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The Ben Shapiro Show / – Ep. 1828 – Hamas Is Here

The Ben Shapiro Show – Ep. 1828 – Hamas Is Here

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the support for Hamas on college campuses, the Israel-Hamas conflict, and the need for accountability. He also explores the role of the media and the international community in addressing the situation. Join Ben as he delves into the complexities of the Israel-Hamas conflict and its implications.

Main Takeaways

Support for Hamas on College Campuses

  • The Muslim Student Association at UCLA openly supported Hamas and Chesbalah.
  • The Daily Bruin refused to publish columns on this topic.
  • Young Muslims in London were seen taking photos with a wax figure of Hitler.
  • Protests in support of Hamas have taken place across the country, with Antifa joining Palestinian advocates.
  • Anti-Semitism is still present, despite the belief that it’s a thing of the past.

The Israel-Hamas Conflict

  • Hamas has called for a global day of rage and jihad, urging attacks on Israel and Jewish-owned businesses worldwide.
  • Law enforcement agencies across the United States are increasing patrols of Jewish houses of worship and businesses.
  • Jewish schools in New York have closed as a precaution, despite no specific and credible threats at this point.
  • The Israel-Hamas conflict has caused division on college campuses, with incidents of violence reported.
  • Hamas is seen as having the moral high ground by many on college campuses.

The Role of Media and International Community

  • The media cannot deal with the idea that there are superior and inferior cultures, and they’ve surrendered.
  • There is a lack of dissociation from Hamas within the pro-Palestinian community.
  • Some politicians, like Alexander Ocasio-Cortez, are advocating for the rights of Palestinians without acknowledging the war crimes committed by Hamas.
  • The international community should hold Hamas accountable for violating human rights.
  • The number of civilian deaths in past wars is significant, yet there is little outcry from the media.


Support for Hamas on College Campuses

The support for Hamas on college campuses is a concerning trend. The Muslim Student Association at UCLA openly supports Hamas and Chesbalah, while The Daily Bruin refuses to publish columns on this topic. Additionally, young Muslims in London were seen taking photos with a wax figure of Hitler, indicating a lack of understanding and sensitivity towards history. The presence of such support for Hamas and anti-Semitic sentiments on college campuses highlights the need for education and awareness.

The Israel-Hamas Conflict

The Israel-Hamas conflict has escalated, with Hamas calling for a global day of rage and jihad. This has led to increased patrols of Jewish houses of worship and businesses by law enforcement agencies across the United States. Jewish schools in New York have closed as a precaution, reflecting the heightened tensions. The conflict has also caused division on college campuses, with incidents of violence reported. The perception of Hamas as having the moral high ground by many on college campuses highlights the need for nuanced discussions and understanding of the complexities involved.

The Role of Media and International Community

The role of the media and the international community in addressing the Israel-Hamas conflict is crucial. The media’s inability to address the idea that there are superior and inferior cultures hinders meaningful discussions. There is also a lack of dissociation from Hamas within the pro-Palestinian community, which further complicates the situation. Some politicians advocate for the rights of Palestinians without acknowledging the war crimes committed by Hamas. The international community should hold Hamas accountable for violating human rights, and the media should provide balanced coverage to foster understanding and resolution.


The Israel-Hamas conflict and its implications on college campuses, media coverage, and the international community are complex and require careful consideration. It is crucial to promote education, awareness, and open dialogue to address the underlying issues and work towards a peaceful resolution. By understanding the nuances and complexities involved, we can strive for a more informed and empathetic approach to finding a lasting solution.

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