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Ted Talks Daily / – Why I gave my teenage daughter a vibrator | Robin Buckley

Ted Talks Daily – Why I gave my teenage daughter a vibrator | Robin Buckley

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, psychologist Robin Buckley shares her experience of buying her teenage daughter a vibrator and why she believes it’s important for parents to consider doing the same. She discusses the significance of empowering teenage girls to learn about their bodies and take ownership of their sexual health.

Main Takeaways

Empowering Girls to Explore Their Bodies

  • Psychologist Robin Buckley shares why she bought her teenage daughter a vibrator.
  • Encourages parents to consider doing the same for their teen daughters.
  • Talks about the importance of empowering teenage girls to learn about their bodies and gain a sense of ownership of their bodies.
  • Girls typically develop a desire for sexual contact between the ages of 11 and 14.
  • Many teens are getting their sex education from pornography, making it important for parents to have conversations about sex with their children.
  • Parents need to become trusted resources for their kids when it comes to sex education.

Recognizing Pleasure and Body Ownership

  • Girls exploring their bodies is important for their health and can help them recognize changes and potential problems.
  • Girls should know it’s okay to figure out what gives them pleasure and not rely on someone else for it.
  • Girls who know their bodies can better own their bodies and make choices that benefit them.
  • Learning not to be ashamed of sexual pleasure is not limited to girls and young women, it can also benefit older women.
  • Embracing sexual pleasure can lead to increased confidence and empowerment in other areas of life.

Empowering Women in All Areas of Life

  • Supporting healthy sexual development in girls can empower their entire sense of self.
  • Raising girls to be strong women who can speak up for themselves in all areas of life, including the bedroom and boardroom, is important.
  • Open communication and support around sexual pleasure can help break down shame and stigma, leading to a more confident and empowered generation of women.


Empowering Girls to Explore Their Bodies

Psychologist Robin Buckley highlights the importance of empowering teenage girls to learn about their bodies and sexuality. She shares her personal experience of buying her teenage daughter a vibrator as a way to encourage healthy exploration and understanding of pleasure. Buckley emphasizes the need for parents to become trusted resources for their children’s sex education, as many teens are turning to pornography for information.

Recognizing Pleasure and Body Ownership

Buckley discusses the significance of girls exploring their bodies, not only for their sexual health but also for recognizing changes and potential problems. She advocates for girls to understand that it’s okay to figure out what gives them pleasure and not rely on someone else for it. By knowing their bodies, girls can better own their bodies and make choices that benefit them. Buckley also highlights that learning not to be ashamed of sexual pleasure is not limited to girls and young women, but can also benefit older women by increasing confidence and empowerment in various aspects of life.

Empowering Women in All Areas of Life

Buckley emphasizes that supporting healthy sexual development in girls can empower their entire sense of self. By raising girls to be strong women who can speak up for themselves in all areas of life, including the bedroom and boardroom, parents can contribute to a more confident and empowered generation of women. Open communication and support around sexual pleasure can help break down shame and stigma, leading to a society where women feel more confident and empowered in their choices and actions.


Robin Buckley’s Ted Talk challenges societal taboos around teenage girls’ exploration of their bodies and sexual pleasure. By empowering girls to learn about their bodies and take ownership of their sexual health, parents can contribute to a more confident and empowered generation of women. Open and supportive conversations about sex and pleasure can help break down shame and stigma, leading to a society where women feel empowered in all areas of their lives.

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