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The Bugle / – Earth Spins Off Own Axis In Attempt To Escape From Itself

The Bugle – Earth Spins Off Own Axis In Attempt To Escape From Itself

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In this episode of “The Bugle,” hosted by Andy Zoltzmann, with guests Josh Goddard and Tom Ballard, a range of topics are discussed. From a controversial cricket match between England and Australia to the shifting of the Earth’s rotational axis, the hosts provide entertaining and informative commentary. Other subjects covered include recent Supreme Court rulings, the debate over a First Nations voice in Australian Parliament, and the future of personalized diets. Stay tuned for these highlights and more!

Main Takeaways

Cricket Controversy:

  • The hosts discuss a controversial cricket match between England and Australia.

Writers’ Strike Update:

  • Josh Goddard provides updates on the ongoing writers’ strike, which is in its 61st day.

Historical Reunion:

  • On this day in 1913, Confederate and Union veterans from the American Civil War met at Gettysburg for a reunion.
  • The hosts discuss the significance of the reunion and its impact on American history.

Land Deal:

  • On the 4th of July 1803, the Louisiana Purchase was announced, selling two million square kilometers of land to the USA from France for $15 million.
  • The hosts highlight the controversial aspects of the deal, including the exclusion of the local native population.

Earth’s Rotational Axis Shift:

  • Scientists have discovered that the planet’s rotational axis has gone walkabout, heading east for some reason.
  • The hosts delve into the causes and implications of this shift, including its effects on travel destinations and missile targeting.

Supreme Court Rulings:

  • The hosts discuss recent sociopathic rulings by the US Supreme Court against civil liberties, including affirmative action and student loan debt forgiveness.
  • Legacy admissions and their connection to student loan repayment are also examined.

First Nations Voice in Australian Parliament:

  • Australia is considering adding a First Nations voice to Parliament, with a referendum to change the Constitution later this year.
  • The hosts explore the arguments for and against this proposal.

Australia’s Carbon Trade Ambitions:

  • Australia aims to become a world leader in international carbon pollution trade.
  • The hosts discuss the undersea carbon capture and storage projects being developed in Australian waters.

Bolsonaro’s Ban and Democracy Concerns:

  • Judges in Brazil have banned Bolsonaro from running for office for eight years over lies he told during the presidential election.
  • The ban raises concerns about democracy and voters’ ability to choose representatives.

Future of Personalized Diets:

  • The hosts explore the potential for hyper-personalized diets based on individual DNA and gut microbiomes.
  • Artificial intelligence and technology’s role in shaping our food choices are also discussed.

Microscopic Handbag and Bugle Updates:

  • A microscopic handbag was sold at an auction for PS50,000, created by the art collective MSCHF.
  • Josh Gondelman’s American tour and upcoming Bugle shows in London are mentioned.


Cricket Controversy and Historical Reunion:

The hosts kick off the episode by discussing a controversial cricket match between England and Australia. They then delve into the historical significance of a reunion between Confederate and Union veterans from the American Civil War at Gettysburg in 1913.

Land Deal and Earth’s Rotational Axis Shift:

The Louisiana Purchase and its controversial aspects are explored, including the exclusion of the local native population. The hosts then shift gears to discuss the recent discovery of the Earth’s rotational axis shifting eastward, exploring its causes and implications.

Supreme Court Rulings and First Nations Voice in Australian Parliament:

The hosts dive into recent sociopathic rulings by the US Supreme Court against civil liberties, including affirmative action and student loan debt forgiveness. They also examine the ongoing debate in Australia about adding a First Nations voice to Parliament.

Australia’s Carbon Trade Ambitions and Bolsonaro’s Ban:

Australia’s ambitions to become a world leader in carbon pollution trade are discussed, along with the undersea carbon capture and storage projects being developed. The hosts also touch on the ban imposed on Bolsonaro in Brazil and the concerns it raises about democracy.

Future of Personalized Diets and Bugle Updates:

The potential for hyper-personalized diets based on individual DNA and gut microbiomes is explored, along with the role of technology in shaping food choices. The hosts conclude with updates on a microscopic handbag, Josh Gondelman’s tour, and upcoming Bugle shows in London.


This episode of “The Bugle” covers a wide range of topics, from cricket controversies to global issues. With their trademark wit and insightful commentary, the hosts provide an entertaining and informative listening experience. Tune in to stay informed and entertained!

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