of Nirvana, not the band. They discuss the appeal of Buddhism and meditation, as well as the journey of Siddhartha Guatama, who became the Buddha. The hosts also touch on related topics such as karma, reincarnation, and the Burning Man festival. They plan to delve deeper into meditation in a future episode.

Main Takeaways

Understanding Buddhism and Meditation

  • Buddhism is an offshoot of Hinduism, and Siddhartha Guatama, born into a Hindu family, later became the Buddha.
  • Achieving Nirvana, the ultimate goal in Buddhism, is typically pursued by Buddhist monks.
  • Siddhartha’s journey began in 563 BC in modern-day Nepal, where he questioned his place in life despite being born into privilege.
  • He left behind his possessions, arranged wife, and son to seek the true nature of life.
  • Siddhartha achieved Nirvana through stages of self-discovery, including seeing his past lives and the past lives of others.

The Significance of Nirvana

  • Nirvana, in Sanskrit, means to extinguish suffering, hatred, and ignorance.
  • It is the ultimate goal of Buddhism and breaking the cycle of reincarnation and transcending karma.
  • When one reaches Nirvana, they stop accruing bad karma and can work off their karmic debt.
  • After achieving Nirvana, one transcends space and time upon death and enters another dimension.
  • The Buddha’s teachings and path to enlightenment stemmed from his own achievement of Nirvana.

The Eight-Fold Path and Four Noble Truths

  • The Buddha taught that there are four noble truths to end suffering.
  • The fourth noble truth introduces the eight-fold path, which serves as a guide to overcoming suffering.
  • The eight-fold path consists of three divisions: wisdom, ethical conduct, and mental discipline.
  • Each division includes various aspects such as concentration, right effort, right-mindedness, and right contemplation.
  • Right-mindedness means being mindful and aware, while right effort means directing effort towards good things.


The Journey to Nirvana

Siddhartha Guatama, born into a Hindu family, embarked on a quest to understand the true nature of life. Despite his privileged upbringing, he felt dissatisfied and began questioning his place in the world. Witnessing the realities of old age, disease, and death further fueled his disillusionment. Siddhartha renounced his possessions and set out to find enlightenment.

Attaining Nirvana

Nirvana, the ultimate goal in Buddhism, means extinguishing suffering, hatred, and ignorance. It involves breaking the cycle of reincarnation and transcending karma. Siddhartha achieved Nirvana through stages of self-discovery, including glimpses into his past lives and those of others. After attaining Nirvana, one stops accruing bad karma and can work off their karmic debt. Upon death, they transcend space and time.

The Eight-Fold Path and Four Noble Truths

The Buddha taught that there are four noble truths to end suffering. The fourth noble truth introduces the eight-fold path, which serves as a guide to overcoming suffering. Divided into wisdom, ethical conduct, and mental discipline, the eight-fold path encompasses various aspects such as concentration, right effort, right-mindedness, and right contemplation. Following this path leads to enlightenment and the ultimate goal of Nirvana.


Exploring the concept of Nirvana, the hosts of “Stuff You Should Know” shed light on the journey of Siddhartha Guatama and the teachings of Buddhism. They discuss the significance of achieving Nirvana, breaking the cycle of reincarnation, and transcending karma. The eight-fold path and the four noble truths provide a guide to overcoming suffering and attaining enlightenment. Understanding these concepts can offer valuable insights into the pursuit of inner peace and self-discovery.

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