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Ted Talks Daily / – Can global food companies make the shift to regenerative agriculture? | Steve Presley

Ted Talks Daily – Can global food companies make the shift to regenerative agriculture? | Steve Presley

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Steve Presley, the Chairman and CEO of Nestle USA, discusses the importance of regenerative agriculture in achieving sustainable food production and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. He highlights Nestle’s commitment to becoming net-zero by 2050 and the company’s efforts to implement regenerative farming practices across its supply chain.

Main Takeaways

Commitment to Net-Zero and Sustainability

  • Food production accounts for 30% of all greenhouse gas emissions, making it crucial to change production methods to reduce emissions.
  • Nestle, the world’s largest food company, has a net-zero commitment by 2050 and has already made progress in reducing carbon emissions.
  • The company focuses on four key pillars: ingredients, packaging, manufacturing conversion, and local communities, to achieve its sustainability goals.
  • Nestle is investing $3.6 billion in sustainable practices worldwide by 2025.
  • The company is committed to making progress every single day towards its sustainability commitments.

Regenerative Agriculture as a Solution

  • Regenerative agriculture is key to achieving Nestle’s net-zero commitment, but it is a complex and challenging process.
  • Regenerative farming practices focus on improving soil and biodiversity after each crop cycle through techniques like crop rotation and low till farming.
  • Nestle is committed to being 50% regeneratively sourced by 2030.
  • The company is investing in over 100,000 acres of wheat farming to produce regenerative wheat for their DeGiorno pizza and is working with external firms for verification.
  • Nestle is also exploring regenerative practices for dairy farms to achieve net-zero emissions while ensuring economic viability for farmers.

Partnerships and Investments

  • Nestle works with 500,000 farmers worldwide to produce over a billion products every day.
  • The company has the largest partnership in meat and is actively working on sustainable practices in this area.
  • Nestle’s investments in sustainable practices extend to various aspects, including ingredients, packaging, and manufacturing conversion.
  • The company is investing in over 100,000 acres of wheat farming for regenerative wheat production and is collaborating with external firms for verification.


Commitment to Net-Zero and Sustainability

Nestle recognizes the significant role food production plays in greenhouse gas emissions and is committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. The company focuses on four key pillars: ingredients, packaging, manufacturing conversion, and local communities. By investing $3.6 billion in sustainable practices worldwide, Nestle is actively working towards its sustainability commitments every day.

Regenerative Agriculture as a Solution

Regenerative agriculture is a crucial component of Nestle’s net-zero commitment. By implementing practices like crop rotation and low till farming, Nestle aims to improve soil health and biodiversity after each crop cycle. The company is investing in over 100,000 acres of wheat farming to produce regenerative wheat for their DeGiorno pizza. Additionally, Nestle is exploring regenerative practices for dairy farms to achieve net-zero emissions while ensuring economic viability for farmers.

Partnerships and Investments

Nestle works closely with 500,000 farmers worldwide to produce a wide range of food products. The company has the largest partnership in meat and is actively working on sustainable practices in this area. Nestle’s investments in sustainable practices extend to various aspects, including ingredients, packaging, and manufacturing conversion. By collaborating with external firms for verification, Nestle ensures the credibility and transparency of its regenerative farming initiatives.


Nestle’s commitment to regenerative agriculture and achieving net-zero emissions demonstrates the company’s dedication to sustainable food production. By focusing on key pillars, investing in partnerships, and implementing innovative farming practices, Nestle aims to make a significant positive impact on the environment while ensuring the economic viability of farmers. Through these efforts, Nestle is leading the way towards a more sustainable and regenerative future for the global food industry.

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