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The Ben Shapiro Show / – ProLife Debate Tips With Trent Horn

The Ben Shapiro Show – Pro-Life Debate Tips With Trent Horn

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Trent Horn joins Ben to discuss tactics for debating the abortion issue and debunking common pro-choice arguments. Trent Horn is an expert on the topic of abortion and pro-life arguments, and he shares his insights and strategies for engaging in productive conversations about this controversial topic.

Main Takeaways

Debating Tactics

  • Trent Horn emphasizes the importance of researching and understanding the opponent’s beliefs before engaging in a debate.
  • Watching the opponent’s previous debates can provide valuable insights and help tailor arguments effectively.
  • Being respectful and empathetic towards the opponent’s perspective can create a more productive dialogue.

The Consciousness Argument

  • The consciousness argument, often used to justify abortion, collapses under scrutiny.
  • Consciousness is a continuum and cannot be used to draw an arbitrary line of humanity.
  • Peter Singer’s extreme viewpoint takes the consciousness argument to its logical conclusion, suggesting that a two-year-old has less consciousness than animals and can be killed.

Morality and Justification of Abortion

  • If a view on abortion leads to the morality of killing newborn babies, it is simply wrong.
  • The property of being conscious or not being conscious cannot be used to justify abortion because it is a continuum and not a clear line.
  • Arguments for abortion often prioritize the desire for legality without considering the humanity of the unborn.

Flipping the Comatose Violinist Argument

  • The Comatose Violinist argument, often used to support abortion, can be flipped to show that causing dependence creates a moral obligation to help.
  • Pregnancy is not comparable to being hooked up to a dying violinist, as the unborn child is not dying, and the dependence is natural.

The Source of Moral Standards

  • Trent Horn argues that the source of moral standards is a moral person, God, who transcends time, place, and culture.
  • Moral standards cannot be solely based on subjective opinions or societal norms.

Book Recommendation

  • Trent Horn’s book, “Persuasive Pro-Life: How to Talk About Our Culture’s Toughest Issues,” provides further insights and strategies for effectively discussing abortion and other challenging topics.
  • The book is available on Amazon for those interested in diving deeper into the subject.


Tactics for Engaging in the Abortion Debate

Trent Horn emphasizes the importance of thorough research and understanding the opponent’s beliefs before engaging in a debate about abortion. By watching the opponent’s previous debates, individuals can gain valuable insights and tailor their arguments effectively. It is crucial to approach these conversations with respect and empathy, creating a more productive dialogue.

Debunking the Consciousness Argument

The consciousness argument, often used to justify abortion, collapses under scrutiny. Consciousness is a continuum and cannot be used to draw an arbitrary line of humanity. Trent Horn highlights the extreme viewpoint of Peter Singer, who suggests that a two-year-old has less consciousness than animals and can be killed. This highlights the flaws in using consciousness as a determining factor for the value of human life.

Morality and Justification of Abortion

Trent Horn challenges the morality of views that lead to the justification of killing newborn babies. The property of being conscious or not being conscious cannot be used to justify abortion, as it is a continuum rather than a clear line. He also points out that arguments for abortion often prioritize the desire for legality without fully considering the humanity of the unborn.

Flipping the Comatose Violinist Argument

The Comatose Violinist argument, commonly used to support abortion, can be flipped to demonstrate that causing dependence creates a moral obligation to help. Trent Horn argues that pregnancy is not comparable to being hooked up to a dying violinist, as the unborn child is not dying and the dependence is a natural part of the human reproductive process.

The Source of Moral Standards

Trent Horn asserts that the source of moral standards is a moral person, God, who transcends time, place, and culture. He challenges the notion that moral standards can be solely based on subjective opinions or societal norms. By appealing to a higher moral authority, he provides a foundation for objective moral standards.

Book Recommendation

Trent Horn’s book, “Persuasive Pro-Life: How to Talk About Our Culture’s Toughest Issues,” offers further insights and strategies for engaging in discussions about abortion and other challenging topics. It serves as a valuable resource for individuals interested in deepening their understanding and effectively communicating their pro-life stance.


Trent Horn’s expertise and insights provide valuable guidance for engaging in productive debates about abortion. By understanding the flaws in common pro-choice arguments, individuals can effectively communicate their pro-life stance and challenge the morality of abortion. Through respectful and empathetic dialogue, we can foster a better understanding of this complex issue.

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