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The Ben Shapiro Show / – Ep. 1829 – Human Rights Don’t Require The West To Commit Suicide

The Ben Shapiro Show – Ep. 1829 – Human Rights Don’t Require The West To Commit Suicide

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the moral implications of suicide, the conflict between Hamas and Israel, the role of the media and Hollywood elite in shaping public opinion, and the potential consequences of importing Palestinian refugees into Western countries.

Main Takeaways

The Moral Implications of Suicide

  • Suicide is immoral and should not be seen as a moral obligation.
  • The belief that you must protect the lives of genocidal murderers who use their family members as human shields is moral idiocy of the highest order.

The Conflict Between Hamas and Israel

  • The most evil people will pursue the most evil tactics if they are incentivized to do so.
  • Those who promote defunding the police and open borders while living in gated communities are calling for others to commit suicide, not themselves.
  • Winning is the first rule of war and should not be prioritized below minimizing civilian casualties or finding a place for civilians to escape from the line of fire.
  • Americans understand the need to face down evil, due to their history of doing so in the United States.
  • 71% of Americans believe that Israel’s military response is justified, with only 8% disagreeing.
  • The older people are, the more likely they are to have moral clarity on the issue.
  • The media elite, professors, and some Congress people refuse to understand that Hamas is responsible for the bloodshed in Gaza.
  • The rules of war were written to prevent Hamas from hiding behind civilians.
  • Incentivizing Hamas to hide behind children is dangerous and wrong.

The Role of Media and Hollywood Elite

  • Hollywood elite are disconnected from reality and unable to make basic moral distinctions.
  • SNL’s Pete Davidson is unable to take sides and is a typical Hollywood idiot.
  • Moral sophisticates focus on the idea that suffering is bad, but fail to address the actual moral conflict between Hamas and Israel.
  • The New York Times struggles to explain why Israel should defend itself against Hamas.

The Consequences of Importing Palestinian Refugees

  • There are two groups advocating for Western suicide: those who are morally ambivalent and those who actively side with terrorists like AOC and Ilhan Omar.
  • False narratives are being created in real-time on Twitter, with advocates for Hamas labeling actual pictures as false information and spreading misinformation.
  • AOC and Ilhan Omar were promoting false information, including a claim that there were 614 Palestinian children murdered by the Israeli IDF forces, using an image from 2013 of chemical weapons used in Syria.
  • Ilhan Omar is drawing a moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas to protect Hamas.
  • Only one side in the conflict cares about civilians, and it is not Hamas or those who prop up Hamas.
  • The West should consider who they are taking in as refugees from Gaza.
  • Mass importation of radical Muslim populations has not been good for Europe.


The Moral Implications of Suicide

Ben Shapiro argues that suicide is immoral and should not be seen as a moral obligation. He criticizes the belief that one must protect the lives of genocidal murderers who use their family members as human shields, calling it moral idiocy. In his view, incentivizing evil tactics only leads to more evil.

The Conflict Between Hamas and Israel

Shapiro highlights the importance of winning in war and the need to prioritize civilian safety. He discusses the American perspective on facing down evil, with a majority supporting Israel’s military response. He criticizes the media elite, professors, and some Congress people for failing to acknowledge Hamas’ responsibility for the bloodshed in Gaza. Shapiro also emphasizes the dangers of incentivizing Hamas to hide behind children.

The Role of Media and Hollywood Elite

Shapiro criticizes the disconnect between Hollywood elite and reality, arguing that they are unable to make basic moral distinctions. He mentions SNL’s Pete Davidson as an example of a Hollywood figure who is unable to take sides. Shapiro also points out the failure of moral sophisticates to address the actual moral conflict between Hamas and Israel, highlighting the struggles of The New York Times in explaining Israel’s need to defend itself.

The Consequences of Importing Palestinian Refugees

Shapiro discusses the two groups advocating for Western suicide: those who are morally ambivalent and those who actively side with terrorists like AOC and Ilhan Omar. He highlights the spread of false information on Twitter and the promotion of false narratives by AOC and Ilhan Omar. Shapiro argues that only one side in the conflict, Israel, genuinely cares about civilians. He raises concerns about importing Palestinian refugees and the potential culture clash it may cause, citing Europe’s experience with mass importation of radical Muslim populations.


Ben Shapiro’s podcast episode delves into the moral implications of suicide, the conflict between Hamas and Israel, the role of the media and Hollywood elite, and the consequences of importing Palestinian refugees. He emphasizes the need to prioritize winning in war, the responsibility of Hamas for civilian casualties, and the dangers of false narratives and moral equivocation. Shapiro encourages listeners to educate themselves on the situation in Palestine and Hamas.

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