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The Ben Shapiro Show / – Ep. 1809 – The “No Evidence” Lie

The Ben Shapiro Show – Ep. 1809 – The “No Evidence” Lie

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the ongoing impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden and the media’s rush to defend him. He also explores the increasing inflation under the Biden administration’s economic policies, Mitt Romney’s announcement of his retirement from politics, and the lack of action taken against Biden for his alleged involvement in corruption. Ben exposes the evidence of Joe Biden’s connection to Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings, despite media claims to the contrary. Join Ben as he dives deep into these topics and more.

Main Takeaways

Impeachment Inquiry and Media Defense

  • Republicans are launching an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden, and the media is rushing to his defense
  • Democrats do not need to prove a crime to pursue impeachment, only corruption or abusive power
  • The impeachment of Donald Trump for allegedly pressuring Ukraine to investigate the Bidens contrasts with the lack of action taken against Joe Biden for his involvement in corruption
  • The media are relying on a broad definition of evidence to avoid acknowledging the reality of the situation

Evidence of Biden’s Connection to Corruption

  • There is evidence of Joe Biden’s connection to Hunter Biden’s corruption, despite media claims to the contrary
  • Circumstantial evidence, such as Joe Biden’s threat to withhold aid if the prosecutor overseeing his son’s company was not fired, points to his involvement
  • Direct evidence, such as seeing the exchange of money, is not necessary for evidence to exist
  • Direct evidence of President Biden profiting from his son’s foreign business dealings

Joe Biden’s Response and Democratic Strategy

  • Joe Biden’s response is to pretend it’s a big nothing
  • The strategy is to battle it out in the court of public opinion because of the level of corruption in Joe Biden’s career
  • Democrats are turning on Hunter Biden and may throw him “under the bus” to save Joe
  • House Democrats are preparing to separate Hunter Biden’s conduct from his father’s in the impeachment inquiry

Inflation and Economic Policies

  • Inflation is increasing as the Biden administration tries to establish “bi-denomics”
  • Biden’s economic numbers are in the toilet and polls show Americans trust Trump over Biden to handle the economy
  • Democrats keep promoting “Bidenomics” despite the economy already turning around before Q4 2020
  • President Biden wants to build the economy from the bottom up, middle out, not the trickle-down economy that Republicans want

Mitt Romney’s Retirement

  • Mitt Romney announces the end of his political career
  • Romney’s political history as a moderate Republican who ran as a conservative
  • Romney’s voting record as conservative but also working with Democrats on certain bills
  • Romney’s perception among Republicans as a moderate or harsh conservative


Impeachment Inquiry and Media Defense

Republicans have launched an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden, specifically focusing on his alleged involvement in corruption. However, the media has rushed to Biden’s defense, highlighting the lack of evidence required for pursuing impeachment and contrasting it with the actions taken against Donald Trump. Despite media claims to the contrary, there is evidence of Joe Biden’s connection to Hunter Biden’s corruption, both circumstantial and direct.

Joe Biden’s Response and Democratic Strategy

In response to the allegations, Joe Biden has downplayed the situation, dismissing it as insignificant. Democrats, on the other hand, are strategizing to fight the allegations in the court of public opinion, potentially distancing Joe Biden from his son’s conduct. There are indications that Democrats may sacrifice Hunter Biden to protect Joe Biden’s reputation.

Inflation and Economic Policies

Under the Biden administration’s economic policies, inflation is on the rise. Despite this, Democrats continue to promote “Bidenomics” and prioritize building the economy from the bottom up. However, polls show that Americans trust former President Trump more than Biden to handle the economy.

Mitt Romney’s Retirement

Mitt Romney, a prominent Republican figure, has announced his retirement from politics. Romney’s political history is marked by his reputation as a moderate Republican who ran as a conservative. While his voting record aligns with conservative values, he has also collaborated with Democrats on certain bills, leading to mixed perceptions among Republicans.


As the impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden unfolds, the media’s defense and the evidence of Biden’s connection to corruption are at the forefront. Biden’s response and the Democratic strategy aim to protect his reputation, while inflation and economic policies continue to impact the economy. Additionally, Mitt Romney’s retirement marks the end of his political career, leaving a mixed legacy among Republicans. The ongoing developments in these areas will shape the political landscape in the coming months.

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