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Ted Talks Daily / – We actually have a shot at stopping the climate crisis | Asmeret Asefaw Berhe

Ted Talks Daily – We actually have a shot at stopping the climate crisis | Asmeret Asefaw Berhe

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Asmeret Asefaw Berhe discusses how we can stop the climate crisis by applying the lessons from JFK’s Moon Shot Initiative to transitioning away from fossil fuels. She explores the concept of Energy Earth Shots and the importance of carbon negative solutions for achieving global climate goals.

Main Takeaways

Transitioning Away from Fossil Fuels

  • Lessons from JFK’s Moon Shot Initiative applied to transitioning away from fossil fuels
  • US aiming for net zero emissions by 2050 through ecosystem of innovation
  • Energy Earth Shots inspired by Moon Shot Initiative
  • Carbon Negative Shot aimed at durable, scalable, and responsible CO2 removal

Nature-Based Solutions and New Technologies

  • Nature-based solutions and new technologies needed for Carbon Negative Shot
  • Equitable transition needed for decarbonized energy system
  • Multiple co-benefits of carbon negative shot, including improving soil health, reducing air pollution, and creating good jobs

Collaboration and Carbon Removal Technologies

  • Carbon removal technologies can play a critical role in mitigating climate change
  • Direct air capture is a promising technology for carbon removal as it can remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
  • The cost of direct air capture needs to decrease for it to be widely adopted
  • Carbon capture and utilization can help to create a circular economy by turning carbon dioxide into useful products
  • Collaboration between governments, industry, and academia is necessary to accelerate the development and deployment of carbon removal technologies


Transitioning Away from Fossil Fuels

By applying the lessons from JFK’s Moon Shot Initiative, the United States aims to transition away from fossil fuels and achieve net zero emissions by 2050. This transition requires an ecosystem of innovation, inspired by the Energy Earth Shots concept. One of these shots, the Carbon Negative Shot, focuses on durable, scalable, and responsible CO2 removal.

Nature-Based Solutions and New Technologies

To achieve the Carbon Negative Shot, a combination of nature-based solutions and new technologies is needed. This transition should be equitable, ensuring a decarbonized energy system that benefits all. Implementing carbon negative solutions not only reduces carbon emissions but also brings multiple co-benefits, such as improving soil health, reducing air pollution, and creating good jobs.

Collaboration and Carbon Removal Technologies

Carbon removal technologies play a critical role in mitigating climate change. Direct air capture, a promising technology, can remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, the cost of direct air capture needs to decrease for widespread adoption. Additionally, carbon capture and utilization can contribute to creating a circular economy by transforming carbon dioxide into useful products. Collaboration between governments, industry, and academia is essential to accelerate the development and deployment of these carbon removal technologies.


By embracing the concept of Energy Earth Shots and focusing on carbon negative solutions, we have a shot at stopping the climate crisis. Success in carbon removal efforts will not only contribute to mitigating climate change but also lead to a better, more equitable, and cleaner world. It is crucial to prioritize collaboration and innovation to achieve our global climate goals.

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