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The Ben Shapiro Show / – Ep. 1777 – ‘Family Man’ Forced To Acknowledge Seventh Grandchild

The Ben Shapiro Show – Ep. 1777 – ‘Family Man’ Forced To Acknowledge Seventh Grandchild

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the recent acknowledgement by Joe Biden of his seventh grandchild, Navy Joan, and the implications it has on the Biden family’s reputation and character. He delves into the Biden family’s tribal nature, Hunter Biden’s corruption scandals, and the media’s avoidance of these issues. Ben also touches on other topics such as Trump’s political strategies, the economy, and societal trends.

Main Takeaways

The Biden Family and Reputation

  • Joe Biden’s personal unpopularity is the main reason for his sinking poll numbers, which has been exacerbated by the Afghanistan pullout and his association with his son Hunter.
  • Hunter Biden’s corruption scandals have shifted public perception of him from a sympathetic figure to a bad person, and Joe Biden’s association with him has hurt his own reputation.
  • The Biden family is incredibly tribal, and if you are a Biden, you can benefit from the family’s name and connections, but if not, you are cut off.
  • The Biden last name is crucial for legitimacy and money-making in the family, and Navy Joan was denied this.
  • Joe Biden’s recent acknowledgement of Navy Joan as his granddaughter is likely due to negative public opinion rather than a change of heart.
  • Biden’s treatment of his son Hunter, who has a history of drug addiction and questionable financial dealings, appears to be preferential over his treatment of his own granddaughter.

Hunter Biden’s Scandals and Legal Issues

  • Hunter Biden had a sexual relationship with a woman named London Roberts, who bore his child Navy Joan.
  • Joe Biden previously pretended that Navy Joan did not exist, but has now acknowledged her as his seventh grandchild.
  • Joe Biden previously denied the existence of his seventh grandchild, Navy Joan, who is the daughter of Hunter Biden.
  • The Biden family’s financial dealings, including Hunter Biden’s art sales, have been criticized as potential money laundering operations.
  • Hunter Biden violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act by lobbying for Burisma and Chinese companies.
  • DOJ and Hunter Biden’s legal team had a battle over the charges, and the plea agreement is still in limbo.
  • Devon Archer, former business partner of Hunter Biden, received a letter from the DOJ requesting him to turn himself in.
  • Devon Archer is testifying behind closed doors before Congress, and it could be devastating for Hunter and Joe Biden.

Trump’s Political Strategies

  • Donald Trump is essentially a mud monster, and the more mud thrown at him, the more he is made of mud.
  • Trump is a genius at targeting and destroying political opposition, with a gut-level understanding of where to put the knife in.
  • Trump endorses candidates but avoids responsibility for their losses.
  • Trump aims at Joe Biden and Republican opponents, threatening to primary them if they don’t vote to impeach Biden.
  • Trump doesn’t care about the Republican party’s success or failure.

The Economy and Business Dynamics

  • The question is whether inflation progress is due to interest rate increases or supply chains healing themselves.
  • GDP is a bad stat because it measures consumption and government spending, not business dynamics.
  • Gross output is a better statistic because it measures the production side of the economy, including business investment.
  • Business spending has dropped 9% in real terms over the past two quarters, while consumer spending is still robust.
  • Florida is the number one incoming state for tax revenue, with $12.4 billion in net income migration, due to being a well-governed state and a good place to live.
  • The growth of government and the bureaucratic state are the main drags on small and medium-sized businesses, giving an advantage to big companies who can handle it with lawyers and accountants. Lowering taxes is important, but getting rid of these drags would be a huge thing for businesses.

Societal Trends and Controversial Topics

  • Normalizing insanity, such as a man spending $14,000 to transform himself into a collie, is concerning.
  • Expressive individualism has reached its end with people dressing up as animals to actualize their dreams.
  • Dylan Mulvaney is now the highest-paid female empowerment speaker in America, charging $40,000 in speaking fees.
  • A post-op transsexual Canadian has requested the socialized healthcare system for an assisted suicide lethal injection to end long-term suffering and pain from a surgery to manufacture a neo vagina.
  • Welcome to the Brave New World we have created where people can be dogs, people can be women, and we will help them kill themselves if they’re unhappy enough.


The Biden Family and Reputation

The Biden family’s tribal nature and reliance on the family name and connections have come under scrutiny. Joe Biden’s sinking poll numbers can be attributed to his personal unpopularity, exacerbated by the Afghanistan pullout and his association with his son Hunter. Hunter Biden’s corruption scandals have shifted public perception of him, and Joe Biden’s association with him has damaged his own reputation. The recent acknowledgement of Navy Joan as Joe Biden’s seventh grandchild is likely a response to negative public opinion rather than a change of heart. This raises questions about Joe Biden’s treatment of his own granddaughter compared to his preferential treatment of Hunter.

Hunter Biden’s Scandals and Legal Issues

Hunter Biden’s sexual relationship with London Roberts, resulting in the birth of Navy Joan, has been a subject of controversy. Joe Biden previously denied the existence of his seventh grandchild, but has now acknowledged her. The Biden family’s financial dealings, including Hunter Biden’s art sales, have faced criticism for potential money laundering operations. Hunter Biden’s violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act and the ongoing legal battles involving his former business partner, Devon Archer, have further tarnished the family’s reputation.

Trump’s Political Strategies

Donald Trump’s political strategies, characterized by targeting and destroying political opposition, have been effective in his campaigns. Trump’s endorsements and threats to primary opponents demonstrate his ability to manipulate the political landscape. His disregard for the success or failure of the Republican party adds to his unique approach.

The Economy and Business Dynamics

The question of whether inflation progress is due to interest rate increases or supply chains healing themselves is a topic of discussion. Gross output, which measures the production side of the economy, provides a more accurate picture compared to GDP, which focuses on consumption and government spending. The drop in business spending and the growth of the bureaucratic state pose challenges for small and medium-sized businesses. Florida’s success in attracting tax revenue highlights the importance of well-governed states for business growth.

Societal Trends and Controversial Topics

The normalization of unconventional behaviors, such as individuals transforming themselves into animals, raises concerns about societal values. Expressive individualism reaching its end with people dressing up as animals reflects a broader cultural shift. The rise of highly-paid empowerment speakers and controversial requests for assisted suicide highlight the evolving landscape of societal norms.


The acknowledgement of Navy Joan as Joe Biden’s seventh grandchild sheds light on the tribal nature of the Biden family and the impact of Hunter Biden’s scandals on their reputation. Trump’s political strategies continue to shape the political landscape, while the economy and societal trends raise important questions about the direction of the country. As these issues unfold, it remains to be seen how they will impact future elections and the overall perception of the Biden family.

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