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The Ben Shapiro Show / – My Conversation With Elon Musk

The Ben Shapiro Show – My Conversation With Elon Musk

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben Shapiro has a conversation with Elon Musk about the ongoing war between Musk and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) over accusations of anti-Semitism on Twitter. They discuss the pressure on social media platforms to censor content, the importance of preserving free speech, and the challenges of defining and combating hate speech.

Main Takeaways

Elon Musk vs. Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

  • Elon Musk is at war with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) over accusations of anti-Semitism on Twitter.
  • The ADL has been pressuring advertisers to move away from the platform.
  • Elon Musk denies accusations of anti-Semitism and provides evidence to the contrary.
  • Elon Musk has personal connections to Judaism, including attending Hebrew pre-school and visiting Israel twice.

Censorship and Restrictions on Speech

  • Institutions are generally in favor of more censorship and restrictions on speech.
  • Organizations push for censorship and restrictions on speech that don’t align with approved narratives.
  • YouTube and Facebook are not getting what these organizations want, causing anger.
  • Preserving free speech while battling activist third parties is important.

Challenges of Free Speech on Social Media

  • Free speech on social media platforms is a difficult issue to solve, especially in regards to hate speech which has a variable definition.
  • The general principle for free speech on the platform is according to the laws of the country they are in.
  • It’s better for hate speech to be heard and corrected than to be hidden and never challenged.
  • Standards for demonetization on social media platforms need to be reviewed and updated.

Pressure on Social Media Platforms

  • Advertisers may be scared off by negative media coverage and may need more options for advertising safety levels.
  • Advertisers should have options for different levels of safety, similar to movie ratings.
  • Algorithmic solutions are being used to combat hate speech and keep users engaged with interesting and informative content.
  • View counts have dropped by at least 30% and continue to decline due to algorithm improvements and removal of bots.

Heterodoxy and False Accusations

  • Private organizations and governments are putting pressure on social media platforms to censor content.
  • Twitter’s policy is to resist censorship to the maximum degree allowed by law.
  • Left activist groups are trying to impose their values on social media platforms under the guise of hate speech.
  • Heterodoxy is one of the driving forces in social media platforms today.
  • Russell Brand was demonetized on YouTube for accusations of sexual assault and rape that have not resulted in a conviction.
  • False accusations can ruin lives and there needs to be a conviction before punishment.
  • Charges have not been filed in the Russell Brand case and the police are soliciting for actual evidence.
  • Russell Brand’s alleged accusations may be an odd coincidence happening when he is gaining traction in questioning conventional wisdom.


The Battle Over Free Speech on Social Media

Elon Musk’s ongoing feud with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) highlights the pressure on social media platforms to censor content. Institutions, such as the ADL, are pushing for more censorship and restrictions on speech that do not align with approved narratives. However, Musk argues for preserving free speech while battling activist third parties. He denies accusations of anti-Semitism and provides evidence of his personal connections to Judaism. The challenge lies in defining and combating hate speech, as it has a variable definition. Social media platforms need to review and update their standards for demonetization, as advertisers may be scared off by negative media coverage. Algorithmic solutions are being used to combat hate speech and keep users engaged, but view counts have dropped due to algorithm improvements and removal of bots. Private organizations and governments are putting pressure on social media platforms to censor content, but Twitter’s policy is to resist censorship to the maximum degree allowed by law. The battle between heterodoxy and imposed values continues, with left activist groups trying to impose their values under the guise of hate speech. False accusations, such as the case of Russell Brand, can ruin lives, and there needs to be a conviction before punishment. The timing of Brand’s alleged accusations raises questions about their veracity.


The conversation between Ben Shapiro and Elon Musk sheds light on the complex issues surrounding free speech on social media platforms. It is crucial to strike a balance between preserving free speech and addressing hate speech. Social media platforms need to review their policies and standards to ensure fairness and avoid undue censorship. False accusations can have severe consequences, and it is essential to uphold the principle of “innocent until proven guilty.” The battle between heterodoxy and imposed values will continue as different groups vie for control over online discourse.

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