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The Ramsey Show / The Best Calls of the Year So Far (Part 4) | The Ramsey Show

The Best Calls of the Year So Far (Part 4) | The Ramsey Show

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In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” host Dave Ramsey and his co-hosts tackle a variety of financial topics and offer advice to callers seeking guidance on debt, real estate, family trusts, and more. They provide practical insights and strategies for managing finances, avoiding common pitfalls, and building a solid financial future.

Main Takeaways

Family Trust and Property Division

  • A woman in her late 60s seeks advice on dividing a family property that’s in a trust, causing tension among her siblings.
  • The trust asks for an equal division, but there are disagreements over who invested in the property and its buildings.
  • The caller’s sister has made changes to the property and wants compensation for caring for their mother, which isn’t specified in the trust.
  • The trustee, the caller’s youngest brother, is caught in the middle and legally bound to follow the trust’s terms unless all parties agree otherwise.
  • The situation highlights the importance of detailed trust agreements to avoid family disputes and legal liabilities.

Property Division and Potential Conflicts

  • A caller discusses a complex situation involving property division and potential conflict with family members.
  • The property has assets worth $2.2 million and some exclusive farming land, making it challenging to divide.
  • The speaker and their partner are interested in farming and have cattle but are unsure about moving onto the property due to potential conflicts with disagreeable neighbors.
  • The speaker’s advice is to offset the care provided for their mom with the fact that the caregiver received free rent.
  • The speaker suggests that whoever brought buildings onto the property should take the value of those buildings out of the equation and then split what’s left three ways.
  • The speaker emphasizes that the situation could lead to long-term family conflicts and advises against benefiting from others’ investments in the property.

Financial Advice and Retirement Planning

  • A caller seeks advice on paying off home debt with a traditional IRA.
  • The caller is 65, has $1.1 million dollars in retirement, and owes $64,000 on the house and has a new car loan.
  • Dave Ramsey suggests using the traditional IRA to pay off the debt and reassures the caller about the tax implications.
  • Ramsey advises against cashing out retirement early, especially if the individual is under 59.5 years old.
  • The caller is 24 years old, making $60,000 a year, and soon to be married.
  • He has $30,000 in car debt and $18,000 in student loan debt.
  • The host advises the caller that he and his fiancée are underpaid and need to work on their careers.
  • The caller is advised to sell his expensive car and focus on paying off the student loan debt.
  • The host emphasizes the importance of working on career choices and avoiding financial mistakes, like buying a car they can’t afford.
  • The caller is encouraged to focus on increasing their income and getting rid of the car debt to secure a better financial future.

Financial Responsibility and Underpaid Professions

  • The hosts discuss the issue of being underpaid in different professions, including a criminal justice professor being underpaid.
  • They emphasize the importance of working on improving one’s worth and not settling for being underpaid.
  • They advise against following passion or heart if it means being underpaid, and instead recommend finding a balance between passion and financial stability.
  • The hosts suggest attending financial peace university for financial guidance.
  • They highlight the importance of life insurance and recommend term life insurance for wealth building.

Generosity and Financial Decision-Making

  • The hosts answer a listener’s question about donating quality items to a food bank and discuss the balance between budgeting and generosity.
  • The beans and rice metaphor is about limiting consumption to create margin, not about depriving people of good food.
  • Generosity is important when donating, whether it’s money or food.
  • The beans and rice metaphor is often misunderstood as a literal diet, but it’s actually about managing consumption.
  • Being frugal doesn’t mean depriving oneself of good food, but rather managing consumption and spending.

Mortgage Decisions and Financial Stress

  • A caller seeks advice on whether to pay off their current mortgage or relocate for a cheaper one due to a change in income.
  • The couple is considering reprioritizing their time due to the high maintenance of their historical house.
  • They are contemplating selling the house to get a cheaper mortgage and find a place they both like.
  • The husband’s lack of a job and a cheaper mortgage are being used as an excuse for their decision.
  • The financial burden of the house is causing stress and affecting their decision-making.
  • The radio host advises the couple to focus on building strong careers and selling the house if it’s a money pit.
  • The host suggests that the couple should not create a false narrative and should address their real issues.
  • The host emphasizes the importance of being honest about their situation and making sound financial decisions.

Real Estate Investments and Building Wealth

  • The podcast discusses the role of financial responsibility in helping a financially irresponsible family member.
  • Dave Ramsey advises that helping a financially irresponsible family member should involve correcting their behaviors, not enabling them.
  • The caller shares that he has been financially supporting his 73-year-old mother for the past five to six years, even though his mother is financially irresponsible and recently widowed.
  • The caller reveals that his household income is three quarters of a million, indicating that his mother’s financial instability is not due to lack of financial resources.
  • The discussion highlights the need for the caller to stop enabling his mother’s irresponsible behavior and seek a solution that is truly beneficial for her.
  • Financial advice: Sit down with the mother, assess her social security income, job income, and bills to create a budget together.
  • Offer financial support if needed, but set clear boundaries to avoid feeling like an ATM machine and entitlement.
  • Emotional advice: The speaker may be more frustrated with himself than with his mother and has tried to help her by buying her an apartment.
  • Setting boundaries: Communicate the need to stick to the budget and check on the mother’s adherence to it, with consequences if she doesn’t comply.

Reality of Fixer-Uppers and Financial Decisions

  • The speaker discusses a woman who couldn’t afford a rental and decided to buy an apartment instead, presenting it to her mother, who declined the offer.
  • The advice given is to choose guilt over resentment when setting boundaries with family members, especially aging parents, to avoid feeling trapped or angry.
  • The speaker suggests that the woman and her husband should set boundaries and decide together how they can help her mother, to prevent feeling overwhelmed and strained.
  • The podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp, with the host sharing his experience with seasonal affective disorder and the benefits of therapy in managing its effects on mental health.

Real Estate Market and Financial Planning

  • Graham Stephan, a top YouTuber known for his real estate expertise and success, joins the show.
  • Graham shares insights on the current real estate market, including the impact of low mortgage rates and high competition.
  • He advises homeowners to consider selling their homes at a good price but weigh the decision against the challenge of finding a new home in the current market.
  • The speaker and Graham discuss the importance of long-term thinking and wise financial management in building wealth through real estate investments.
  • They highlight the benefits of owning paid-off properties, which can lead to increased cash flow and a more robust real estate income.

Dealing with Debt and Financial Challenges

  • Callers seek advice on managing debt, including credit card debt, high mortgage payments, and potential lawsuits.
  • The hosts offer strategies for prioritizing essential expenses, negotiating with creditors, and increasing income to overcome financial challenges.
  • They emphasize the importance of organization, discipline, and making intentional financial decisions to achieve long-term financial stability.


Family Trust and Property Division

A woman in her late 60s seeks advice on dividing a family property that’s in a trust, causing tension among her siblings. The trust asks for an equal division, but disagreements arise over who invested in the property and its buildings. The caller’s sister wants compensation for caring for their mother, which isn’t specified in the trust. The trustee, the caller’s youngest brother, is legally bound to follow the trust’s terms unless all parties agree otherwise. This situation highlights the importance of detailed trust agreements to avoid family disputes and legal liabilities.

Property Division and Potential Conflicts

A caller discusses a complex situation involving property division and potential conflict with family members. The property has assets worth $2.2 million and some exclusive farming land, making it challenging to divide. The speaker and their partner are interested in farming but are unsure about moving onto the property due to potential conflicts with disagreeable neighbors. The speaker suggests offsetting the care provided for their mom with the fact that the caregiver received free rent. They also propose that the value of buildings brought onto the property should be taken out of the equation, and what’s left should be split three ways. The speaker emphasizes the importance of avoiding long-term family conflicts and not benefiting from others’ investments in the property.

Financial Advice and Retirement Planning

Callers seek advice on paying off home debt with a traditional IRA. One caller is 65, has $1.1 million in retirement, and owes $64,000 on the house and has a new car loan. Dave Ramsey suggests using the traditional IRA to pay off the debt and reassures the caller about the tax implications. Ramsey advises against cashing out retirement early, especially if the individual is under 59.5 years old. Another caller, a 24-year-old soon-to-be-married individual, seeks advice on managing $30,000 in car debt and $18,000 in student loan debt. The host advises selling the expensive car and focusing on paying off the student loan debt. The importance of working on career choices, increasing income, and making sound financial decisions is emphasized.

Financial Responsibility and Underpaid Professions

The hosts discuss the issue of being underpaid in different professions and emphasize the importance of working on improving one’s worth and not settling for being underpaid. They advise against following passion or heart if it means being underpaid and recommend finding a balance between passion and financial stability. The importance of attending financial peace university, having life insurance, and making wise financial decisions is highlighted.

Generosity and Financial Decision-Making

The hosts answer a listener’s question about donating quality items to a food bank and discuss the balance between budgeting and generosity. They clarify that the beans and rice metaphor is about managing consumption, not depriving oneself of good food. They emphasize the importance of generosity and responsible financial decision-making. The need for clear communication and boundaries when helping financially irresponsible family members is also discussed.

Mortgage Decisions and Financial Stress

A caller seeks advice on whether to pay off their current mortgage or relocate for a cheaper one due to a change in income. The financial burden of a historical house and its high maintenance is causing stress and affecting decision-making. The host advises focusing on building strong careers and selling the house if it’s a money pit. The importance of being honest about the situation and making sound financial decisions is emphasized.

Real Estate Investments and Building Wealth

Graham Stephan, a top YouTuber known for his real estate expertise and success, joins the show. He shares insights on the current real estate market and advises homeowners to consider selling at a good price but weigh the decision against the challenge of finding a new home. The importance of long-term thinking, wise financial management, and owning paid-off properties is highlighted. The benefits of increased cash flow and a more robust real estate income are discussed.

Dealing with Debt and Financial Challenges

Callers seek advice on managing debt, including credit card debt, high mortgage payments, and potential lawsuits. The hosts offer strategies for prioritizing essential expenses, negotiating with creditors, and increasing income to overcome financial challenges. They emphasize the importance of organization, discipline, and making intentional financial decisions to achieve long-term financial stability.


“The Ramsey Show” provides valuable advice and insights on various financial topics, including family trusts, property division, retirement planning, underpaid professions, generosity, mortgage decisions, real estate investments, and debt management. The hosts emphasize the importance of clear communication, wise financial decision-making, and long-term thinking to build a solid financial future. Listeners are encouraged to take control of their finances, prioritize essential expenses, and work towards increasing income and reducing debt. By following the advice and strategies shared on the show, individuals can achieve financial stability and create a better future for themselves and their families.

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