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The Ben Shapiro Show / – Ep. 1772 – Barbie Is Garbage, But You’re Not Allowed To Say So

The Ben Shapiro Show – Ep. 1772 – Barbie Is Garbage, But You’re Not Allowed To Say So

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben Shapiro reviews the Barbie movie and expresses his negative opinion about it. However, his review faces backlash from cancel culture. The podcast delves into the controversy surrounding Shapiro’s critique, the concept of sacred spaces in criticism, and the religious undertones of the movie. Additionally, it discusses other topics such as the corruption allegations against the Biden family, proposed changes to the Israeli judiciary, and Elon Musk’s plans for Twitter.

Main Takeaways

Ben Shapiro’s Barbie Movie Review

  • Ben Shapiro reviews Barbie movie and deems it terrible.
  • Cancel culture backlash against Shapiro’s negative review.
  • Some critics ‘peel’ or pretend a movie is good because of its politics.
  • Shapiro’s burning of Barbie items causes outrage.
  • Media outlets cover Shapiro’s negative review and backlash.
  • Ben Shapiro’s negative review of the Barbie movie received backlash, but he made more money from the YouTube video reviewing the movie than he spent on tickets and Barbie dolls to burn.
  • Shapiro is a 39-year-old with a popular show who took time out of his busy schedule to watch the movie.

The Religious Undertones of the Barbie Movie

  • Greta Gerwig’s movie “Barbie” has a religious undertone.
  • Gerwig wrote an abstract poem about Barbie, which she compared to the Apostles Creed.
  • Gerwig draws a direct parallel between Barbie and the book of Genesis.
  • The movie challenges presumptions about the Bible and reverses biblical morality.
  • The Barbie movie is directed at children and has a deeper religious impulse.
  • The Barbie movie has a deeper religious impulse that is based on the apostles’ creed of feminism.
  • The movie promotes third wave feminism with no subtlety and hits the audience with the nostrums of feminism.
  • The speech made by America Forever in the movie is the apostles’ creed of feminism, and it is impossible to be a woman according to her.
  • The movie portrays contradictory expectations for women to be thin, successful, and have it all, but also be grateful and never show fear or fail.

The Biden Family Corruption Allegations

  • Hunter Biden’s corruption is being called into serious question.
  • Hunter Biden was picking up sacks of cash abroad and some of it was making its way back to Joe.
  • Senator Chuck Grassley released an FBI memo with unverified claims about Hunter Biden funneling cash to his dad through Ukraine natural gas business Burisma Holdings.
  • The left is ignoring the corruption of Hunter and Joe Biden while focusing on Trump’s legal issues.
  • A memo suggests that a Ukrainian businessman paid a $10 million bribe to Joe Biden in exchange for the firing of a prosecutor.
  • Hunter’s business partners referred to Joe Biden as “the big guy”.
  • Republican investigations into the Biden family are riddled with stunts and conspiracies.

Proposed Changes to the Israeli Judiciary

  • Proposed changes to the Israeli judiciary by a right-wing coalition have caused controversy in Israel.
  • The Supreme Court in Israel has been accused of having too much power and selecting its own successors.
  • The new coalition vowed to remake the judiciary and make judges more answerable to the legislature.
  • The current piece passed by the Knesset means the judiciary still has the same amount of power but cannot throw out laws on the basis of being unreasonable.
  • Protests have continued despite the watered-down proposal and have turned into a spectacle of opposition to the elected government of Israel.
  • Israel has had five elections in the last four years, showing that the people’s voices are heard through the democratic process.
  • If the current coalition in Israel were to acquiesce to the protests, the protesters would run the government.
  • Joe Biden is using the protests as a wedge to attenuate connections between Israel and the United States, despite his own party proposing things like packing the United States Supreme Court.

Elon Musk’s Plans for Twitter

  • Elon Musk changed the logo of Twitter to X to unify his brands and plans to monetize it with video streaming.
  • Musk’s goal is to make Twitter more free speech and less restrictive than other social media platforms.
  • Twitter’s video push threatens Facebook’s hold on video and short-form content.
  • Musk knows Twitter is where newsmakers go.


Ben Shapiro’s Barbie Movie Review and Backlash

Ben Shapiro’s negative review of the Barbie movie received significant backlash from cancel culture. Despite the criticism, Shapiro’s YouTube video reviewing the movie generated more revenue than he spent on tickets and Barbie dolls to burn. The controversy surrounding his review highlights the tendency of some critics to pretend a movie is good due to its politics, even if it is objectively terrible.

The Religious Undertones of the Barbie Movie

Greta Gerwig’s movie “Barbie” has deeper religious undertones, with Gerwig comparing Barbie to the Apostles Creed and drawing parallels between Barbie and the book of Genesis. The movie challenges presumptions about the Bible and promotes third wave feminism with no subtlety. It portrays contradictory expectations for women and presents a feminist diatribe about the evils of the modern patriarchy. The religious impulse in the movie is based on the apostles’ creed of feminism.

The Biden Family Corruption Allegations

The corruption allegations against Hunter and Joe Biden are being called into serious question. Hunter Biden’s involvement in corrupt business dealings, including picking up cash abroad, has raised concerns about financial impropriety. Senator Chuck Grassley released an FBI memo with unverified claims about Hunter Biden funneling cash to his dad through Ukraine natural gas business Burisma Holdings. Despite these allegations, the left seems to ignore the Biden family’s corruption while focusing on Trump’s legal issues.

Proposed Changes to the Israeli Judiciary

A right-wing coalition in Israel has proposed changes to the judiciary, aiming to make judges more accountable to the legislature. The Supreme Court’s perceived power and ability to select its own successors have sparked controversy. Protests against the proposed changes have turned into a spectacle of opposition to the elected government of Israel. However, Israel’s democratic process, with five elections in the last four years, demonstrates that the people’s voices are heard. Joe Biden’s attempts to use the protests to weaken connections between Israel and the United States are seen as hypocritical, given his party’s proposals like packing the United States Supreme Court.

Elon Musk’s Plans for Twitter

Elon Musk aims to unify his brands and monetize Twitter through video streaming. His goal is to make Twitter a platform that prioritizes free speech and is less restrictive compared to other social media platforms. Musk’s push for video content on Twitter poses a threat to Facebook’s dominance in the video and short-form content space. Musk recognizes that Twitter is where newsmakers often go to share their thoughts and engage with the public.


This episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show” explores various topics, including Ben Shapiro’s Barbie movie review and the backlash he faced, the religious undertones of the movie, corruption allegations against the Biden family, proposed changes to the Israeli judiciary, and Elon Musk’s plans for Twitter. It highlights the challenges of expressing criticism in cancel culture, the manipulation of religious themes in movies, and the selective attention given to political corruption. The episode provides insightful commentary on current events and encourages critical thinking.

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