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The Ben Shapiro Show / – Ep. 1816 – Biden’s Car Crash Economy

The Ben Shapiro Show – Ep. 1816 – Biden’s Car Crash Economy

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the current state of Joe Biden’s presidency, including his declining poll numbers, concerns about his health, and the ongoing investigations into Hunter Biden. Ben also dives into the contentious issue of unions and their impact on the economy, as well as the rising crime rates affecting retailers like Target. Stay tuned for a comprehensive analysis of these topics and more.

Main Takeaways

Biden’s Poll Numbers and Health Concerns

  • Joe Biden’s numbers continue to look awful, with a new NBC news poll showing that Republicans have a 21 point advantage on the economy.
  • Even James Carville, a Democrat pollster, believes Trump could easily win the election if it were held today.
  • Biden’s team is physically attempting to stop him from tripping in public, as voters express concerns about his age and fitness for office.
  • Biden’s balance issues and falls are a concern for Democrats, especially with the 2024 election approaching.
  • Biden’s physician has diagnosed him with spinal and foot arthritis, which he works on with a physical therapist.

Hunter Biden Investigation

  • Hunter Biden took a $250,000 check from the Chinese, which was sent to Joe Biden’s house, according to new evidence.
  • House Oversight Committee subpoenaed and obtained two bank wires revealing Hunter Biden received payments originating from Chinese nationals, including Jonathan Lee in July and August 2019.
  • Joe Biden’s Wilmington Delaware Home Addresses listed as the beneficiary address for both wires.
  • Joe Biden’s abuse of public office for his family’s financial gain threatens national security.
  • Federal investigation into Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents prior to becoming president has now grown into a sprawling examination of Obama-era security protocols and internal White House processes with investigators interviewing scores of witnesses.

Unions and the Economy

  • Biden is signaling support for unions by standing on their side against their employers during strikes.
  • The United Auto Workers are striking for a 36% pay increase and annual cost of living adjustments.
  • The UAW wants to scrap the two-tiered wage structure and have everyone paid $33 an hour, as well as substantial paid raises and more paid time off.
  • Joe Biden is siding with the UAW, which is threatening the profitability and jobs of the automakers at a time when the Biden administration is trying to force through electric vehicle transitions.
  • Joe Biden walked a Michigan picket line with striking auto workers, offering unprecedented union support and preparing for a fight for working-class voters.

Rising Crime and Retailers

  • Target is closing nine stores across four states due to theft and threats to safety, including locations in New York City, Seattle, Portland, and the San Francisco Bay Area.
  • Retailers are exiting urban locations due to crime, including theft and organized retail crime.
  • Theft prevention measures, including security guards and merchandise blocking, have proved ineffective for Target, leading to store closures.
  • Target expects a $500 million loss due to theft and organized retail crime.
  • Target stores saw a 120% increase in theft involving violence or threats of violence in the first five months of the year.


Biden’s Poll Numbers and Health Concerns

Joe Biden’s declining poll numbers, particularly on the economy, are a cause for concern among Democrats. Even prominent Democrat pollster James Carville acknowledges that Trump could easily win if the election were held today. Additionally, there are growing concerns about Biden’s health and fitness for office, with his team physically trying to prevent him from tripping in public. His balance issues and falls, along with his diagnosis of spinal and foot arthritis, raise doubts about his durability as a candidate.

Hunter Biden Investigation

New evidence reveals that Hunter Biden received a $250,000 check from the Chinese, which was sent to Joe Biden’s house. The House Oversight Committee has obtained bank wires showing payments to Hunter Biden from Chinese nationals. These revelations raise questions about Joe Biden’s potential abuse of public office for financial gain and pose a threat to national security. The federal investigation into Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents has expanded to examine Obama-era security protocols and internal White House processes.

Unions and the Economy

Joe Biden’s support for unions is evident in his alignment with the United Auto Workers (UAW) during their strike for higher pay and benefits. The UAW’s demands include a 36% pay increase, scrapping the two-tiered wage structure, and a shorter workweek. Biden’s support for the UAW, while pushing for electric vehicle transitions, raises concerns about the impact on automakers’ profitability and jobs. Biden’s actions, such as walking a picket line with striking auto workers, indicate his focus on appealing to working-class voters.

Rising Crime and Retailers

Target’s decision to close nine stores in urban areas due to theft and safety concerns highlights the rising crime rates affecting retailers. Organized retail crime and theft have led to significant losses for Target, despite implementing theft prevention measures. The increase in theft involving violence or threats of violence further exacerbates the problem. This trend of retailers exiting urban locations due to crime poses challenges for both businesses and the communities they serve.


As Joe Biden’s poll numbers decline and concerns about his health persist, his presidency faces significant challenges. The ongoing investigations into Hunter Biden’s financial dealings further complicate matters. Additionally, Biden’s support for unions and the impact on the economy raises questions about his priorities. The rising crime rates affecting retailers like Target highlight broader societal issues that need to be addressed. These developments will continue to shape the political landscape and impact the lives of Americans.

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