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The Ben Shapiro Show / – Ep. 1781 – Are They The Baddies?

The Ben Shapiro Show – Ep. 1781 – Are They The Baddies?

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the enduring support for Donald Trump among conservatives and traditionalists, the disconnect between conservative beliefs and voter sentiments, the concept of class struggle, and the role of values in American society.

Main Takeaways

Trump’s Support Base and Indictments

  • Donald Trump’s support base puzzles the left as he draws support from both socially conservative and liberal voters.
  • Despite facing a bevy of indictments, Trump’s brand remains durable and he continues to have high approval ratings among Republicans.
  • Polls show a disconnect between conservative beliefs about how the rest of the country will react to Trump’s indictments and how voters actually feel.
  • 52% of voters approve of the federal indictment against Trump, with the same number approving of the classified documents indictment.
  • Among independents, 59% approve of Trump being indicted for the 2020 election, while only 49% approve of the classified documents indictment.

Community Struggles and Values

  • The appeal of Trump to conservatives and traditionalists lies in his opposition to leftist elites.
  • The mood behind the support for Trump comes from a reaction to a liberal elite who prioritize their values over others’.
  • The idea that everything is about class conflict is not true, as virtually no conflict in human history has been fought purely over class.
  • The real driving force behind history is community struggles between people who share certain values, not class solidarity.
  • Donald Trump represents a particular community, not a particular class, as people from different income levels support him against Joe Biden.

The Forgotten Man and Values Cleavage

  • The concept of the “Forgotten Man” was introduced by William Graham Sumner in 1876.
  • The “Forgotten Man” is the person who has traditional values, goes to church, supports their community, and is targeted by the elite class on a values level.
  • The division in America is not along class lines but between people who believe in traditional Judeo-Christian values and those who do not.
  • Culture wars are first and foremost in everybody’s mind because the things that we actually care about are values, not predominantly our pocketbook.

Meritocracy and Social Solidarity

  • Elite institutions have become politically progressive in part because the people in them want to feel good about themselves as they take part in systems that exclude and reject.
  • Credentialism is bad, and you don’t need a college degree to be successful.
  • The concept of social solidarity is being attacked, and it is the glue that holds society together.
  • Current politics relies heavily on symbols and virtue signaling.
  • The pursuit of justice for marginalized groups has become a transgressive notion of destroying the center.


Understanding Trump’s Support and the Values Cleavage

Donald Trump’s enduring support among conservatives and traditionalists can be attributed to his opposition to leftist elites and their prioritization of values over others’. The support for Trump is not purely based on class, but rather on shared values within a particular community. The concept of the “Forgotten Man” represents those who hold traditional Judeo-Christian values and are targeted by the elite class on a values level. The division in America is primarily along the lines of values, not class. The culture wars and the pursuit of justice for marginalized groups have become dominant themes in contemporary politics, overshadowing economic concerns.

The Disconnect Between Conservative Beliefs and Voter Sentiments

Polls reveal a disconnect between conservative beliefs about how the rest of the country will react to Trump’s indictments and how voters actually feel. While conservatives may believe that the indictments against Trump would be met with disapproval, a significant percentage of voters, including independents, approve of the indictments. This highlights the complexity of voter sentiments and the need to consider a diverse range of perspectives.

The Role of Community Struggles and Social Solidarity

Contrary to the Marxist idea of class struggle, history is driven by community struggles between people who share certain values, rather than pure class solidarity. The concept of social solidarity, which was once fostered through shared values and participation in religious institutions, is being attacked in contemporary society. Elite institutions have become politically progressive, but their actions often contradict the values they publicly espouse. The meritocracy, while economically efficient, needs to be backed by a shared set of values to be effective.


Understanding the enduring support for Donald Trump among conservatives and traditionalists requires an examination of the values cleavage in American society. The disconnect between conservative beliefs and voter sentiments highlights the complexity of public opinion. The concept of social solidarity and the role of community struggles in shaping history provide valuable insights into the dynamics of society. As politics increasingly revolves around symbols and virtue signaling, it is crucial to recognize the importance of shared values in fostering social cohesion.

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