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The Ben Shapiro Show / – Ep. 1767 – The 2024 Republican Race Is ON

The Ben Shapiro Show – Ep. 1767 – The 2024 Republican Race Is ON

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the ongoing race for the 2024 Republican nomination and the key issues being debated among the candidates. He also analyzes Tucker Carlson’s interviews with Republican presidential candidates and the focus on Ukraine as a top issue. Ben examines the importance of connecting with voters and the attempts by candidates to emulate Donald Trump’s success. Additionally, he addresses the controversy surrounding Mike Pence’s stance on Ukraine and the role of religious freedom in the country. Ben also delves into the debate over entitlement reform, the impact of social media on elections, and the top contenders in the Republican primary.

Main Takeaways

Tucker Carlson’s Interviews and Issue Set

  • Tucker Carlson interviews Republican presidential candidates, except for Donald Trump who did not attend.
  • Tucker’s issue set has become national priorities among Republicans in primaries.
  • There has been an attempt within the Republican Party to capture the issue set that Trump supposedly stood for.

Donald Trump’s Success and Connection with Voters

  • Donald Trump’s success in 2016 was not driven by any specific policy, but rather his ability to connect with voters.
  • Trump respected and reached out to people in the middle of the country, particularly rust belt white people with a high school degree, who felt dispossessed by the political system.
  • Trump’s support among these folks is extremely durable, not because of his issue set, but because of his persona.

Tucker Carlson’s Criticism of Mike Pence and Ukraine

  • Tucker Carlson is targeting Mike Pence, who has lost support from some Republicans due to his role in certifying the 2020 election results.
  • Tucker Carlson is criticizing Pence’s stance on Ukraine, which is a litmus test for many Republicans.
  • Republicans are looking for America’s national priority in Ukraine, which some argue is not democracy but rather national interests such as preventing Russian military aggression and securing natural resources.

Debate on Ukraine and America’s National Interests

  • Negotiating with Putin and giving security guarantees to Ukraine may be the best solution to end the conflict.
  • The debate on Ukraine is divided between those who want to put pressure on Zelensky to surrender territory and those who think the US should stop supporting Ukraine altogether.
  • The primary issue is showing that America’s national interest comes first, but this does not mean disregarding the national interests of other countries.

Controversy Surrounding Mike Pence and Entitlement Reform

  • Tucker Carlson questioned Pence’s focus on Ukraine instead of American cities, but Pence responded by saying he is running for President to address issues at home and abroad and believes America can be a leader in both areas.
  • JD Vance criticized for illogical connection between Ukraine and entitlement reform.
  • Increasing attempt to say things that people want to hear but present it as though you’re saying something that nobody wants to hear.

Republican Primary and Top Contenders

  • The Republican primary is focused on who is best poised to take on Joe Biden.
  • The top two Republicans in the polls are Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump.
  • DeSantis is shaking up his campaign to gain more traction in the polls.


Tucker Carlson’s Influence and Ukraine as a Top Issue

Tucker Carlson’s interviews with Republican presidential candidates have shaped the issue set that is now considered a national priority among Republicans in the primaries. However, the focus on Ukraine as a top issue is not necessarily reflective of the concerns of the general Republican voter base. While there has been an attempt to capture the issue set that Donald Trump supposedly stood for, it is important to recognize that Trump’s success in 2016 was not solely driven by specific policies but rather his ability to connect with voters.

The Persona of Donald Trump and Durability of Support

Donald Trump’s success in 2016 can be attributed to his persona and his ability to resonate with dispossessed voters, particularly in the rust belt. His support among these voters remains durable because of the connection he established, rather than his specific issue set. Republican candidates trying to emulate Trump’s success by focusing on his issue set may miss the key factor that made Trump successful.

Tucker Carlson’s Criticism of Mike Pence and Ukraine Debate

Tucker Carlson has targeted Mike Pence, questioning his stance on Ukraine and criticizing his focus on the issue instead of American cities. The debate on Ukraine within the Republican Party revolves around America’s national interests, such as preventing Russian military aggression and securing natural resources. Some Republicans believe negotiating with Putin and giving security guarantees to Ukraine may be the best solution, while others argue for putting pressure on Ukraine to surrender territory or ending support altogether. The primary objective is to prioritize America’s national interest while considering the interests of other countries.

Controversy Surrounding Mike Pence and Entitlement Reform

Tucker Carlson’s criticism of Mike Pence extends to his stance on entitlement reform and its connection to Ukraine. JD Vance has been criticized for making an illogical connection between the two issues. The focus on saying things that people want to hear without presenting them as popular opinions is becoming more prevalent. It is important to separate policy disagreements from opposing the interests of Americans.

Republican Primary and Top Contenders

The Republican primary is centered around identifying the candidate who is best positioned to take on Joe Biden and promote the party’s agenda. The current top contenders in the polls are Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump. DeSantis is making changes to his campaign strategy to gain more traction. However, Trump’s focus seems to be more on himself rather than the broader Republican field, potentially setting the stage for Biden to also avoid a debate against him.


The race for the 2024 Republican nomination is in full swing, with candidates attempting to capture the issue set that resonated with voters during Donald Trump’s successful 2016 campaign. Tucker Carlson’s interviews and criticism of Mike Pence have brought Ukraine to the forefront of the debate, although its relevance to the concerns of the general Republican voter base is questionable. As the primary progresses, it will be crucial for candidates to connect with voters on a personal level, prioritize America’s national interests, and differentiate themselves from Joe Biden to secure the nomination.

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