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Stuff You Should Know / – Selects: Social Security Numbers: Less Boring Than You’d Think

Stuff You Should Know – Selects: Social Security Numbers: Less Boring Than You’d Think

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In this episode of “Stuff You Should Know,” the hosts dive into the fascinating world of Social Security numbers. They discuss the history, controversies, and intricacies of this unique identification system that plays a vital role in the lives of Americans. From the creation of Social Security to its sustainability challenges, this episode explores various aspects of the system.

Main Takeaways

Social Security System and Sustainability

  • The Social Security Act of 1935 created a scheme to provide monthly payments to retired workers.
  • Some people criticize Social Security as a Ponzi scheme or socialism, but the chief actuary for the Social Security administration disagrees.
  • Social Security faces a demographic challenge with more retired workers than active workers.
  • The sustainability of Social Security is a complex issue that requires further discussion.
  • Investing the same amount of money into a 401k could yield more retirement benefits than Social Security.

Evolution of Social Security Numbers

  • Social Security numbers were initially distributed through post offices, with 45,000 post offices taking on the task of typing up these cards.
  • The first official record of a Social Security number was assigned to John David Sweeney Jr., with the number 05509001.
  • Social Security numbers have an area number, group number, and serial number for accounting and filing purposes.
  • There have been over 400 million numbers issued since 1935, but there are still over a billion combinations available.
  • In the future, they may start reassigning numbers from deceased individuals or add an extra digit to extend the possible numbers.

Importance and Controversies of Social Security Numbers

  • Everyone over 18 who receives an income or wants to take advantage of certain benefits must have a Social Security number.
  • Having a Social Security number makes life easier, as it is required to receive government benefits and access certain services.
  • Identity theft is a concern with Social Security numbers being too publicly available.
  • Companies often have access to personal information, including birth dates, which can contribute to identity theft.
  • It is difficult to get a new Social Security number unless you are a victim of stalking or fraud.


Creation and Challenges of Social Security

The Social Security Act of 1935 established a system to provide monthly payments to retired workers. While some criticize it as a Ponzi scheme or socialism, the chief actuary for the Social Security administration disagrees. However, the system faces sustainability challenges due to a demographic imbalance of more retired workers than active workers. Investing in a 401k may yield more retirement benefits than solely relying on Social Security.

The Evolution of Social Security Numbers

Initially, Social Security numbers were distributed through post offices, with the first official record assigned to John David Sweeney Jr. These numbers consist of an area number, group number, and serial number for accounting purposes. Despite issuing over 400 million numbers since 1935, there are still over a billion combinations available. In the future, reassigning numbers from deceased individuals or adding an extra digit may be necessary.

The Importance and Controversies of Social Security Numbers

Social Security numbers are essential for individuals over 18 who receive income or want to access certain benefits. They make life easier by enabling access to government benefits and services. However, concerns regarding identity theft arise due to the public availability of Social Security numbers. Companies often have access to personal information, including birth dates, which increases the risk of identity theft. Obtaining a new Social Security number is challenging unless one is a victim of stalking or fraud.


Understanding the history, challenges, and controversies surrounding Social Security numbers is crucial in navigating the modern world. While the system plays a vital role in providing retirement benefits, its sustainability and potential risks need to be addressed. As individuals, we must remain vigilant in protecting our personal information and consider alternative retirement investment options.

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