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Ted Talks Daily / – Is remote work better than being in the office? It’s complicated | Mark Mortensen

Ted Talks Daily – Is remote work better than being in the office? It’s complicated | Mark Mortensen

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Mark Mortensen explores the complexities of remote work and its impact on productivity, culture, and work-life balance. He highlights the need for organizations to consider their specific situation and goals when designing a hybrid work model. Mortensen also emphasizes the importance of open conversations about the different aspects of hybrid work and the long-term implications for organizational culture.

Main Takeaways

The Challenges of Hybrid Work

  • Hybrid work is a complex issue with no simple answers.
  • There are many questions about hybrid work, including the right balance between working from home and the office, who gets to decide, and how to maintain productivity and culture.
  • Hybrid work design is actually three different problems: effectiveness, staffing, and social fabric.

The Realities of Remote Work

  • Remote work can work, but it is not universally good, and the success during COVID was due to unique conditions.
  • Data shows increased working hours and difficulty in delineating work-life boundaries in remote work.
  • Remote work experience is not the same for everyone, with parents of school-aged children experiencing greater stress.
  • Remote work is changing the way we work, with people working more hours but less collaboratively.
  • Flexible work policies are becoming a key criteria for potential employees.

The Importance of Perception and Experience

  • The comparison is not between work from home and office work, but between the perception of work from home versus the perception of work from the office.
  • We need to focus on the experience, not just the policy, and reclaim the narrative to ensure everyone recognizes what a given approach buys or loses for them.
  • Remote work can lead to reductions in psychological safety and trust, changes to power dynamics, and increased feelings of isolation and loneliness.

The Role of Organizational Culture

  • Organizational culture is a long game, and we need to think not only about today but also about tomorrow, next month, or even next year.
  • Three distinct conversations: output, people, and culture.
  • Ideologically different positions on what creates value in an organization.
  • First step is to have an open conversation about these issues.
  • Disagreement may be due to different prioritizations of the three parts of the hybridity conversation.


The Challenges of Hybrid Work

Hybrid work presents a complex set of challenges, including finding the right balance between remote work and office work, determining who has the authority to make these decisions, and maintaining productivity and culture. Organizations need to address three distinct problems in hybrid work design: effectiveness, staffing, and social fabric.

The Realities of Remote Work

While remote work can be successful, it is not universally beneficial. The success of remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic was influenced by unique circumstances. Data shows that remote work often leads to increased working hours and difficulty in separating work and personal life. The experience of remote work varies, with parents of school-aged children facing additional stress. Remote work also changes the way we work, with individuals working more hours but collaborating less. Flexible work policies are increasingly important for attracting potential employees.

The Importance of Perception and Experience

When comparing remote work to office work, it is crucial to consider the perception and experience of each. The focus should be on the overall experience and not just the policy. Remote work can have negative effects on psychological safety, trust, power dynamics, and feelings of isolation and loneliness.

The Role of Organizational Culture

Organizational culture plays a significant role in hybrid work. It is essential to think about the long-term implications of hybrid work on culture and consider the conversations surrounding output, people, and culture. Different ideologies exist regarding what creates value in an organization. Open conversations and understanding different prioritizations are crucial for finding common ground.


Hybrid work is a complex issue that requires careful consideration of various factors. Organizations must design hybrid work models based on their specific situation and goals. It is important to recognize the challenges and realities of remote work, focus on the overall experience, and prioritize organizational culture. Open conversations and understanding different perspectives are key to creating successful hybrid work environments.

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