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Ted Talks Daily / – The molecular love story that could help power the world | Olivia Breese

Ted Talks Daily – The molecular love story that could help power the world | Olivia Breese

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, energy innovator Olivia Breese shares her vision for a revolutionary energy source that pairs green electrons with water molecules. By exploring the metaphor of a love story between an electron and a water molecule, Breese highlights the importance of renewable energy and communal action in addressing the environmental challenges we face today.

Main Takeaways

Creating a Game-Changing Energy Source

  • Energy Innovator Olivia Breeze has a vision for pairing green electrons with water molecules to create a game-changing energy source that doesn’t emit carbon dioxide

The Economic Cost of Carbon Dioxide Emission

  • The economic cost of carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere is high, leading to the loss of nature and biodiversity

Latest Innovations in Tech

  • Blockchain, NFTs, and AI are the latest innovations and biggest ideas in tech that affect our lives in various ways

Evolution of Tech and Its Impact

  • The TED Tech Podcast explores the evolution of tech and its impact on our lives, from the metaverse to smartwatches and self-driving robo taxis

Importance of AI and Virtual Assistants

  • People in AI make good business partners, and the future of virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google is bright

Hard-to-Electrify Sectors and Carbon Dioxide Emissions

  • Hard-to-electrify sectors account for 30% of total annual carbon dioxide emissions
  • These sectors cannot be efficiently electrified and rely on fossil fuels for their molecules
  • Until recently, there was no viable alternative to obtaining molecules from fossil fuels

Renewable Energy as a Necessity

  • The use of renewable energy is a necessity, not a luxury

Communal Action for Societal Endeavors

  • Communal action is important for societal endeavors

Metaphor of Electron and Water Molecule Love Story

  • The story of the electron and the water molecule falling in love is a metaphor for the importance of renewable energy and communal action
  • The importance of renewable energy and communal action is highlighted through the metaphor of the electron and water molecule falling in love

Supporting Renewable Energy

  • The speaker emphasizes the need for support and uphold of the industry, society, consumers, and voters
  • The audience is urged to take action and support renewable energy
  • The speaker believes that supporting renewable energy is necessary and non-negotiable


The Love Story of Electrons and Water Molecules: A Metaphor for Renewable Energy and Communal Action

Olivia Breese, an energy innovator, envisions a game-changing energy source that pairs green electrons with water molecules, eliminating carbon dioxide emissions. This innovation addresses the economic cost of carbon dioxide emission, which leads to the loss of nature and biodiversity. As technology evolves, innovations like blockchain, NFTs, and AI impact our lives in various ways, from the metaverse to smartwatches and self-driving robo taxis. People in AI, including virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google, play a significant role in shaping our future.

However, hard-to-electrify sectors, responsible for 30% of total annual carbon dioxide emissions, rely on fossil fuels for their molecules. Until recently, there was no viable alternative to obtaining molecules from fossil fuels. This is where the importance of renewable energy comes into play. It is not a luxury but a necessity to combat climate change and preserve our environment. Communal action is crucial in achieving societal endeavors and supporting the transition to renewable energy.

Breese beautifully illustrates the significance of renewable energy and communal action through the metaphor of a love story between an electron and a water molecule. This metaphor emphasizes the interconnectedness of our actions and the need for collective support from industry, society, consumers, and voters. The audience is urged to take action and support renewable energy, as it is non-negotiable for a sustainable future.


Olivia Breese’s TED Talk inspires us to embrace renewable energy and communal action to address the environmental challenges we face. By pairing green electrons with water molecules, we can create a game-changing energy source that doesn’t emit carbon dioxide. It is essential for us to support the industry, society, consumers, and voters in transitioning to renewable energy. Let us take action and work together towards a brighter and sustainable future.

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