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Ted Talks Daily / – How to solve the world’s biggest problems | Natalie Cargill

Ted Talks Daily – How to solve the world’s biggest problems | Natalie Cargill

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In this episode of “Ted Talks Daily,” Natalie Cargill challenges the top 1% to give more and commit more to help solve the world’s biggest problems. She highlights the transformative power of philanthropy and the need to apply past successful innovations to current global issues.

Main Takeaways

The Power of Philanthropy

  • Philanthropy can be transformative and has the potential to solve the world’s biggest problems.
  • Norman Borlaug’s wheat research, funded by philanthropists, resulted in innovations that saved a billion lives.
  • Entire countries were saved from famine, thanks to philanthropic efforts.
  • Philanthropy can step in and do what governments and markets can’t do.

Hidden Success Stories

  • There are hidden philanthropic success stories throughout history.
  • Applying past successful innovations to current world problems is crucial.

The Potential Impact of Giving

  • If everyone in the global top 1% of earners gave away just 10% of their income, we would have an additional $3.5 trillion to improve the world.
  • For $260 billion, we could ensure that nobody lives below the extreme poverty line for a year.
  • For $300 billion, we could reduce the risk of the next pandemic.
  • For $840 billion, we could provide universal access to high-quality education and healthcare.

Solving Global Challenges

  • Clean energy research and development can be doubled to combat climate change.
  • Investing in wind, solar, nuclear, geothermal, energy storage, and carbon removal can accelerate progress in clean energy.
  • Philanthropic funding can improve nuclear safety and AI safety.
  • Neglected tropical diseases affecting the poorest billion can be treated with philanthropic support.

Charitable Giving Recommendations

  • Give Directly and Give Well are recommended organizations to check out for donations.
  • Research on effective charities in different areas is provided for transparency.


The Power of Philanthropy

Philanthropy has the potential to be transformative in solving the world’s biggest problems. The success story of Norman Borlaug’s wheat research, funded by philanthropists, showcases the impact of such efforts. By making wheat grains three times bigger and disease-resistant, global cereal production tripled in 50 years, saving a billion lives and preventing famines in entire countries. Philanthropy can step in and do what governments and markets can’t, making it a powerful tool for improving the world.

The Potential Impact of Giving

If everyone in the top 1% of earners gave away just 10% of their income, an additional $3.5 trillion could be used to address global challenges. For $260 billion, extreme poverty could be eliminated for a year, and for $300 billion, the risk of the next pandemic could be significantly reduced through screening programs and research. With $840 billion, universal access to high-quality education and healthcare could be provided. Philanthropy has the potential to make a substantial impact on these issues.

Solving Global Challenges

Clean energy research and development can be doubled to combat climate change. The decreasing prices of wind and solar energy make them viable options for investment. Philanthropic funding can also contribute to improving nuclear safety and AI safety, ensuring better policies and reducing risks. Additionally, neglected tropical diseases affecting the poorest billion can be treated with philanthropic support, offering cost-effective solutions to improve global health.

Charitable Giving Recommendations

For those interested in making a difference through charitable giving, Give Directly and Give Well are recommended organizations to consider. These organizations have been researched and evaluated for their effectiveness in different areas. Transparency is emphasized, with estimates and sources provided to support informed decision-making. Listeners can donate to these organizations to contribute to solving the world’s biggest problems.


Through philanthropy, individuals and organizations have the power to create transformative change and solve the world’s biggest problems. By applying successful innovations from the past, addressing global challenges becomes more feasible. The potential impact of giving is immense, and with informed choices and support for effective organizations, progress can be made towards a better world.

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