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The Rich Roll Podcast / The Best Of 2023: Part One | The Rich Roll Podcast

The Best Of 2023: Part One | The Rich Roll Podcast

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In this episode of “The Rich Roll Podcast,” Rich Roll presents a compilation of the best excerpts from the previous year’s episodes. The podcast features a diverse range of guests discussing topics such as nutrition, longevity, and disease prevention. Join Rich Roll as he recaps insights and wisdom from creative masters, athletes, and individuals who have undergone significant personal transformations.

Main Takeaways

Challenges of the Holiday Season and the Importance of Therapy

  • The holiday season can be tough for many people due to family gatherings, travel, over-budget spending, and pressure to be jolly.
  • Many addicts relapse and people in recovery count January as their sobriety month, making it a challenging time for many.
  • Therapy can help navigate the challenges of the holiday season, and BetterHelp offers an affordable and flexible online platform.

Nutritional Supplements and Sustained Energy

  • AG1 is a trusted nutritional supplement that provides comprehensive support for the brain, gut, and immune system through vitamins, probiotics, and whole food sourced ingredients.
  • Drinking AG1 before workouts can lead to sustained energy levels and improved digestion.

Building Strong Relationships and Positive Thinking

  • Building strong relationships with caring adults is the most powerful force for adolescent mental health.
  • Training and priming the brain to think positively can lead to happiness, great work, and big success.

Insights from Seth Godin on Creativity and Focus

  • Seth Godin, a leading authority on creativity and marketing, emphasizes the importance of commitment and focus in one’s craft.
  • He highlights the significance of being a meaningful specific rather than a wandering generality, and the importance of focus and saying no to distractions.
  • He discusses the decision to avoid social media platforms like Twitter and not reading reviews to maintain focus and avoid distractions.

Age, Self-Improvement, and Embracing the Aging Process

  • Age is not a barrier to change and self-improvement.
  • Taking responsibility for one’s feelings and actions is crucial for personal growth.
  • Embracing love and understanding that there is no separation is key to overcoming challenges.
  • Reframing the perception of aging and embracing each moment of life is essential.
  • Gratitude for life and the opportunity to do what one loves is important.
  • The importance of self-love and being of service without being preachy.
  • The beauty of the aging process and enjoying each moment of life.

Emotional Health and Overcoming Self-Criticism

  • Emotional health and addressing trauma play a significant role in overall well-being and longevity.
  • Negative self-talk and self-criticism can be detrimental to mental health and should be addressed.
  • A powerful exercise involves recording a message to oneself as if speaking to a best friend when facing self-criticism.
  • It’s common for individuals to have ingrained patterns of self-criticism, which may be difficult to recognize.
  • Self-reflection and questioning the impact of past experiences on current behaviors is crucial for personal growth and building healthy relationships.

Understanding Teenagers and Promoting Mental Health

  • Dr. Lisa DeMore, a psychotherapist and bestselling author, decodes the emotional lives of teenagers.
  • Teenagers need empathic listening and emotional support when they express distress.
  • Curiosity and empathy are the most effective and wanted responses when teenagers express distress.
  • Teenagers may wait until parents are in bed to talk, satisfying their need for autonomy and connection.
  • Teenagers need tight control over conversations in the car to open up.
  • Teenagers avoid sharing because they fear judgment or parents sharing their secrets.
  • Apologizing and being earnestly apologetic can open channels of communication with teenagers.
  • Allowing teens to set the parameters for discussions and refraining from judgment is crucial.
  • Parents should surrender to the fleeting moments of communication with teenagers.
  • Practicing patience and being aware of the short-lived nature of these moments is key.
  • Strong relationships with caring adults are crucial for adolescent mental health.

Microbiome, Health, and Wellness

  • Tim Specter discusses the importance of plant diversity and microbiome optimization for overall health.
  • The human body contains various types of cells, including bacteria, archaea, fungi, yeasts, viruses, and parasites, which form a community within us, similar to an ecosystem.
  • The microbiome affects aging, cancer, allergies, infections, mood, metabolism, and digestion through chemical signaling.
  • Principles for maintaining a healthy microbiome include eating a variety of colorful foods, consuming bitter foods, choosing coffee and chocolate over orange juice, cooking with extra virgin olive oil, and practicing time-restricted eating.
  • Additional tips for promoting a healthy microbiome involve reducing snacking, eating more slowly, having leisurely meals, trying new foods regularly, and making food an exciting experience.
  • Experiment with your eating habits to understand what works best for your body.
  • Consider the impact of your food choices on the planet.
  • Aim to include 30 plants a week in your diet for a diverse microbiome ecology.
  • Focus on feeding your gut microbes by eating right.

Creativity, Success, and Self-Belief

  • Create with your own vision in mind rather than catering to a mass audience.
  • Stay process-oriented rather than product-oriented in your creative pursuits.
  • Be pragmatic and consider budget constraints when creating your story.
  • Rejection is a common experience in the creative industry, but it’s essential to maintain confidence and tenacity.
  • It’s important to believe in your work and keep pushing forward, even in the face of numerous rejections.
  • Creating your own work is crucial, and it can serve as a stress test for your projects.
  • Taking action and moving forward, even when everything isn’t in place, can help resolve seemingly insurmountable problems.
  • It’s essential to have confidence in your abilities, even if you don’t have all the answers, especially for women in film.
  • Recognizing and acknowledging someone’s talent can have a significant impact on their confidence and pursuit of their craft.

Religion, Spirituality, and Mental Health

  • Rain Wilson discusses the positives and negatives of religious belief, the rejection of religion in contemporary America, and the aspects of purpose, meaning, community, and the transcendent that religion provides.
  • The speaker explores the universal ideas that connect different religious faiths.
  • There’s a chapter on inventing a new religion by combining the best ideas from various religions.
  • The speaker emphasizes the positive impact of spirituality and religion on mental health and well-being, supported by hard data.
  • Acknowledges the negative aspects of religion but highlights the universal, beautiful truths in religious practice.
  • Systemic sensibility to spirituality is crucial for achieving social transformation and a Star Trek world.
  • The Baha’i Faith fosters grassroots community spiritual movements in a systematic way, promoting diverse gatherings, service, and spiritual education.
  • Spirituality is important because it is reality, and we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
  • The essence of who we are is not just our physical body or personality, but a divine spark reflecting the majesty of the divine presence.
  • Every spiritual tradition suggests that we live in an illusion and will awaken to a greater reality beyond our current form.
  • Embracing serenity, meaning, purpose, and a sense of service to others, as well as connecting to the transcendent self, can significantly improve mental health and wellbeing.
  • Spending 40 minutes a day on spiritual practice can lead to incredible benefits, as evidenced in 12-step programs, Buddhist meditation, and ancient texts.
  • Living in a state of humility and recognizing our place in the universe can greatly enrich our lives.

Creativity, Success, and the Creative Process

  • Rick Rubin, a renowned music producer, emphasizes that success in the creative process is achieved when a finished product is released into the world.
  • He believes that the only part he can control is the creative process itself, while external factors such as market conditions and universal interventions are beyond his control.
  • Rubin compares navigating life’s occurrences to riding a wave, acknowledging that some events are beyond our control and can have both positive and negative impacts.
  • Creativity is like surfing; it’s about using the power of the wave and dancing with it, not against it.
  • Some projects come together easily and have momentum, while others are a real fight; it’s important to rethink and find a path of less resistance.
  • The idea of pushing and hustling to be successful is counterintuitive; the work is hard but also play, sharing, and passion.
  • Starting a new project can bring anxiety and uncertainty, but it takes patience and discipline to wait for it to reveal itself.
  • While investing time in a project, it’s crucial to be nimble enough to walk away if it’s not functioning and be aware of the initial energetic charge in the first sketch or demo.
  • It’s important to always check back and see if the work is progressing or if it’s just different; working on something a lot doesn’t necessarily make it better.
  • Recognizing that the original garage band version of a demo can be better than a highly polished studio version takes discipline, confidence, and experience.
  • The things we create are a reflection of who we are in the moment, and it’s not more than that.
  • Lowering the stakes and focusing on having fun in the studio can lead to creating something truly resonant.
  • Trusting in what truly feels right to you is a better metric than trying to cater to others’ preferences.
  • Serving yourself creatively can ultimately lead to the best outcome for the audience.

Technology, Truth, and Media

  • Kevin Kelly emphasizes the importance of disconnecting from constant connectivity and distractions to cultivate the ability to think differently and foster innovation.
  • He suggests that travel and taking time off are efficient and inexpensive ways to gain different perspectives and approach things differently.
  • Kelly shares an insightful exercise where he asks his kids what they would do with a billion dollars, emphasizing that most dreams are not gated by money but by other factors.
  • He advises against earning a billion dollars, highlighting the importance of money creating freedom rather than a prison.
  • The pursuit of wealth and fame may not necessarily lead to freedom and happiness.
  • Being the only in a field is more fulfilling than being the best.
  • It takes time and a unique journey to discover one’s special and unique qualities.
  • Passion is a product of action, not a precursor to it.
  • It doesn’t matter where you start, as long as you’re moving forward in your journey of self-discovery.
  • The media landscape is rapidly changing due to technological advancements, artificial intelligence, and social media, impacting society and democracy.
  • The internet has enabled connectivity and given voices to various groups, but it has also amplified negative elements, leading to a narrow reflection of society.
  • The media and technology fuel conflict and confusion, but truth and wisdom always transcend the chaos.
  • Humanity has consistent emotional experiences, desires, and needs, and it’s important to tap into that deeper frequency.
  • In an ever-changing world, it’s crucial to go below the surface and express your story in the medium of the moment.
  • We’re moving towards a post-truth world, where truth is no longer important, and deep fake technology can obscure truth.
  • We need a system where the incentives for truth compete with the incentives for untruth, and rewards and punishments align with truth.
  • Historically, untruths have attached themselves to things people value, such as belonging or self-preservation, and have compelled millions of people.
  • Lies have co-conspirators driven by self-preservation, belonging, and fear of ostracization.
  • The truth needs allies and rewards to combat the ease of creating and spreading lies.
  • We are capable of more than hiding from the truth and need to hear that more.

Consistency, Effort, and Perseverance

  • NBA legend Chris Paul emphasizes the importance of community, sharing experiences, and consistency.
  • Consistency and effort are essential for change and improvement, as emphasized by Chris Paul and his coach.
  • Embrace failure as another opportunity for improvement, focusing on the next rep and maintaining a consistent effort.
  • A workout challenge: making 7 out of 10 shots in a sprint drill.
  • Perseverance and determination: Mercy’s 10 attempts to complete the drill.
  • Finding joy in mentoring young athletes and watching them grow.
  • Falling in love with the work and dedication to achieve success.
  • Gratitude for the podcast’s success and a look forward to upcoming episodes.
  • The most impactful actions for the podcast are subscribing on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube, leaving reviews and comments, supporting sponsors, and sharing episodes on social media.
  • Subscribing to the newsletter on for podcast updates, special offers, and more.
  • Acknowledgment of the production team and contributors to the podcast.
  • Gratitude for the support and love from the audience.
  • Sign off with “Peace, plants.”


Challenges of the Holiday Season and the Importance of Therapy

The holiday season can be a challenging time for many individuals due to various factors such as family gatherings, travel, over-budget spending, and pressure to be jolly. For those in recovery, January can be particularly difficult as it marks their sobriety month. However, therapy can provide valuable support during this time, and BetterHelp offers an affordable and flexible online platform for individuals seeking therapeutic guidance.

Nutritional Supplements and Sustained Energy

AG1 is a trusted nutritional supplement that offers comprehensive support for the brain, gut, and immune system. By incorporating vitamins, probiotics, and whole food sourced ingredients, AG1 can help individuals maintain sustained energy levels and improve digestion, particularly when consumed before workouts.

Building Strong Relationships and Positive Thinking

Building strong relationships with caring adults is crucial for adolescent mental health. These relationships serve as a powerful force in supporting and nurturing young individuals. Additionally, training and priming the brain to think positively can lead to happiness, great work, and big success.

Insights from Seth Godin on Creativity and Focus

Seth Godin, a leading authority on creativity and marketing, emphasizes the importance of commitment and focus in one’s craft. He highlights the significance of being a meaningful specific rather than a wandering generality, and the importance of focus and saying no to distractions. Seth discusses his decision to avoid social media platforms like Twitter and not reading reviews to maintain focus and avoid distractions. He also explores how the internet has shifted culture from a monoculture to tribes, making it unlikely for one creative offering to move the entire culture. Instead, he encourages creators to embrace the idea of serving a specific audience and highlights the value of having a small, dedicated following.

Age, Self-Improvement, and Embracing the Aging Process

Age is not a barrier to change and self-improvement. Taking responsibility for one’s feelings and actions is crucial for personal growth. Embracing love and understanding that there is no separation is key to overcoming challenges. Reframing the perception of aging and embracing each moment of life is essential. Gratitude for life and the opportunity to do what one loves is important. The podcast explores the beauty of the aging process and the importance of self-love and being of service without being preachy.

Emotional Health and Overcoming Self-Criticism

Emotional health and addressing trauma play a significant role in overall well-being and longevity. Negative self-talk and self-criticism can be detrimental to mental health and should be addressed. The podcast shares a powerful exercise involving recording a message to oneself as if speaking to a best friend when facing self-criticism. It’s common for individuals to have ingrained patterns of self-criticism, which may be difficult to recognize. Self-reflection and questioning the impact of past experiences on current behaviors is crucial for personal growth and building healthy relationships.

Understanding Teenagers and Promoting Mental Health

The podcast features discussions with Dr. Lisa DeMore, a psychotherapist and bestselling author, who decodes the emotional lives of teenagers. It highlights the importance of empathic listening and emotional support when teenagers express distress. Curiosity and empathy are identified as the most effective and wanted responses in such situations. Teenagers may wait until parents are in bed to talk, satisfying their need for autonomy and connection. They also need tight control over conversations in the car to open up. Teenagers avoid sharing because they fear judgment or parents sharing their secrets. Apologizing and being earnestly apologetic can open channels of communication with teenagers. Allowing teens to set the parameters for discussions and refraining from judgment is crucial. Parents should surrender to the fleeting moments of communication with teenagers, practicing patience and being aware of the short-lived nature of these moments. Strong relationships with caring adults are identified as crucial for adolescent mental health.

Microbiome, Health, and Wellness

Tim Specter discusses the importance of plant diversity and microbiome optimization for overall health. The human body contains various types of cells, including bacteria, archaea, fungi, yeasts, viruses, and parasites, which form a community within us, similar to an ecosystem. This community, known as the microbiome, weighs about two kilograms and influences the body’s immune cells and overall health. The microbiome affects aging, cancer, allergies, infections, mood, metabolism, and digestion through chemical signaling. Principles for maintaining a healthy microbiome include eating a variety of colorful foods, consuming bitter foods, choosing coffee and chocolate over orange juice, cooking with extra virgin olive oil, and practicing time-restricted eating. Additional tips for promoting a healthy microbiome involve reducing snacking, eating more slowly, having leisurely meals, trying new foods regularly, and making food an exciting experience. Experimenting with eating habits and considering the impact of food choices on the planet can also contribute to a diverse microbiome ecology.

Creativity, Success, and Self-Belief

The podcast explores the importance of creating with your own vision in mind rather than catering to a mass audience. Staying process-oriented rather than product-oriented in creative pursuits is emphasized. Pragmatism and considering budget constraints when creating stories are also highlighted. Rejection is acknowledged as a common experience in the creative industry, but maintaining confidence and tenacity is crucial. Believing in your work and pushing forward, even in the face of numerous rejections, is important. Creating your own work is emphasized, as it serves as a stress test for your projects. Taking action and moving forward, even when everything isn’t in place, can help resolve seemingly insurmountable problems. The podcast also emphasizes the importance of having confidence in your abilities, even if you don’t have all the answers, especially for women in film. Recognizing and acknowledging someone’s talent is identified as having a significant impact on their confidence and pursuit of their craft.

Religion, Spirituality, and Mental Health

Rain Wilson discusses the positives and negatives of religious belief, highlighting the aspects of purpose, meaning, community, and the transcendent that religion provides. The podcast explores the universal ideas that connect different religious faiths and suggests inventing a new religion by combining the best ideas from various religions. While acknowledging the negative aspects of religion, the podcast emphasizes the positive impact of spirituality and religion on mental health and well-being, supported by hard data. Systemic sensibility to spirituality is identified as crucial for achieving social transformation and a Star Trek world. The Baha’i Faith is highlighted for fostering grassroots community spiritual movements in a systematic way, promoting diverse gatherings, service, and spiritual education. The podcast emphasizes that spirituality is important because it is reality, and we are spiritual beings having a human experience. It explores the essence of who we are, recognizing that our physical body and personality are not the entirety of our being.

Creativity, Success, and the Creative Process

Rick Rubin, a renowned music producer, shares insights on creativity, success, and the creative process. He emphasizes that success is achieved when a finished product is released into the world. Rubin highlights the importance of focusing on the creative process itself, as external factors such as market conditions and universal interventions are beyond one’s control. Navigating life’s occurrences is compared to riding a wave, acknowledging that some events are beyond our control and can have both positive and negative impacts. The podcast emphasizes that creativity is like surfing, as it involves using the power of the wave and dancing with it, rather than against it. It explores how some projects come together easily, while others require rethinking and finding a path of less resistance. The podcast also emphasizes the importance of play, sharing, and passion in the creative process. It encourages individuals to trust in what feels right to them and to serve themselves creatively, as it can ultimately lead to the best outcome for the audience.

Technology, Truth, and Media

Kevin Kelly discusses the impact of technology, truth, and media on society. He emphasizes the importance of disconnecting from constant connectivity and distractions to foster innovation and think differently. Kelly suggests that travel and taking time off are efficient and inexpensive ways to gain different perspectives and approach things from a fresh angle. The podcast explores an exercise where Kelly asks his kids what they would do with a billion dollars, highlighting that most dreams are not limited by money but by other factors. He advises against solely pursuing wealth and fame, emphasizing that money should create freedom rather than becoming a prison. The podcast delves into the rapidly changing media landscape and the impact of artificial intelligence and social media on society and democracy. It highlights the need to tap into humanity’s consistent emotional experiences, desires, and needs. The podcast encourages individuals to express their stories in the medium of the moment and to seek truth and wisdom that transcend the chaos of the media and technology-driven world.

Consistency, Effort, and Perseverance

NBA legend Chris Paul shares insights on the importance of consistency, effort, and perseverance. He emphasizes the significance of community, sharing experiences, and maintaining consistency in one’s efforts. The podcast highlights the need to embrace failure as an opportunity for improvement and to focus on the next rep, maintaining a consistent effort. It features a workout challenge where individuals strive to make 7 out of 10 shots in a sprint drill. The podcast also explores the joy of mentoring young athletes and witnessing their growth. Chris Paul emphasizes falling in love with the work and dedication required to achieve success. The podcast expresses gratitude for the support and love from the audience and encourages actions such as subscribing, leaving reviews, supporting sponsors, and sharing episodes on social media to further support the podcast’s impact. It also acknowledges the production team and contributors to the podcast.


The “Best of 2023: Part One” episode of “The Rich Roll Podcast” offers a compilation of enlightening excerpts from various episodes. It covers a wide range of topics, including challenges of the holiday season, nutritional supplements, building strong relationships, positive thinking, insights from Seth Godin, age and self-improvement, emotional health, understanding teenagers, microbiome health, creativity and success, religion and spirituality, the creative process, technology and media, and the importance of consistency and perseverance. The podcast provides valuable insights and wisdom from diverse guests, offering guidance on nutrition, mental health, personal growth, and creative pursuits. Listeners are encouraged to take action and support the podcast through various means, while expressing gratitude for the support received.

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