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Ted Talks Daily / – Lessons from my father, Alexey Navalny | Dasha Navalnaya

Ted Talks Daily – Lessons from my father, Alexey Navalny | Dasha Navalnaya

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In this episode of “Ted Talks Daily,” Dasha Navalnaya, the daughter of jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, shares her experiences and insights into the fight against corruption and oppression in Russia.

Main Takeaways

The Power of Unity and Spreading Information

  • Dasha Navalnaya emphasizes the importance of unity in standing against dictators like Putin.
  • Navalny’s Antsack Corruption Foundation has exposed over 6,000 corrupt government officials and individuals.
  • The foundation’s investigations have led to international sanctions against Putin and his associates.
  • Only 15% of the Russian population believes in Putin’s propaganda, highlighting the significance of spreading information and exposing corruption.

Threats to Democracy and Freedom

  • Dasha Navalnaya discusses the various threats posed by Putin’s actions, including cyber attacks, propaganda, and election meddling.
  • Living under constant surveillance and threat from the F.S.B. in Russia has a profound impact on individuals.
  • Millions of people have been threatened, murdered, and silenced in Russia.
  • Navalnaya emphasizes the importance of not taking freedom for granted and standing up for those facing oppression.

The Fight Against Corruption and Oppression

  • Dasha Navalnaya highlights the courage and selflessness of those who fight against corruption and oppression.
  • Channeling emotions into hard work and motivation is a powerful tool in the fight against corruption.
  • Change needs to come from within Russia, with individuals taking a stand for a free and democratic country.
  • Navalnaya promises to continue fighting until Russia achieves freedom and democracy.


The Power of Unity and Spreading Information

Dasha Navalnaya emphasizes the power of unity in challenging dictators like Putin. Through the Antsack Corruption Foundation, Alexei Navalny and his team have exposed thousands of corrupt officials and individuals, leading to international sanctions against Putin and his associates. The low belief in Putin’s propaganda among the Russian population highlights the importance of spreading information and exposing corruption. By standing together and sharing the truth, society can challenge and dismantle corrupt systems.

Threats to Democracy and Freedom

Dasha Navalnaya discusses the threats posed by Putin’s actions, including cyber attacks, propaganda, and election meddling. Living under constant surveillance and the threat of the F.S.B. in Russia has a profound impact on individuals’ lives. Millions of people have faced threats, murder, and silence in Russia. Navalnaya emphasizes the need to appreciate and defend freedom, standing up for those facing oppression. By recognizing the dangers and taking action, individuals can protect democracy and ensure a better future for all.

The Fight Against Corruption and Oppression

Dasha Navalnaya highlights the courage and selflessness of those fighting against corruption and oppression. Channeling emotions into hard work and motivation serves as a powerful tool in the fight against corruption. Change needs to come from within Russia, with individuals taking a stand for a free and democratic country. Navalnaya promises to continue fighting until Russia achieves freedom and democracy, inspiring others to join the cause. By refusing to back down, individuals can create a better future for themselves and their nation.


Dasha Navalnaya’s personal experiences and insights shed light on the fight against corruption and oppression in Russia. Through unity, spreading information, and standing up for freedom, individuals can challenge dictators like Putin and work towards a better future. The courage and determination of those fighting against corruption and oppression serve as an inspiration to all. By taking action and refusing to accept the status quo, individuals can create a society that values freedom, democracy, and justice.

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