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Ted Talks Daily / – Can the US and China take on climate change together? | Changhua Wu

Ted Talks Daily – Can the US and China take on climate change together? | Changhua Wu

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Changhua Wu discusses the importance of a US-China partnership in tackling climate change. She highlights the need for urgent action and the potential for both countries to learn from each other’s efforts in clean energy transition and sustainable development.

Main Takeaways

China’s Leadership in Clean Energy

  • China is a global leader in clean energy manufacturing, producing 77% of global batteries last year.
  • China’s dedication to clean energy transition can serve as an inspiration for the US.
  • China’s development of 5G, AI, and ultra-high voltage grid systems supports the rise of electric vehicles and renewable energy integration.

Lessons for the US

  • The US can re-energize its energy system with renewables and smart grid infrastructure, following China’s example.
  • China’s circular economy model offers solutions for decoupling growth from resource use.
  • China’s experience in addressing climate injustice can provide valuable insights for the US.

The Urgency of Solar Energy

  • Solar energy is becoming the least-cost option for new electricity generation worldwide.
  • To achieve zero carbon emissions by mid-century, the world needs to install one kilowatt of solar energy per person by 2030.
  • China is on track to achieve two-fifths of a kilowatt per person by the end of this year.

Collective Action and Global Leadership

  • Climate change demands collective action, regardless of ideological differences.
  • The US needs to fulfill its financial commitments to developing countries and provide more clean energy solutions.
  • China is seen as a national security threat, but the US must step up as a global leader.
  • Recent positive media coverage and joint commitments between the US and China provide cautious optimism for improved relations in fighting climate change.


China’s Leadership in Clean Energy

China has emerged as a global leader in clean energy manufacturing, particularly in the production of batteries. With 77% of global batteries being manufactured in China, the country’s expertise and dedication to clean energy transition can serve as a valuable example for the US. China’s advancements in 5G, AI, and ultra-high voltage grid systems also support the growth of electric vehicles and the integration of renewable energy sources.

Lessons for the US

The US can learn from China’s efforts in clean energy transition by re-energizing its energy system with renewables and investing in smart grid infrastructure. Additionally, China’s circular economy model offers solutions for decoupling economic growth from resource use, which can contribute to a sustainable and circular global supply chain. China’s experience in addressing climate injustice can also provide insights for the US in developing equitable climate solutions.

The Urgency of Solar Energy

Solar energy is rapidly becoming the least-cost option for new electricity generation worldwide. To achieve zero carbon emissions by mid-century, it is crucial to install one kilowatt of solar energy per person by 2030. China is making significant progress in this regard and is on track to achieve two-fifths of a kilowatt per person by the end of this year.

Collective Action and Global Leadership

Addressing climate change requires collective action, transcending ideological differences. The US needs to fulfill its financial commitments to developing countries and provide more clean energy solutions. While China is often seen as a national security threat, it is essential for the US to step up as a global leader in the fight against climate change. Recent positive media coverage and joint commitments between the US and China provide hope for improved relations and collaboration in tackling climate challenges.


A partnership between the US and China is crucial for an urgent and effective clean energy transition. By learning from each other’s experiences and expertise, both countries can accelerate their efforts in addressing climate change and building a sustainable future. It is essential to foster a shared vision, mission, aspiration, and wisdom to guide collective actions towards a greener and more equitable world.

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