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Ted Talks Daily / – Could an orca give a TED Talk? | Karen Bakker

Ted Talks Daily – Could an orca give a TED Talk? | Karen Bakker

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Karen Bakker explores the fascinating world of bioacoustics and the potential for interspecies communication. Through the use of AI and machine learning, scientists are decoding the language of nature and gaining a deeper understanding of other creatures. From bats and orcas to honeybees and coral larvae, this episode delves into the intricate ways in which animals communicate through sound.

Main Takeaways

Decoding Animal Communication

  • AI is helping us decode the language of nature and deepen our understanding of other creatures.
  • Acoustic communication in nature often occurs in high ultrasound or deep infrasound.
  • Bats have dialects that they pass down from one generation to the next, and baby bats learn to speak by listening to adults.
  • Orcas also pass down their dialects from one generation to the next and can be decoded using AI.
  • Even creatures without ears are sensitive to sound, such as baby Amazonian turtles communicating through their shells before hatching.

The Fascinating World of Coral and Honeybees

  • Coral larvae can hear and navigate back to their home reef using their entire body as an “inside-out ear”.
  • Sound is everywhere in nature, even in silence, and scientists are studying interspecies communication.
  • Scientists are using machine learning to decode the acoustics of other species, like sperm whales and elephants.
  • Honeybee communication is incredibly complex and includes acoustic, positional, spatial, and vibrational signals.
  • Scientists are encoding honeybee signals into robots to monitor the hatching of the planet.

Bioacoustics for Conservation

  • Bioacoustics can be used to regenerate coral reefs and protect endangered species like North Atlantic right whales.
  • Whale songs can guide the movements of ships in real-time, preventing collisions.
  • Bioacoustics combined with machine intelligence can explore the frontiers of biological intelligence.
  • Sharing stories of non-human species’ struggles in the face of human activity would be “ideas worth spreading”.
  • Bioacoustics could enable non-human species to communicate with humans in the future – “maybe an orca could give a TED talk”.


Decoding Animal Communication

Through the use of AI and machine learning, scientists are decoding the language of nature and gaining a deeper understanding of other creatures. Bats and orcas have distinct dialects that are passed down from one generation to the next. By studying their vocalizations, researchers can decipher the meaning behind their communication. Even creatures without ears, like baby Amazonian turtles, communicate through sound vibrations. This research opens up new possibilities for understanding animal behavior and fostering interspecies connections.

The Fascinating World of Coral and Honeybees

Coral larvae have the ability to hear and navigate back to their home reef using their entire body as an “inside-out ear”. This unique adaptation allows them to find their way back to their birthplace, contributing to the regeneration of coral reefs. Honeybees, on the other hand, communicate through a complex system of acoustic, positional, spatial, and vibrational signals. Scientists are even encoding honeybee signals into robots to monitor the health of the planet. By studying these intricate communication systems, we can gain insights into the interconnectedness of all living beings.

Bioacoustics for Conservation

Bioacoustics has proven to be a valuable tool for conservation efforts. By analyzing the sounds of marine species like whales, researchers can protect them from collisions with ships through real-time guidance. Bioacoustics also plays a crucial role in regenerating coral reefs and safeguarding endangered species. Understanding the communication patterns and needs of different species allows us to take proactive measures to ensure their survival. Furthermore, bioacoustics combined with machine intelligence opens up new frontiers in exploring the intelligence of non-human species, challenging our perception of what it means to be intelligent.


The world of bioacoustics offers a glimpse into the intricate language of nature and the potential for interspecies communication. By using AI and machine learning, scientists are unraveling the mysteries of animal communication and finding ways to protect and preserve our planet’s diverse species. As we delve deeper into the world of bioacoustics, we must also establish strong ethical guidelines to ensure the responsible use of this knowledge. By amplifying the voices of non-human species, we can foster a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness and work towards a more harmonious coexistence.

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