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The Ben Shapiro Show / – Ep. 1812 – Bidenomics Is A Disaster Area

The Ben Shapiro Show – Ep. 1812 – Bidenomics Is A Disaster Area

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the negative impact of Bidenomics on the American economy. He highlights the lack of leadership qualities in President Joe Biden and the consequences of his easy money policies, restrictive regulations, and subsidies to unions. Ben also addresses the UAW strike, rising gas prices, immigration policies, and the release of funds to Iran. Additionally, he covers controversies surrounding anti-slavery activist Tim Ballard, comedian Hasan Minhaj, and the American Library Association. Join Ben as he provides insightful analysis and commentary on these pressing issues.

Main Takeaways

Americans’ Perception of Joe Biden

  • The latest CBS News poll reveals that most Americans do not see the qualities they are looking for in Joe Biden as a president.
  • Donald Trump’s leadership style is seen as more appealing than Joe Biden’s.

Economic Impact of Biden’s Policies

  • Only 20% of Americans say they are better off today than before the pandemic, which is bad news for Biden’s economy.
  • Biden’s easy money policy, restrictive regulatory environment, and subsidies to union buddies are making people feel insecure about their wages and rising prices.
  • Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has no clue what to do next to handle the economy.
  • The only way to truly stimulate an economy is with innovation and growth, not just by helicoptering money everywhere.
  • Left-wing economic policies involve hoovering up money from the private sector and blowing it out in the present, but this does not lead to long-term economic growth and innovation.

Impact of UAW Strike and Union Influence

  • Gas prices have significantly increased since Joe Biden took office due to inflation, regulations on oil and gas companies, and making enemies with major oil producers.
  • Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen claims there is nothing to worry about regarding the UAW strike against Detroit car makers, but this could have economic impacts and supply chain disruptions.
  • Both sides of the strike need to work towards a win-win contract that benefits workers and the industry.
  • Unions are taking advantage of the Biden administration’s easy money policies and inflation to strike against their employers in hopes of receiving a beneficial deal that could bankrupt car companies again.
  • The UAW is seeking rich union contracts, including defined benefits pension plans, which is what caused car companies to go bankrupt the first time.

Immigration Policies and International Relations

  • Joe Biden’s immigration policy may incentivize thousands of people to cross the border and be released into the interior of the United States.
  • Images of immigrants in cages are emerging from Tucson, Arizona due to this policy.
  • The Biden administration released $6 billion in funding to the Iranian mullahs in exchange for five Americans, claiming it will be used for humanitarian purposes only.
  • The president of Iran confirmed that there are no restrictions on the use of these funds.
  • The US has executed more sanctions on entities in Iran for wrongfully detaining Americans.

Controversies and Missteps

  • Tim Ballard, the inspiration for the film “Sound of Freedom” and a self-styled anti-slavery activist, is facing allegations of sexual misconduct and coercion of women on undercover overseas missions aimed at rescuing victims of sex trafficking.
  • Comedian Hasan Minhaj has been making up stories about American racism, prompting blowback from critics.
  • Senate Majority Leader has abolished the dress code for the Senate chamber due to pressure from a senator who prefers casual wear.
  • Many states are cutting ties with the American Library Association.
  • Rolling Stone co-founder Jan Winter was removed from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame board for featuring only white male artists in his book.


Americans’ Perception of Joe Biden

The latest CBS News poll indicates that most Americans do not see the qualities they desire in Joe Biden as a president. This sentiment is further reinforced by the appeal of Donald Trump’s leadership style. The public’s lack of confidence in Biden’s leadership may have significant implications for his administration’s policies and initiatives.

Economic Impact of Biden’s Policies

Only a small percentage of Americans believe they are better off today than before the pandemic, which poses a challenge for Biden’s economic agenda. His easy money policy, restrictive regulations, and subsidies to unions are causing concerns about wages and rising prices. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s lack of clear direction further adds to the uncertainty. The key to stimulating the economy lies in fostering innovation and growth, rather than relying solely on monetary interventions.

Impact of UAW Strike and Union Influence

The UAW strike against Detroit car makers, coupled with rising gas prices, highlights the potential economic consequences of labor disputes. Both sides of the strike must strive for a mutually beneficial contract that supports workers and the industry. However, unions leveraging the Biden administration’s policies and inflation to secure lucrative contracts could potentially endanger the stability of car companies, as seen in the past.

Immigration Policies and International Relations

Joe Biden’s immigration policies have raised concerns about the influx of migrants and potential strain on resources. Images of immigrants in cages further fuel the debate surrounding immigration practices. Additionally, the release of $6 billion in funds to the Iranian mullahs, under the guise of humanitarian purposes, has raised questions about the potential misuse of these funds and the US’s approach to international relations.

Controversies and Missteps

The allegations against Tim Ballard, an anti-slavery activist, highlight the importance of accountability and integrity within organizations. Comedian Hasan Minhaj’s fabrication of stories about American racism raises questions about the responsibility of comedians to provide accurate information. The abolition of the dress code in the Senate chamber and the controversies surrounding the American Library Association and Rolling Stone co-founder Jan Winter demonstrate the ongoing battles over ideology and representation in various institutions.


As Bidenomics continues to shape the American economy, it is crucial to critically analyze the impact of policies on various sectors. The public’s perception of Joe Biden’s leadership, the consequences of economic decisions, labor disputes, immigration policies, and controversies within different spheres all contribute to the complex landscape of today’s political and social climate. By staying informed and engaging in thoughtful discussions, individuals can actively participate in shaping the future of the nation.

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