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Ted Talks Daily / – How to take the BS out of business speak | Bob Wiltfong

Ted Talks Daily – How to take the BS out of business speak | Bob Wiltfong

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Bob Wiltfong explores the world of business speak and how it can be detrimental to effective communication in the workplace. He discusses the rise of business jargon, the need for simplicity in language, and the importance of inclusivity. Join Bob as he shares three ways to take the BS out of business speak.

Main Takeaways

The Rise of Business Speak

  • Business speak is the language used on the job to describe and define things.
  • The rise of business speak in our globalized economy.
  • Business speak is the language of the elite, created and spoken fluently by white men.
  • Speaking BS can benefit those who want to hang with today’s white male tycoons.
  • Using BS can be exclusionary and make people feel left out.

Taking the BS Out of Business Speak

  • Three ways to take the BS out of business speak.
  • The importance of translating business jargon into phrases that people can understand.
  • The need to simplify language in the workplace to make communication more effective.
  • Companies should provide a directory of business terms for new employees to avoid confusion.
  • Good communication in business means expressing fresh ideas without using stale business cliches or big words that people don’t understand.

The Influence of Language and Culture

  • Shakespeare has given us some great phrases that exist outside of business speak in the English language.
  • It’s important to know the origin story of some of our BS phrases, such as “drinking the Kool-Aid”.
  • Using cultural touchpoints that aren’t as common as Shakespeare or American baseball can be confusing for a global audience.
  • “Drinking the Kool-Aid” originated from a cult in 1978 where members drank cyanide-laced Kool-Aid and died.
  • Mispronunciations can lead to the adoption of new words/phrases, such as “piggyback” instead of “pick back”.
  • Different cultures have their own unique phrases for common concepts.
  • Similar concepts can be communicated through different phrases in different cultures.
  • Regional fondness for food can also influence language and phrases.

The Power of Inclusive Communication

  • Use BS to be inclusive, not exclusive.
  • Express fresh ideas without stale business cliches or big words.
  • Appreciate that a lot of BS is lost in translation depending on the audience.
  • “Don’t want to come across as somebody else’s tomatoes on their eyes” – speaker emphasizes the importance of clear communication.
  • “What a wonderful thing that would be” – speaker highlights the positive impact of reducing BS in the world.


The Impact of Business Speak and the Importance of Inclusive Communication

Business speak has become a dominant language in the workplace, often excluding those who are not familiar with its jargon. This language is predominantly created and spoken fluently by white men, contributing to a lack of diversity and inclusivity. However, it is crucial to take the BS out of business speak in order to enhance communication and foster a more inclusive work environment.

Translating business jargon into phrases that people can understand is essential. Simplifying language in the workplace allows for more effective communication, enabling fresh ideas to be expressed without relying on stale business cliches or big words that people don’t comprehend. Companies should provide a directory of business terms for new employees to avoid confusion and promote clarity.

The influence of language and culture on communication cannot be overlooked. While phrases from Shakespeare or American baseball may be widely known, using cultural touchpoints that are unfamiliar to a global audience can lead to confusion. Understanding the origin stories of phrases, such as “drinking the Kool-Aid,” helps to avoid misinterpretations and inappropriate usage.

Language variations across different cultures offer unique phrases for common concepts. Appreciating these differences and finding ways to bridge the gaps in understanding can foster better communication and collaboration. Additionally, regional fondness for food can influence language and the development of phrases, showcasing the cultural richness in business communication.

Inclusive communication is a powerful tool. By using BS to be inclusive rather than exclusive, businesses can create an environment where everyone feels valued and understood. Clear communication that avoids unnecessary jargon and focuses on expressing ideas in a relatable manner is key. Understanding the potential loss in translation depending on the audience further emphasizes the importance of effective communication.

Reducing the use of BS in business speak has the potential to improve workplace dynamics and foster better relationships. Clear communication leads to better understanding, collaboration, and innovation. Removing barriers created by language and embracing inclusivity can have a positive impact on individuals and society as a whole.


Business speak can often hinder effective communication in the workplace. By taking the BS out of business speak and embracing inclusive communication, companies can create a more inclusive and productive work environment. Simplifying language, understanding cultural nuances, and expressing ideas clearly without relying on jargon or big words are essential steps towards fostering better communication and collaboration. Let’s strive for a world where communication is clear, inclusive, and meaningful.

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