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TED Radio Hour / The Age of Fraud | TED Radio Hour

The Age of Fraud | TED Radio Hour

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In this episode of the TED Radio Hour, host Guy Raz explores the age of fraud with accounting professor and fraud investigator Kelly Richmond Pope. They delve into real-life cases of fraud, the different types of perpetrators, and the impact of fraud on individuals and society.

Main Takeaways

Rita Cundwell: The City Comptroller Who Embezzled Millions

  • Kelly Richmond Pope discusses the case of Rita Cundwell, the city comptroller of Dixon, Illinois, who embezzled money from the city coffers for 20 years.
  • Rita owned 400 champion horses and led a lavish lifestyle that would have been impossible on a civil servant’s salary.
  • This case exemplifies lifestyle fraud, where the criminal lives brazenly, making it hard for people to believe they are stealing.

The Widespread Impact of Financial Scams

  • Smaller financial scams happen every day, costing companies and individuals an estimated five trillion dollars a year.
  • The pandemic has pushed people who would never engage in fraud to commit it, leading to a significant increase in fraud losses.
  • PPP loan fraud saw first-time offenders such as doctors and lawyers commit fraud by lying about the number of employees they had.

The Three Types of Perpetrators

  • There are three distinct types of perpetrators: intentional perpetrators (like Rita Cundwell), those who follow orders, and those who use their power to help someone outside.
  • Not everyone is an intentional perpetrator, and it’s important to understand the motivations behind their actions.
  • Empathy can help us understand the different types of perpetrators and their actions.

The Impact of Medical Fraud

  • Medical fraud, such as the case of compound pharmacist Robert Courtney, has a significant impact on patients.
  • Robert Courtney diluted chemotherapy drugs, altering their effectiveness, and had financial motivations for doing so.
  • Whistleblowers play a crucial role in uncovering medical fraud and protecting patient safety.

The Role of Whistleblowers

  • Whistleblowers face fear of retaliation, demotion, and job loss, but their actions benefit society and promote accountability.
  • Whistleblowers make valuable contributions, discovering a significant percentage of fraud cases.
  • Proper support and protection for whistleblowers are crucial in combating fraud.

The Culture of Fraud and the Importance of Financial Literacy

  • Fraud is less about greed and more about the culture and pressure cooker environments in organizations.
  • Personal information is already on the dark web, making individuals vulnerable to identity theft.
  • Financial literacy is essential in protecting oneself from fraud and making informed financial decisions.


Rita Cundwell: The Brazen Embezzler

Kelly Richmond Pope recounts the case of Rita Cundwell, the city comptroller of Dixon, Illinois, who embezzled $53.7 million over 20 years. Despite leading a lavish lifestyle and owning 400 champion horses, Rita managed to conceal her fraudulent activities. This case highlights the concept of lifestyle fraud, where criminals openly flaunt their wealth, making it difficult for others to believe they are stealing.

The Impact of Fraud

Fraud is pervasive and costly, with smaller scams costing companies and individuals trillions of dollars annually. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated fraud, with first-time offenders engaging in fraudulent activities like PPP loan fraud. The financial losses due to fraud have significant consequences, affecting projects and services in cities like Dixon, Illinois.

The Three Types of Perpetrators

Kelly Richmond Pope explains the three types of perpetrators: intentional, accidental, and complacent. Understanding the motivations behind each type can help shed light on their actions. Empathy plays a crucial role in comprehending the different perspectives of perpetrators and addressing the root causes of fraud.

The Impact of Medical Fraud and the Role of Whistleblowers

Medical fraud, exemplified by the case of compound pharmacist Robert Courtney, has dire consequences for patients. Diluting chemotherapy drugs compromised their effectiveness and put lives at risk. Whistleblowers play a vital role in uncovering medical fraud and protecting patient safety. Their courageous actions expose wrongdoing and promote accountability, even in the face of potential retaliation.

The Culture of Fraud and the Importance of Financial Literacy

Fraud is deeply rooted in organizational culture and the pressure cooker environments that exist within them. Personal information is already accessible to cybercriminals, emphasizing the need for individuals to protect themselves from identity theft. Financial literacy is essential in equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions and safeguard against fraud.


The age of fraud poses significant challenges to individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. Understanding the different types of perpetrators, the impact of fraud, and the importance of whistleblowers and financial literacy are crucial in combatting fraud and promoting integrity and accountability.

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