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Stuff You Should Know / – The Criminal Father of Criminology

Stuff You Should Know – The Criminal Father of Criminology

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In this episode of “Stuff You Should Know,” the hosts delve into the life and legacy of Eugene Francois Vidocq, known as the father of criminology. From his criminal past to his transformation into a top cop, Vidocq’s story is filled with intrigue and controversy. Discover how he revolutionized the world of law enforcement and inspired famous detective stories.

Main Takeaways

The Criminal Turned Top Cop

  • Eugene Francois Vidocq started off as a genuine criminal, serving time in prison and escaping.
  • He later switched sides and became the top cop in all of France.
  • Vidocq turned himself in as a police informant for two years, informing on anyone to get out of jail.
  • He saw himself as an outlaw by circumstance, not a criminal.
  • Vidocq helped Napoleon’s Empress Josephine catch the person who stole her emerald necklace, which put him on Napoleon’s radar as an informant.

The Security Brigade and Pioneering Criminology

  • A man was hired to create an undercover police force in Paris made up of former criminals he knew.
  • The force, known as the “security brigade,” was successful in solving crimes.
  • Napoleon signed a decree making the security brigade a state police force.
  • The security brigade proved that former criminals could be trustworthy and valuable assets to law enforcement.
  • Vidocq’s memory for faces and names of criminals led to the creation of the first criminal database and the beginning of criminal profiling.
  • Vidocq’s men in his police force were skilled in disguise, contributing to their success in infiltrating the underworld.

Vidocq’s Contributions and Legacy

  • Vidocq pioneered techniques still used today, such as ballistics comparison and footprint analysis.
  • He had the idea for using fingerprints as a means of identification, although the technology wasn’t available at the time.
  • Vidocq invented forgeproof paper and ink while running a paper mill during one of his down periods between fighting crime.
  • His memory for faces and names led to the creation of the first criminal database and the beginning of criminal profiling.
  • Vidocq’s literary legacy inspired characters in famous books such as Les Miserables and influenced the development of detective fiction.


The Criminal Turned Top Cop

Eugene Francois Vidocq’s life was a fascinating journey from criminality to law enforcement. He started off as a genuine criminal but later switched sides and became the top cop in all of France. Vidocq turned himself in as a police informant, helping to catch criminals and gaining a reputation as someone who no prison could hold. Despite his criminal past, Vidocq saw himself as an outlaw by circumstance and worked tirelessly to wipe out crime.

The Security Brigade and Pioneering Criminology

The creation of the security brigade, an undercover police force made up of former criminals, marked a significant turning point in law enforcement. Vidocq and his team proved that former criminals could be valuable assets in solving crimes. Their success in infiltrating the underworld and gathering crucial information showcased the power of undercover work. Vidocq’s memory for faces and names of criminals also led to the development of the first criminal database and the beginnings of criminal profiling.

Vidocq’s Contributions and Legacy

Vidocq’s contributions to criminology were groundbreaking. He pioneered techniques such as ballistics comparison and footprint analysis, which are still used today. Although the technology wasn’t available at the time, Vidocq had the idea for using fingerprints as a means of identification. He also invented forgeproof paper and ink during his downtime between fighting crime. His memory for faces and names of criminals laid the foundation for the first criminal database and the beginning of criminal profiling. Vidocq’s legacy extended beyond law enforcement, inspiring characters in famous books and shaping the genre of detective fiction.


Eugene Francois Vidocq’s life story is a testament to the potential for transformation and redemption. From his criminal beginnings to his pioneering work in law enforcement, Vidocq left an indelible mark on the world of criminology. His contributions continue to influence modern investigative techniques, and his legacy lives on in literature and popular culture. Vidocq’s complex character serves as a reminder that even those with a troubled past can make significant positive contributions to society.

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