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The Daily / Swing State Voters Are Souring on Biden | The Daily

Swing State Voters Are Souring on Biden | The Daily

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In this episode of “The Daily,” the focus is on swing state voters and their changing opinions on President Biden. A recent campaign poll conducted by the New York Times reveals interesting insights into the current political landscape. The results highlight Biden’s weaknesses and shed light on Trump’s growing strength in these crucial states. This episode explores the factors driving these shifts and the potential implications for future elections.

Main Takeaways

Swing State Poll Results

  • A recent campaign poll from the New York Times shows that Donald Trump is leading President Biden in almost all swing states.
  • Trump led in five of the six states, with Joe Biden only leading in Wisconsin.
  • These swing states include Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada.

Perceptions of Joe Biden

  • Voters overwhelmingly believe that Joe Biden is too old to be an effective president, with more than 70% of voters in the poll agreeing with this statement.
  • Voters have gone from having a favorable view of Joe Biden to an unfavorable view, including doubts about his personality, temperament, and Hunter Biden’s dealings abroad.
  • Joe Biden has lost the advantage he used to have over Donald Trump in terms of likability and acceptability.

Economic Concerns and Voter Sentiment

  • Voters blame Joe Biden for the economy not doing well and believe that Donald Trump would handle the economy better.
  • Young voters, Black voters, and Latino voters are showing levels of support for Donald Trump that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago.
  • Joe Biden’s support among Black voters has declined from over 90% to around 70%, with Trump currently polling around 20%.

Potential Shift in American Electoral Politics

  • Historic swings among long-time Democratic party voters: young, black, and Latino voters.
  • The poll suggests problems are more about Joe Biden and the economy than about Democrats in general or ideology.
  • Generic Democrat and Kamala Harris fare better than Joe Biden among young, black, and Hispanic voters.


Changing Perceptions of Joe Biden

The campaign poll reveals a significant shift in how swing state voters perceive Joe Biden. Previously seen as likable and acceptable, Biden’s favorability has declined, with doubts arising about his personality, temperament, and his son Hunter Biden’s international dealings. This change in perception has contributed to Biden losing his advantage over Donald Trump in terms of likability.

Economic Concerns and Voter Sentiment

Voters in swing states are expressing dissatisfaction with the state of the economy and attributing blame to Joe Biden. They believe that Donald Trump would handle the economy better, leading to increased support for Trump among young, Black, and Latino voters. Joe Biden’s support among Black voters has declined significantly, potentially impacting his chances of winning these crucial states.

Potential Shift in American Electoral Politics

The swing state poll highlights historic swings among long-time Democratic party voters, particularly young, Black, and Latino voters. These voters are showing levels of support for Donald Trump that were previously unimaginable. The poll suggests that the problems faced by Biden and the Democrats are more specific to Biden himself and the economy, rather than reflecting broader dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party or its ideology. Other Democratic figures, such as a generic Democrat or Kamala Harris, fare better among young, Black, and Hispanic voters.


The swing state poll results indicate a significant shift in voter sentiment towards Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. Biden’s declining favorability, coupled with concerns about the economy, have contributed to Trump’s growing strength in these crucial states. The support Trump is gaining among traditionally Democratic voter groups, such as young, Black, and Latino voters, could potentially reshape American electoral politics. As the 2022 and 2024 elections approach, both parties will need to strategize and appeal to these changing voter dynamics to secure victory.

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