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The Ben Shapiro Show / – Ep. 1836 – F*** The United Nations

The Ben Shapiro Show – Ep. 1836 – F*** The United Nations

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the United Nations’ biased treatment of Israel, the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, and the changing dynamics within the Republican party. He highlights the UN’s history of anti-Semitism, the indoctrination of Palestinian children, and the need for Israel to defend itself. Ben also covers the economic concerns and the Biden administration’s proposed spending. Lastly, he explores the GOP’s search for a new House Speaker.

Main Takeaways

The United Nations’ Bias Against Israel

  • The UN Secretary General blames Israel for the murder and kidnapping of civilians, despite the majority of Palestinians living under direct Palestinian rule.
  • Blaming Jews for mass slaughter of Jews is Jew hatred and an apology for terrorism.
  • The UN equates Israel’s military retaliation with Hamas’ atrocities, undermining Israel’s right to self-defense.
  • The UN General Assembly has adopted numerous resolutions against Israel while neglecting other countries with severe human rights violations.
  • The UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) works closely with Hamas, promotes hate and violence in Palestinian schools, and hires members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

The Middle East Conflict and International Dynamics

  • Hamas uses UNRWA schools to store weapons and promote its agenda.
  • Turkish President Erdogan sponsors terrorism, denies Hamas’ terrorist status, and blames the US for supporting Israel.
  • The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, created by the West, faces criticism for its colonial origins.
  • Media coverage of the conflict is biased towards Hamas, and CNN’s Aaron Burnett praised the conditions under which hostages are held by Hamas.
  • The conflict involves unverified claims and propaganda from both sides.

Economic Concerns and Biden’s Proposed Spending

  • The G20 plans to impose digital currencies and IDs, potentially allowing governments to track every purchase.
  • Investing in physical gold can help maintain financial independence.
  • The economy is cooling down despite the Biden administration’s efforts, with high bond yields potentially slowing it further.
  • Biden proposes an additional $50 billion for urgent domestic needs, including childcare, internet access, and natural disaster relief.
  • Unions see the Biden administration as an opportunity to push for anti-management positions.

Changing Dynamics in the Republican Party

  • Tom Emmer, a moderate Republican, drops out of the race for House Speaker after criticism from former President Trump.
  • Mike Johnson becomes the latest nominee for House Speaker, with better chances of uniting Republicans.
  • Republican representatives express enthusiasm for Johnson’s straightforward leadership.
  • The GOP conference is shifting towards America-first policies and aligning with President Trump’s supporters.
  • The Republican party faces challenges in maintaining unity and navigating internal dynamics.


The United Nations’ Bias Against Israel

The United Nations, particularly its General Assembly, has a long history of bias against Israel. Secretary General Antonio Guterres blames Israel for civilian deaths, ignoring the fact that the majority of Palestinians live under Palestinian rule. The UN equates Israel’s self-defense actions with Hamas’ atrocities, undermining Israel’s right to protect its citizens. The UNRWA, a welfare organization dedicated to Palestinians, promotes hate and violence in Palestinian schools and employs members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The UN’s treatment of Israel reflects its failure to fulfill its purpose of promoting peace and human rights.

The Middle East Conflict and International Dynamics

The ongoing conflict in the Middle East involves unverified claims and propaganda from both sides. Turkish President Erdogan sponsors terrorism and denies Hamas’ terrorist status, blaming the US for supporting Israel. Media coverage of the conflict is biased towards Hamas, with CNN’s Aaron Burnett praising the conditions under which hostages are held. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, created by the West, faces criticism for its colonial origins. The conflict highlights the need for Israel to defend itself against terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah.

Economic Concerns and Biden’s Proposed Spending

The G20’s plan to impose digital currencies and IDs raises concerns about privacy and government surveillance. Investing in physical gold can provide financial independence in uncertain economic times. Despite the Biden administration’s efforts, the economy is cooling down, with high bond yields potentially slowing it further. Biden proposes additional spending on urgent domestic needs, but unions see this as an opportunity to push for anti-management positions.

Changing Dynamics in the Republican Party

The Republican party is undergoing a shift towards America-first policies and aligning with President Trump’s supporters. Tom Emmer, a moderate Republican, drops out of the race for House Speaker after criticism from former President Trump. Mike Johnson becomes the latest nominee, with better chances of uniting Republicans. The GOP faces challenges in maintaining unity and navigating internal dynamics as it adapts to reflect the changing political landscape.


The United Nations’ biased treatment of Israel, the ongoing Middle East conflict, economic concerns, and changing dynamics within the Republican party are all significant topics discussed in this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show.” Ben emphasizes the need for fair treatment of Israel, the importance of defending against terrorist organizations, and the potential consequences of economic policies. The podcast provides valuable insights into current events and encourages listeners to critically analyze media narratives and political developments.

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