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Ted Talks Daily / – Why I built my own time machine | Lucas Rizzotto

Ted Talks Daily – Why I built my own time machine | Lucas Rizzotto

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Lucas Rizzotto shares his journey of building his own time machine and how it led to unexpected innovations and opportunities. Through his projects, he explores the intersection of art and emerging technology, creating unique experiences that foster connection and empathy.

Main Takeaways

Rediscovering Memories and Self-Compassion

  • Lucas Rizzotto built a virtual reality time machine to re-experience past memories.
  • The time machine allowed him to become more aware of how much of our lives we forget over time and to be kinder to himself.

Inspiring Others and Accidental Innovation

  • The project went viral and inspired others to start companies based on the concept.
  • The accidental innovation made Lucas wonder if he could do it again by mixing art and emerging technology.

Exploring Love and Connection through Art

  • An artist created an art project that turned touch between lovers into a visual and auditory symphony.
  • The project became a new kind of musical instrument, a particle synthesizer that lets you play complex sounds in mid-air.
  • The artist attached the instrument to a piece of clothing, creating the first example of interactive digital musical fashion.

Using VR for Empathy and Therapy

  • The artist used VR to create an experience that fosters connection with strangers by listening to voice messages and answering personal questions.
  • The experience instilled a deep sense of empathy and connection in a short span of time, with virtually zero trolls in the system.
  • VR can be used to create a space where people treat each other respectfully and the space as sacred.
  • The speaker inadvertently invented a new form of therapy with VR, and it’s being used in a medical trial for anxiety treatment.

Artists and Technologists Collaborating for Innovation

  • Following your gut and approaching technology in a unique way can lead to innovative ideas and products.
  • The speaker’s new project, Pillow, aims to turn beds into a mixed reality playground for wellness, play, and human connection.
  • We need more artists in technology and more technologists to think like artists, as approaching technology from a place of truth can lead to important ideas and long-term success.
  • Artists can create projects and companies that challenge engineer-dominated visions of technology and propose something new and weirder with more heart.

Unleashing Imagination and Pursuing Crazy Projects

  • Engineers build so artists can imagine, and artists can unlock new realities that we’re excited to live and see our children grow up in.
  • Pursuing crazy projects can lead to unexpected discoveries and opportunities.


The Intersection of Art and Emerging Technology

Lucas Rizzotto’s journey of building a virtual reality time machine led him to rediscover forgotten memories and practice self-compassion. The project’s viral success inspired him to explore the possibilities of mixing art and emerging technology. Through collaborations with other artists, he created unique experiences that transformed touch into music and fostered deep connections with strangers. These projects also unintentionally led to the invention of new forms of therapy using virtual reality.

The Power of Artists and Technologists Collaboration

Lucas emphasizes the importance of having more artists in technology and technologists thinking like artists. By approaching technology from a place of truth and creativity, artists can challenge engineer-dominated visions and propose innovative ideas that have a deeper emotional impact. This collaboration can unlock new realities and lead to long-term success.

Unleashing Imagination and Pursuing Crazy Projects

Lucas encourages individuals to follow their instincts and pursue unconventional projects. By unleashing their imagination, unexpected discoveries and opportunities can arise. These projects have the potential to shape the future and create new possibilities for human connection and well-being.


Lucas Rizzotto’s journey of building his own time machine and exploring the intersection of art and emerging technology showcases the power of creativity, empathy, and collaboration. Through his projects, he demonstrates the potential of virtual reality to foster connection, inspire innovation, and create new forms of therapy. By embracing artistry and thinking outside the box, we can unlock new realities and shape a future that is both technologically advanced and emotionally fulfilling.

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