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The Ben Shapiro Show / – Ep. 1803 – Get Ready For The Censorship

The Ben Shapiro Show – Ep. 1803 – Get Ready For The Censorship

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the rise of censorship and the manipulation of information by the media and social media platforms. He also delves into the corruption allegations surrounding Joe and Hunter Biden, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and the economic challenges faced by the Biden administration. Ben also touches on various other topics, including immigration, China’s real estate crisis, and the dangers of woke culture. The episode concludes with a preview of a discussion on culture featuring Miley Cyrus.

Main Takeaways

The Media’s Manipulation of Information

  • In the last election cycle, there was a lot of talk about disinformation and misinformation.
  • The media has created a new variant of disinformation, which is misinformation.
  • The media wants people to believe that they are the arborers of truth and will tell you what is misinformation and what is not.
  • The media and its allied interest groups will lobby social media to shut down other outlets to reduce their reach.
  • Misinformation is an undefined term, and it’s possible to rebut virtually all misinformation with actual good information.
  • Media is ramping up calls for censorship in advance of the 2024 election, using misinformation as a built-in excuse for potential loss by Joe Biden.
  • A survey of almost 300 researchers across 50 countries found that 54% believe the information environment in their countries will deteriorate in 2024, with politicians and social media posing the most serious threats.
  • Authoritarian states tend to be friendly towards shutting down misinformation, but this has not necessarily led to a stronger information environment.
  • Staffing cuts to tech companies and poorly done automated moderation pose significant hurdles to combatting misinformation.
  • Social media companies are seen as one of the most serious threats to healthy discourse by a third of researchers globally.
  • Right-wing politicians are seen as a bigger risk to healthy discourse than social media companies by some researchers.
  • Fact checker for the Washington Post, Philip Bump, is not an unbiased source.
  • Misinformation is being policed by people who seem more worried about information they don’t like getting out there in the public sphere.
  • Philip Bump writes frequently about misinformation but refuses to acknowledge evidence that doesn’t match his world.
  • Bump’s refusal to acknowledge evidence is similar to the robots in the HBO show Westworld who can’t compute data that doesn’t match their world.

The Biden Corruption Allegations

  • Joe Biden’s apparent corruption is a topic of discussion.
  • Hunter Biden’s corruption has been a topic for the past 20 years.
  • The podcast featuring Philip Bump is the Comedy Cellar podcast with Noam Dwarman.
  • Hunter Biden’s laptop contains information about money flowing to him and references to “the big guy.”
  • Hunter Biden used his father’s name to gain connections and influence.
  • Members of upper staff at Burisma openly talked about corruption they were able to effectuate with Joe Biden in office.
  • Philip Bump of the Washington Post refuses to acknowledge evidence of corruption involving Joe and Hunter Biden.
  • Bump’s refusal to acknowledge evidence is similar to the robots in the HBO show Westworld who can’t compute data that doesn’t match their world.

COVID-19 and Its Impact

  • Jill Biden tested positive for COVID-19 and is experiencing mild symptoms, while President Biden tested negative and will continue to monitor for symptoms.
  • There is a surge in COVID-19 infections across the United States due to new variants and the return to school.
  • CDC guidance recommends wearing masks indoors and around people.
  • Recent CDC data shows an increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths, but the base rate should be considered.
  • COVID-19 remains risky for people who are not vaccinated or have natural immunity.
  • ERIS, the latest COVID-19 variant, is more transmissible but doesn’t cause severe disease for the vast majority of people.
  • Anthony Fauci was asked about masking and was unable to explain how mask mandates lowered the rates of transmission.
  • Dr. Vin Gupta on MSNBC is claiming that everyone above the age of six months should get a COVID-19 vaccine, including infants.
  • Trusting the experts has not always been successful in the past, but it’s still crucial to follow their advice.

Economic Challenges and Other Topics

  • Biden is struggling to convince voters that his administration has been good for the economy, with 58% of voters saying the economy has gotten worse over the past two years.
  • People are experiencing wage-to-inflation actual declines over the past couple of years.
  • Auto insurance costs have surged, with premiums increasing by 16% in July 2022 compared to the previous year.
  • Large offshore wind developers are requesting an average 48% price adjustment in their contracts to cover rising costs.
  • Renewable developers say their costs are increasing faster than inflation, despite the inclusion of federal tax credits in the inflation reduction act (IRA).
  • Projects may not be economically viable and could come to a halt without federal government intervention.
  • Joe Biden’s boring persona is actually an asset for him in politics.
  • Books about Joe Biden are not selling well, even compared to books about Donald Trump.
  • Despite his boring image, Joe Biden’s policies could have significant negative consequences.


The Media’s Manipulation of Information

The media has been using the concept of misinformation to justify censoring other outlets and reducing their reach. However, the term “misinformation” is vague and can be rebutted with actual good information. A survey of researchers worldwide reveals concerns about the deterioration of the information environment, with politicians and social media platforms posing serious threats. The staffing cuts and poorly done automated moderation in tech companies present challenges in combating misinformation. It is alarming that social media companies are considered a significant threat to healthy discourse by many researchers. The refusal of fact checkers like Philip Bump to acknowledge evidence that doesn’t align with their worldview is reminiscent of the robots in the HBO show Westworld.

The Biden Corruption Allegations

The corruption allegations surrounding Joe and Hunter Biden have been a topic of discussion for years. Hunter Biden’s laptop contains evidence of money flowing to him and references to his father, Joe Biden. Hunter leveraged his father’s name to gain connections and influence. The refusal of Philip Bump from the Washington Post to acknowledge this evidence is concerning, as it mirrors the behavior of the robots in Westworld. The ongoing denial of corruption allegations raises questions about the media’s role in policing misinformation.

COVID-19 and Its Impact

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a significant impact, with a surge in infections due to new variants and the return to school. CDC guidance recommends wearing masks indoors and around people. Recent data shows an increase in hospitalizations and deaths, but it’s important to consider the base rate. COVID-19 remains a risk for unvaccinated individuals or those without natural immunity. The emergence of the ERIS variant, while more transmissible, does not cause severe disease for the majority. There are concerns about the effectiveness of mask mandates in lowering transmission rates, as highlighted by Anthony Fauci’s inability to explain the correlation. Dr. Vin Gupta’s claim that even infants should receive the COVID-19 vaccine raises questions about expert advice.

Economic Challenges and Other Topics

Biden is facing challenges in convincing voters that his administration has been good for the economy, with declining wages and increased auto insurance costs. Large offshore wind developers are requesting price adjustments to cover rising costs, despite federal tax credits. The viability of renewable projects may be at risk without government intervention. Joe Biden’s perceived boring persona may actually work in his favor politically, but his policies could have negative consequences. The lackluster sales of books about Biden compared to those about Trump reflect the public’s interest. The economic challenges faced by the Biden administration raise concerns about the long-term impact on the economy.


The rise of censorship and manipulation of information by the media and social media platforms is a concerning trend. The refusal to acknowledge evidence that contradicts one’s worldview undermines the credibility of fact checkers and raises questions about their true motives. The ongoing corruption allegations surrounding Joe and Hunter Biden highlight the importance of transparency and accountability in politics. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose challenges, with varying opinions on mitigation strategies. The economic challenges faced by the Biden administration and the potential consequences of their policies warrant further examination. It is crucial to critically analyze information and seek multiple perspectives to ensure a healthy discourse and informed decision-making.

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