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The Ben Shapiro Show / – Ep. 1832 – The Hamas Caucus

The Ben Shapiro Show – Ep. 1832 – The Hamas Caucus

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the insurrectionist protest led by Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib in solidarity with Hamas. He exposes Tlaib’s history of hating Jews and supporting terrorist groups, as well as the Democratic Party’s reluctance to denounce their terror-supporting members. Ben also covers the G20’s plan to impose digital currencies and IDs, the recent Hamas protests, and the media’s biased coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Main Takeaways

Support for Hamas and Hatred of Jews

  • Rashida Tlaib has a history of hating Jews and equating Jews defending themselves from Hamas terrorism with Hamas terrorism.
  • Tlaib has ties to pro-Palestine activists who praised terrorism and organized fundraisers for her campaign.
  • She issued no denunciation of Hamas specifically for their massacre of Jews, instead blaming Israel for the conflict.

The Hamas Caucus and Democratic Party

  • Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are members of the Hamas caucus, supporting terrorists and calling for the eradication of Israel.
  • Nine Democrats, including AOC, voted against a resolution declaring that Israel is not a racist or apartheid state.
  • The Democratic Party is hesitant to denounce the Hamas caucus due to their intersectional coalition ideology.

Hamas Protests and Media Bias

  • Pro-Hamas rallies led by Tlaib resulted in lies about the bombing of a Gaza hospital and attempts to overrun government buildings.
  • The Western media and Biden administration engage in gaslighting by ignoring the protesters’ true intentions.
  • Pro-Hamas protesters attempted to climb barriers outside the White House and invaded a Senate hearing, resulting in arrests.

Israel-Hamas Conflict and Media Misinformation

  • Israel is targeting Hamas terrorists with precision strikes while refraining from bombing tunnels due to civilian presence.
  • The media blames Israel for incidents without evidence and promotes an anti-Israel narrative.
  • Demands for a ceasefire are seen as pro-Hamas, especially given Hamas’ holding of hostages, including Americans.

Other Topics

  • The G20’s plan to impose digital currencies and IDs raises concerns about government tracking and control.
  • Lab-grown meat as an alternative to traditional meat and the importance of life insurance.
  • The rise of anti-Semitism in Europe and the need for a strong stance against terrorism.


Rashida Tlaib and Support for Hamas

Rashida Tlaib, a Congresswoman from Michigan, has a long history of hating Jews and supporting terrorist groups like Hamas. She equates Jews defending themselves from Hamas terrorism with Hamas terrorism itself and denounces Israel as an apartheid state. Tlaib has ties to pro-Palestine activists who praise terrorism and has been accused of financing Hamas through front groups. Instead of denouncing Hamas for their massacres of Jews, she blames Israel and promotes blood libels against them.

The Hamas Caucus and Democratic Party

Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are members of the Hamas caucus, openly supporting terrorists and calling for the eradication of Israel. Despite their terror-supporting views, the Democratic Party has trouble dissociating from them due to their intersectional coalition ideology. Nine Democrats, including AOC, voted against a resolution declaring that Israel is not a racist or apartheid state. This reluctance to denounce the Hamas caucus shows the Democratic Party’s investment in a political strategy dependent on a single lie.

Hamas Protests and Media Bias

Tlaib’s pro-Hamas rallies have resulted in lies about the bombing of a Gaza hospital and attempts to overrun government buildings. The Western media and Biden administration engage in gaslighting by ignoring the true intentions of the protesters. Pro-Hamas protesters have attempted to climb barriers outside the White House and invaded a Senate hearing, leading to arrests. The media’s biased coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict promotes an anti-Israel narrative and enables terrorist supporters.

Israel-Hamas Conflict and Media Misinformation

Israel is targeting Hamas terrorists with precision strikes while refraining from bombing tunnels due to the presence of civilians used as human shields. However, the media blames Israel for incidents without evidence, portraying them as the aggressors. Demands for a ceasefire are seen as pro-Hamas, especially considering Hamas’ holding of hostages, including Americans. The media’s misinformation and biased reporting contribute to the demonization of Israel and the spread of anti-Semitism.

Other Topics

In addition to the Israel-Hamas conflict, Ben discusses the G20’s plan to impose digital currencies and IDs, raising concerns about government tracking and control. He also mentions the rise of lab-grown meat as a potential alternative to traditional meat and highlights the importance of life insurance. Furthermore, Ben addresses the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe and the need for a strong stance against terrorism.


In this episode, Ben Shapiro exposes the support for Hamas and the hatred of Jews displayed by Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib. He discusses the Democratic Party’s reluctance to denounce their terror-supporting members and the biased media coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict. Ben emphasizes the importance of standing against terrorism and misinformation, as well as the need for a strong stance on issues like digital currencies and anti-Semitism.

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